Boycott “The Grey”…


January 27, 2012

State biologist dreads Hollywood portrayal of wolves

Attacks on humans, implied in movie’s trailers, extremely rare

Wolves are coming to the big screen today in “The Grey,” a man-versus-beast thriller starring Liam Neeson.

When their plane crashes in Alaska’s frozen wilderness, a bunch of oil-field roughnecks fight for survival. Not only do the men combat cold and hunger, they’re stalked by a wolf pack.

Film previews feature eerie howls and shots of feral eyes glinting in the darkness. When carnage ensues in this R-rated film, the wolves are usually the winners.

But the movie’s portrayal of wolves as man-eaters dismays Gary Wiles.

“My first reaction was, ‘Oh, no!’ ” said Wiles, a wildlife biologist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. “It looks totally like a Hollywood-contrived movie: something to strike at people’s basic fears.”

UPDATE: January 2o, 2012

Howling for Justice will continue to highlight this post until the movie opens on January 27, 2012 and beyond.  We are happy to see that Wild Earth Guardians  has joined the fight and is also calling for a “blacklist of The Grey”.

UPDATE: January 17, 2012

As if there aren’t enough reasons to dislike this movie, add the sickening fact that Liam Neeson and the  cast of  “The Grey” actually ate wolf meat while making this  “movie”. The thought of them eating the flesh of the ancestor of our beloved dogs, makes me physically ill.


Liam Neeson and “The Grey” Cast Ate Wolf Meat

 by Jennifer Mishler January 17, 2012

I guess Hollywood doesn’t have anything better to do then demonize wolves. With two wolf hunts mowing down wolves  in the Northern Rockies, aerial gunning planned in Idaho’s Lolo zone, wolves in the Great Lakes coming off the endangered species list,  facing brutal hunts, Hollywood decided this would be a good time to make a movie about killer wolves.

“A group of oil-rig roughnecks are left stranded on the sub-arctic tundra after their plane experiences a complete mechanical failure and crashes into the remote Alaskan wilderness. The survivors, battling mortal injuries, biting cold and ravenous hunger, are relentlessly hunted and pursued by a vicious pack of rogue wolves.”

Wolves are the least dangerous of  large predators in North America. 


There have been two controversial human/wolf fatal encounters in North America, in the last century, that’s  it. You have a better chance of accidentally being killed by hunters (100 fatal hunting accidents per year in the US and Canada with another 1000 injured) or have your child shot @ a bus stop.  It’s not wolves parents should worry about @ bus stops but stray bullets from hunters.

Child Shot At Bus Stop By Hunter

Click here to watch video

 Our beloved dogs, kill another 30 people or more a year and bite approx. 4.7 million people annually. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs but those are the facts.

Deer/vehicle accidents claim at least 200 lives every year and cause billions of dollars in damages. You know why there are so many deer? The fish and game agencies make sure predators are targeted and their numbers kept low. Then deer  populations explode causing hundreds of thousands of auto accidents.

In Canberra, the capital of Australia, they’ve decimated the dingoes, the kangaroo’s  only natural predator.  Around the city there’s been an explosion of the Roo population. The Roos hop into the city at night, munch on people’s  lawns, get hit by cars and chased by dogs.  These are “urban kangaroos”, pushed into the city by drought, dwindling habitat and their own over-population. When Roo  numbers get too high “wildlife managers” control them by “culling/killing” kangaroos by the thousands. Roo mothers are shot in the head during “the culls” and their little pouched  “Joeys”  are either decapitated or their skulls are crushed.

Australia isn’t any better at  “managing” their wildlife then we are. They eliminate the top predator, the dingo, who could prevent kangaroo overpopulation.  Instead,  kangaroo numbers go up and the guns come out.

The same happens in America with deer. Natural predators are eliminated, the deer population explodes and you have a recipe for disaster.

“In 2000, of the 6.1 million lightweight motor vehicle collisions reported in the US, 247,000 crashes involved deer-vehicle collisions.[1] Deer-vehicle collisions lead to about 200 human deaths and $1.1 billion in property damage every year.[2] State and federal governments, insurance companies, and drivers spend an addition $3 billion in an effort to reduce and manage the increasing number of deer-vehicle collisions.[3] The term “deer-vehicle collision” is commonly annotated throughout safety agencies as DVC.”

Loss of large predators has caused widespread disruption of ecosystems

Scientists say decimation of top consumers may be “humankind’s most pervasive influence on the natural world” due to cascading effects on ecosystems

July 14, 2011

By Tim Stephens


All because “wildlife managers” are short-sighted and listen to the hunting and ranching cabals instead of doing what’s right and healthy for our ecosystems.


A woman was recently killed by flying deer parts (head and shoulders). The deer had been cut in half in another accident.

Woman driver killed by flying deer parts

December 29, 2011 9:41AM

POLICE in western Pennsylvania say a woman was killed when part of a deer struck by another vehicle went through her windshield and hit her.

Click here to read more

People die from bee stings, are fatally stomped by moose, run over by trains, approx. 90 people are killed by lightning strikes each year, in 2010 14, 748 people were murdered in the US, I could go on and on.

My point? Wolf attacks are VERY RARE.  So rare that making a movie about killer wolves is ridiculous. Wolves DO NOT need more bad press, the anti-wolf crowd spends their waking hours spreading myths and lies about wolves. Just because someone came up with this lame-brained idea of a movie, doesn’t mean it had to be made. It will do nothing but hurt wolves,  just like the movie Jaws hurt the image of sharks.  70 to 90 million sharks are killed every year around the world.

Please boycott this movie!!

