A Dark Day For Montana, FWP Commissioners Approve Wolf Trapping!!

Wolf Caught In Leg Hold Trap (Nature Crusaders)

A day of infamy. Four commissioners voted to allow wolf trapping. Commissioner Rusty Stafne of Wolf Point abstained.

I’m utterly disgusted and angry. These wolves were railroaded by the trophy hunting cabal. There is no reason to be trapping or killing wolves!!! Shame on Montana FWP for approving legalized animal cruelty.


FWP Commission approves wolf trapping, higher limit for hunters

HELENA – The state Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission on Thursday approved Montana’s 2012-13 wolf hunting season, allowing trapping of wolves for the first time and raising the limit from one to three wolves per hunter.

Commissioners said while many people objected to the trapping of wolves as inhumane and a “radical departure” from previous hunts, they did not see trapping or the higher limits as a threat to maintaining wolf populations in the state.

“The idea that we’re going to wipe out wolves through hunting is fairly far-fetched,” said Commissioner Dan Vermillion of Livingston. “All of this is consistent with Montana’s wolf-management plan. … The goal is not to exterminate wolves, it’s to manage them.”

Montana’s wolf hunting season is scheduled to start Sept. 15 and run through Feb. 28, but trapping won’t be allowed until Dec. 15. Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials said they would conduct an early December review of the wolf harvest to see if any adjustments should be made for the rest of the scheduled season. Archery hunters can start two weeks before the Sept. 15 opening.

The commission voted 4-0 in favor of the new hunting rules, with Commissioner Rusty Stafne of Wolf Point abstaining.





Photos: Top Photo Nature Crusaders dot wordpress dot com

Bottom Photo: By Mccoshk

Posted in: Trapping Cruelty, Animal Cruelty, Wolf Wars

Tags: Montana Just Like Idaho, Montana FWP Commissioners, Trapping Allowed. Trapping is Animal Cruelty

Published in: on July 12, 2012 at 1:08 pm  Comments (57)  

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57 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I will not spend money there, again, and I will write them and tell them why.


  2. I just don’t understand this overwhelming wolf hatred?! sigh, it looks like the ‘best’ thing that can happen is that a ton of wolves lose their lives so the species can be relisted. never to run in wild places again. such a sad commentary on states being ‘able’ to run their own wildlife plans. murder is never justified.


  3. I am so sad. It seems nothing we do or say matters. Letters, phone calls, their minds were made up before they asked for comments. I feel so utterly helpless as I watch the slaughter. What else can we do? I commend whoever it is that gets these pictures. They are difficult to look at. It is so so sad. Any suggestions as to what we can do next? More letters? More phone calls? I go from sad to angry.


    • Hi Nancy, I am also sad and angry.Iwrite letters every day,e-mail,phonecalls, everything and have been for months.I will continue to to that until they are re-listed and trapping is banned in this country. Spent most of the night just crying,but I am even more determined to see this happen.The National Parks conservation association. Is trying to get donations to put an advertisement about this issue on the times square electronis billboard. I have donated money to this specific cause because I think the more people that are aware of what is happening ,the public outcry may help stop this barbaric act of cruelty.I am heartbroken ,can’t believe this has happened. The slaughter will continue until people are informed about this.the pictures are horrific,but they need to be seen.Going to Washington DC and standing there with pictures of this may make people in the capitol start asking questions about why this is allowed to happen.I don’t know if that will work but I am willing to try. Keep writing the legislature,congress,senators from all states(especially Montana and Idaho.We have to stick together and support each other in this fight for the majestic wolves and wildlife in our nation.Sadly but true,I am ashamed to be a citizen of the United States.And the people that did this last night should be ashamed of themselves for letting this happen.So today I pray no wolves are lost, and I will continue to do what I have to,until they are once again safe.