You can picket your local theater where “The Grey” will be  playing but personally I think that draws more attention, people love controversy. BUT do contact the theater complex and let them know how you and your friends feel about this movie and that you’ll be staying away.

I call on the producer and director to re-consider what they’re  doing.  Are they not  aware of the nasty campaign being waged against wolves across this country but specifically in the Northern Rockies? Have they not done their homework? Do they care? Wolf haters don’t need help from Hollywood to persecute wolves. What happened to all the environmentalists in the movie industry? Will they be silent and allow this misunderstood, highly intelligent, social animal to be characterized as something they’re not?

At the very least a  disclaimer is needed, wolves rarely ever attack people. They are shy and reclusive, dedicated to their families. The exception to wolves exhibiting extreme fear of humans is when wolves been habituated to human presence, as in Yellowstone National Park. where because of their rock star status, they are exposed to people on a regular basis. Visitors are fascinated by these iconic animals and can’t get enough of them. Wolves  generate at least 35 million dollars annually to the GYA (Greater Yellowstone Area).  Yellowstone wolves do tolerate human presence because they don’t perceive humans as threats inside the park.  Outside the park is a different story, since these wolves are so used to people they are easy targets.  The most unfortunate incident happened during Montana’s 2009 wolf hunt, when FWP opened the hunt right outside park boundaries.  Wolves routinely move in and out of the park because they can’t read signs. Hunters took advantage of this and decimated the studied and famous Cottonwood Pack, killing the alpha male and female and their powerful daughter. When the alpha pair is killed the pack usually disperses.

Shame on the director and producers of this film.  They should visit the Northern Rockies, where brutal wolf hunts are in full swing and see for themselves the hatred and scapegoating wolves are subjected to.

Please read Bill Gibson’s article in the LA Times, to get up to speed on what wolves are being subjected to.  Maybe you’d understand how damaging “The Grey” will be to wolves and why advocates are so upset over this.

The new war on wolves


As soon as federal protection ended, the slaughter began.

December 08, 2011|By J. William Gibson

More examples of persecution. The Safari Club and others are providing incentives for hunters to go out and kill wolves and make
darn sure Montana meets it’s 220 dead wolf quota by February 15, 2012.  February 15, 2012 is an extension from the original wolf hunt end date of December 31, 2012. Montana FWP moved the goalposts.

 From the Ravali  Republic:

The Safari Club International’s Western Montana Chapter announced recently it will raffle off the taxidermy of a wolf pelt to successful wolf hunters this year. The prize is worth an estimated $750.

That organization is the third that has offered a prize or a check to hunters bagging a wolf this season.

The Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association started the ball rolling right after the end of hunting season with an announcement it would raffle a rifle valued at $650 to wolf hunters successful in the southern reaches of the Bitterroot.

The Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife followed with a photo contest that offered successful wolf hunters $100 and an annual membership for photographs of dead wolves.



are dead in the Montana/Idaho wolf hunts as of o1/20/12.  And this is only January. Idaho’s wolf hunt runs through June 2012, in the Lolo and Selway zones, A TEN MONTH LONG HUNT!! Wolves in Idaho are dying painful deaths in brutal traps and choking snares.

Is there nothing Hollywood won’t do to make a buck?  Not only does this movie unfairly depict wolves but it will contribute to the escalating wolf demonization.


Contact information for  “The Grey”, courtesy of Justin Forte:
Please take a few moments to contact  those involved with this “movie”. Tell them how you feel about it and why. Be direct, polite and to the point.  Let them know you are boycotting “The Grey”. Be sure to mention there are thousands of outraged wolf advocates, who are also movie goers. We are spreading the word, we don’t want to contribute to profits made off the backs of wolves.
Demand a disclaimer in the opening and closing credits. This movie is a  misrepresentation of wild wolves. They are not blood thirsty, human stalking killers, as the movie depicts.
Contact:: Open Road Films and Liam Neeson .

Open Road Films

12301 Wilshire Boulevard

Suite 600

Santa Monica, California 90025.

Telephone: 310-696-7575. Fax: 310-571-2278.

Liam’ Neeson’s publicist is: Alan Nierob, Rogers & Cowan Public Relations, Pacific Design Center, 8687 Melrose Avenue, 7th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90069. Telephone: 310-854-8100

Thank You. The wolves thank you!!


WildEarth Guardians Joins The Fight to Boycott “The Grey”

Wolves are under attack, having lost Endangered Species Act protection in many states, placing them in the crosshairs of a vocal minority in agribusiness and hunting groups who refuse to tolerate this ecologically vital carnivore. Hundreds have already been killed this winter and now Hollywood has jumped on the hysteria bandwagon by perpetuating the stereotype of wolves as evil and violent in the new film, “The Grey.”

Please join WildEarth Guardians in sending a strong message to the film director and boycotting “The Grey” so that anti-wolf profiteers like director Joe Carnahan won’t benefit from this terrible film.



Here is a true wild wolf encounter with the added treat of seeing a grizzly sow with cubs. Do these wolves look like bloodthirsty killers who stalk people? Absolutely not.

Please visit Brad Joseph’s Wildlife Videos on YouTube and see how a true naturalist appreciates and photographs our vital apex predators, like the wolf and grizzly bear.  


Brad Joseph’s Wildlife Channel


Alaska Bears and Wolves

About Brad Josephs


Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Video:  YouTube Brad Johnson’s Wildlife Channel

Posted in: Wolf Wars, gray wolf

Tags: boycott “The Grey”,wolf scapegoating, wolf demonization for profit, unfair representation of wolves, Liam Neeson,  Open Road Films, Brad Johnson