    • Hi Nancy, the billboard is being put up by Defenders of wildlife sorry about that . I have talked to so many people. donated money to help get this put up in Times Square,Any little bit will help,if you know ayone else that may help you can go to the Defenders of Wildlife webpage and follow the propmts to donate, ,,,,,,,,,,,Kelly


  4. This is awful beyond words. Frankly, it is also what I feared as people tried to get the wolves reintroduced in various areas of the country. Those wanting the wolves back may have been right in one way, but the end result has been one massacre after another for the innocent wolves who did not provoke the problems. If there is a next time, we should all remember what is happening now and think about the animals first..


  5. dark day for the sadistic slaughter of wolves the only ones who have won are the white racists.As an outsider i have watched the comments on both sides and it is obvious the the ranchers and so called hunters always get what they want .The fat cats with the money talk and it is them who run your country not the common everyday people and definitely not true americans.Its time your president got up off his behind and started to listen to the majority instead of bowing to the sick minority.Obama start being a man and stop being a boy


  6. Thinking about the wolf and all it has been through – to be trapped is the worst thing to happen to the wolf. This maims, some wolves will go so far as to bite their own leg off in order to escape. When will the madness end ?


  7. I have never understood what do they mean with “HARVESTING”, do they consider them vegetables or cattle to be sacrificed??? How can they idiots say that wiping all the wolves is a term far from being fetched?? IF that what’s they are doing?! This is a disease! and it is spreading! First Idaho now Montana, what is next??! ZOOs’ wolves?? Do they plan on killing all the wolves in the world?? I mean come on! They have run out of excuses!! At this pace any wolf can step into the forests that they have lived in for so long without the fear of getting their legs snapped by a trap or getting shot!! What is going to become of this world??? This planet has a biodiversity that many others would envy… millions of planets and the only one we know for sure there is life is EARTH, but WE STILL DESTROY IT!! what is wrong with people out there?! How can they hurt such an innocent and magnificent animal?! And that is not all, they ENJOY it, they make wolves suffer in traps for days…WHY!! I’m sick of donations and petitions they are just being thrown away!! We should start a revolution! If they won’t stop at nothing, neither do we!! This has gone too far to be using diplomacy with them..the real animals are right there killing wolves No more them calling us hippies and nutjobs!! If they want war that’s exactly what they’ll get…No more of this crap, no more, no more, no more!!!And pay for what has been done, and you’ll be getting one hell of a bill……For the wolves Daniel


    • Daniel, I agree with so much that you say. I also have been writing, calling, and donating for decades for animal causes, and things seem to be getting worse instead of better. Just note the laws that are enacted and are being overturned (the ones against puppy mills for example) and the way people respond to getting caught torturing animals (ag-gag laws being proposed and passed that would criminalize the whistle blowers rather than the sadists doing the harm). And, yes, those who try to make the world better for other creatures are disparaginly called “animal lovers” and “people haters” and “hippies.” Why wouldn’t one begin to hate at least some people!?


      • I too, am absolutely w/ what Daniel, Marcia & others have said. It’s like we have moved back into the Medieval Ages. We are living in dark times & donations & petitions aren’t working because these
        corrupted people & institutions have an agenda. Our pleas are ignored & dismissed. Our Voices not heard & do not to matter to them in the face of special interest groups & the kick-backs received by Government, the U.N. & the Military Industrial Complex pocketed into their bank accounts & into ineffective & weak programs such as NATO.
        These are people who feel no compassion, have no feeling or conscience to dismiss the torture & pain of all living beings for personal financial gain. They side w/ sadists. It’s as if they are soul-less. We have devolved when we should be evolving. Other alternatives in fighting these people must be explored. Revolution feels imminent. It is very depressing. I am a pacifist but something inside me feels dark these days. How can we just stand back & watch while entire species are on the brink of extinction, genocide in places like Darfur & Rwanda are ignored & our eco-system is failing because these people summarily deny every single fact to the contrary & promote their denial w/ an aggressive campaign to dumb down America as if we are merely sheep to them or robots w/ little to no intelligence who will meekly except whatever action they take to destroy humanity & our planet? They count on this fact as if we will continue to allow them to carry out their agendas. We are living under a fascist & sometimes theocratic state & most people fail to recognize it. It is time for us to fight back. My feeling is w/out question we need to band together. A revolution is the only answer. But it is something we must get creative about. Something that they will not see coming, that is not predictable in how human response in the face of destruction has historically reacted to when faced w/ the inherent will to survive. We cannot repeat the actions of the past because they are obviously ineffective. That is why I said we must be creative about this. We outnumber them. It is that simple.
        As someone who is half Sephardic Jewish & half Northern Cheyenne I will say this: I will not meekly be herded up to walk into their gas chambers, to be housed on their reservations & standby & watch while they commit genocide on every last species on this planet. This time we WILL fight back. We will educate people to the TRUTH that hides behind the closed doors of our “Corporate Controlled Government” & so-called “Media”.. We will assert ourselves in our own aggressive campaign & infiltrate every last institution designed to protect us but is instead controlled & manipulated by a government bent on destroying us & everything we love.
        We must awake from this awful dream & fully understand that our nightmares have been realized into a waking reality of dire consequence & change designed to take us backwards rather than move us forward. My cry is this: “GET INVOLVED. DEEPLY INVOLVED”. Move out of these blogs & passive activist websites & into our own “board rooms” & onto the streets. Create our own agenda. Design a way to crush them. INFILTRATE. Then, REGROUP, RETALIATE, & REPEAT. Make this our mantra until every last action carried out by this CORRUPTION HAS BEEN DESTROYED, It is the only way.


  8. Boycott the tourist industry in Montana. Don’t visit Montana. Montana slaughters wolves.


    • I intend to Boycott Montana just as I won’t purchase any Idaho potatoes anymore; I also applaud Leslie, Marcia, Daniel and others. It is so disenchanting (to put it mildly) to see these hateful people continue to win, at the expense of the lives of the wolf, for one. It is SO upsetting. I’ve asked before; where best is our money spent? I don’t want to waste anything anymore, I want it to go where it will do be most good.


      • Thanks for agreeing, it is just that we cannot let this happen anymore..If we are to save the wolves we must take action now, and with action I mean ACTION..

        There is an open petition that included the contact Montana’s governor , I really dunno if this messages are read or not, but it’s the most I can do from my faraway home..


        Here is an example of what you can write to them, It tell’s them that they have lost potential visitors to the state because of how they treat wolves…no respect for wolves, ZERO TOURIST MONEY!!

        My message….

        Good evening, the purpose of this brief message is to inform you and all the state representatives that I’m deliberately canceling my trip to Montana because of the wolf trapping and hunting policies you have. As a US citizen I totally disagree with hunting and trapping of any species for whatever reason, so I am sorry to say that I do not plan on visiting the state of Montana ever if this hunting and trapping practices are enforced,
        Thanks for considering my comments, Daniel Martinez.
        Laredo, Texas, 78045.


  9. no se que decir es horrible solo poder nada mas politicos si los lobos pudieran votar los politicos los protegerian eso harian pero como no votan no inporta matar un ser vivo


    • Es que no se trata de politica ni de todas esas cosas, es solo el sentido comun!!! Como vas a disfrutar ver sufrir a un animalito que no le hace daño a nadie y ademas hace mas hermoso el planeta donde vivimos??? Es lo peor de todo! Les gusta hacerlo!! Como el tipo de la foto con el lobo negro detras atrapado en una trampa! El lobo estuvo sufriendo horas y horas y el tipo de la foto estaba SONRIENDO! esto es una anarquía y la debemos de parar de una buena vez por todas……


  10. This is disgusting..I was planning to visit Montana in the fall but no way are they going to get my tourist dollars now. Shame on Montana.When is this ever going to end? Why can’t they just leave these animals alone?? BASTARDS!


  11. Why am I not surprised. 😦


    • Because all this idiots consider killing wolves as part of their daily activities, that is something normal and to worsen it fun…I’m going to cause a tragedy if they don’t stop all this slaughter!


  12. The people of Montana who are against this slaughter need to do something. Standing by and kicking the dirt as others make choices for you. Here is an idea. Go to the Montana Fish and Wildlife office and write “ASSHOLES” in various colors. The people of this state must speak out against cruelty.


    • We will all have to stay as a group,a pack,and fight back and encourage our youth to continue,for it will be a long hard fight.I am not surprised after Wyoming got what they wanted.It might take years of fighting for we need to get the butches’ out of office and new people put on these commissions.It truly sad that the opinion of the majority, that do not want trapping ,etc is pushed aside only for the minority who treat wolves,etc.as varmit, to rule and call the rest of us ,crazy envoirmentalists.


  13. “Commissioners said while many people objected to the trapping of wolves as inhumane and a “radical departure” from previous hunts, they did not see trapping or the higher limits as a threat to maintaining wolf populations in the state.”

    I love how they try to justify this as “management”. Do other so-called game species have a limit of 3 or more, especially with the wolf’s present population? They admit that many people find it inhumane and
    a “radical departure”, and yet still approve it. I guess it’s reduce the wolf numbers at any cost. I really can’t imagine this kind of barbarism as a


  14. This is indeed upsetting to say the least. I just talked to FWP to voice my wanting them to change their decision – letting them know that they are anti American – because they’re going against the majority – and they’re anti Judaeo/Christian/God because they’re going against His Commandments – that they’re Satanic…that there are a lot of people who will not visit Montana now because of this…that we are boycotting Montana and that we will buy nothing from there – no tourism dollars for them because of this….the second time I said you all are Satanic the woman snipped at me: you don;t know what I am…I retorted…yes I do because you’re going to trap and kill wolves and that’s Satanic…she then said…you can talk to Ron and switched me to his voicemail where I left him the same message…I then proceeded to call Montana tourism office and let them know why they’ll have no tourism now and that they need to tell FWP to change their decision on trapping and killing wolves….and then I called Montana wildlife services dept and that woman had a hissy fit about being called Satanic, too…seems to hit a nerve with them when they are bombarded with the truth….and she snipped that she didn’t have to listen to this, that I should keep it real…I said I am real and she hung up…and then I called the Governor’s office and I spoke to an assistant who actually wrote down all that I had to say and said he would give the information to the Governor and he did not have an attitude….asked if I would leave my name and number for contact and I did….I have nothing to be ashamed of…I was civil and polite and made my points about no tourism for them for this and how anti American and anti God they are for this and gave some specific examples/explanation of same and how frustrated and angry so many of us are because we don’t get the media attention to the wolf issue and that if we did there would be a public outcry and they would have to do something about it….and that we all voted for Obama and we know that voting for Romney is not the answer…that we will not vote….unless wolves are protected again….
    now I’m going to write this to the Pres (wrote something along these lines to the pres and vp yesterday and a request to Sen Boxer to do a bill to put wolves back on the ESA and to close/defund wildlife services and to ban traps/snares and poison. I also sent same to msnbc saying we are the silent majority – silent only because no one hears our cries….will send again today/now and every day…..


    • While I’ve become disenchanted with Defenders of Wildlife, I have joined in in their latest campaign–to put a public display in Times Square in New York to get the word out about wolf slaughter. I hope many of the people back east who have never heard of what is happening to the wolves will take notice and join us.


      • Hi Marcia, I live in PA and have been writing and calling ,ande-mailing. I also gave money to support the billboard in Times Square,and for the same reason People here don’t get it because they don’t know about this issue..This will “put it in their face” so to speak and I would love to be there to see the reaction of people when they get to see the UGLY TRUTH with their own eyes. I bet that will stir up a hornet’s nest,and I can’t wait


    • Can you post your letter here; for others to send to their representatives?


    • Would you save me time and give a list of the numbers to call. I think everyone would like/appreciate this. It saves us a lot of time and we can all barrage them with similar phone calls!!!


      • Someone asked for my letter:

        Here’s the letter:

        (I posted it, too, on Facebook.com/Politics Nation (Rev. Al Sharpton’s page and a lady commented that we need media attention and that she’s reposting it…so am I after I do this:)

        Montana just approved using traps and snares to kill wolves right
        outside of Yellowstone. 40 million taxpayer dollars were spent for
        wolf recovery. Montana receives 35 million for wolf tourism. They
        won’t now. Idaho set the precedent for not managing….just
        slaughtering and torturing. They even kill pregnant moms and pups.
        Biodiversity is needed for healthy ecosystems. Wolves are necessary
        for the health of elk, deer, grasses trees and songbirds. The majority
        of people want wolves protected. They were removed from protection by
        lobbyists for ALEC and the NRA. This is supposed to be a democracy. We
        are not the United States of NRA.

        If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the
        shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal
        likewise with their fellow men. —St. Francis of Assisi

        BUDGET, TOO)….


        LIST. (when Man interferes with the balance of nature, we end up with
        things like the Plague). Please add to this writ, banning traps,
        snares and posion. 88 countries already ban traps/snares, as they are
        barbaric and inhumane (and they don’t discriminate against their
        target/victim….many Endangered Species and family pets have been
        victimized). Finally, please add to this writ to close/defund Wildlife
        Services of the Dept of Agriculture (as they are ineffective and a
        waste of taxpayer dollars that could reduce the deficit)…this last
        piece will be a “selling” point…it’s a debt reduction writ/bill…
        We are the silent majority – silent only because no one hears our cries.

        Idaho has been killing pregnant moms, lactating moms and pups. Montana
        and Wyoming and Wisconsin have plans to be as evil as Idaho.


        Still waiting for the media attention that we demand – that they
        deserve! How many dead
        and tortured wolves will it take by how many states before you pay

        *First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
        Because I was not a Socialist.

        Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
        Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

        Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
        Because I was not a Jew.

        Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me

        *written by Martin Niemöller, an outspoken public foe of Adolf
        Hitler, who spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration


        And someone else asked for the Montana numbers to call (as I did):
        gladly….here’s the numbers….

        the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, International Safari Club, and
        Sportsman Hunters Clubs raised thousands of dollars to donate to
        Montana FW&P,

        here’s the Montana FWP (fish wildlife & parks) phone number:

        406 – 444 – 2535

        406 444 3111 is the Governor

        406 841 2870 is the tourism office (I may have the gov and tourism
        switched….I went back thru my phone calls and I know my first call
        was FWP and my last was wildllife services but I am honestly not sure
        if the gov was 2nd or 3rd and if the tourism off was 2nd or
        3rd…sorry bout that)

        406 657 6464 is wildlife services


      • Thank you so much. Will start the calls and write the letters beginning tomorrow. Where there is will, there is hope!


    • I did pretty much the same thing. And I wrote to the President the following: I will call in an hour!

      You promised to use scientific evidence for decisions. You then appointed Ken Salazar, a rancher, to be your chief wildlife officer. He cannot make any decision based on science, he is a rancher and would lose money! You delisted the wolf; shame on you! We need biodiversity and the states are now murdering these creatures in the most inhumane ways possible (trapping/strychnine) to name but a few. PLEASE reconsider and help these and other animals (polar bears, horses to name but a few). Stop this MURDERING now! You can do it!!!
      Abbey Zap

      Sadly I don’t think he gives a damn!
      But I try and do what I can… it isn’t enough though…


  15. When you consider that the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, International Safari Club, and Sportsman Hunters Clubs raised thousands of dollars to donate to Montana FW&P, it is easy to understand how they got their way in getting the changes approved for wolf hunting.
    In Montana, MONEY TALKS. As far as the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks is concerned, the ethics of the changes or the permanent damage and suffering that it will bring to our wolf population is not an issue.
    To stop this carnage, we need to organize and have as much money and power behind us as our wolf opponents do.
    One of our biggest mistakes was not following through in the courts and taking this issue to the Supreme Court.
    Toni Stark
    Truth About Wolves


    • What about the suggestion someone wrote: file FOIA to IDAHO FG and MTFWP to track the money of donations. Public commissioners are probably on the take and it would be useful to publish the results. ??? How do we supoena their accounts? Any ideas?


  16. Montana sells t-shirts with wolves on them for tourists!!! what a bunch of hypocrites!!! Make money off the people who love wolves (and possibly go to Montana because the wolves are there)..all the while they are actually killing them! I will NEVER EVER visit Montana or any other state that does this. Absolutely inhumane and disgusting. Shame on everyone who kills these beautiful animals. May you rot in Hell.


  17. This is indeed horrible…I’m sick of coming onto this site and seeing more and more bad news. It brings tears to my eyes.

    I’m a member of many wolf sites…and this link got through to me from my email. I would have messaged you personally, but I couldn’t find a way to. Unfortunately, I don’t have any money to spend towards their cause, but maybe by sharing this we can get the word out there. And maybe, just maybe, we can spread awareness of what’s happening in the West. I’ll stand by that hope. I only got it yesterday…and they went from 28k to 33k in one day. There are a lot of wolf supporters out there.



  18. thoughts on activism at: http://tiny.cc/uj6chw


  19. I am also disgusted w/ Defenders AND Sierra Club – I dropped membership in both, but if Defenders is acutally doing something constructive ie times sq. maybe there is hope. I am sending a 2nd e-mail to Sierra Club asking them to print this blog AND pictures to all their members – maybe seeing those magnificent animals howling in pain, bleeding from being caught and the helplessness of their situation “might” move some of these assholes that do nothing there is a lot of money in these groups that could help and where is Ted Turner and what is Dave Letterman doing – he is buddies w/ the gov. of Montana. Archery???? they are going to shoot these poor animals q/ arrows? I would give anything to put all these assholes in a trap and shoot them w/ arrows – in order to manage and harvest them!


    • There is a billboard they are trying to get donations for to put up. This IS Defenders of Wildlife.I have already donated to this action in getting this up as soon as possible..You can find it on their webpage.In the meantime keep writing to any one who will listen.Hopefully once people out here in the east realize what is going on out there,(and this billboard is going to put it right in their faces). Mabey then we can really get more support and change the laws and get the wolves back under Federal protectionand on the ESL.abd change the laws and BAN TRAPPING.in this entire country.I hope this backfires on Montana big time


    • I too, dropped my monthly donations to Defenders. I never gave to Sierra Club. I have seen no change since they delisted wolves and I gave a bunch of my hard-earned $ to help the wolf. As far as I am concerned, it is going to take an army of people that care to do something. We need to get with the other countries of the world who are also fighting to stop the killing of wolves, and come up with a plan to make ourselves known and the plight of the wolf known. I will not support any state or Nation that kills wolves. I would like to say I would not support my own country, but 95% of Americans do not want this. the 5% are the blood-lust, money hungry, and the govt. Something needs to be done, but not giving a dime to DofW anymore.


  20. I was obvious from the start FWP had already made their minds up to trap. They went through this charade to satisfy regulations. I would like to see the comment results. They did not matter but large money such as livestock industry and Rocky Mt. Elk control FWP.


  21. I’m so fed up and disgusted with all these people in charge allowing trapping of wolves. It seems the only way to compete is with $$$. All we have are petitions which seem promptly ignored. Guess boycotting all the hunting states might help if enough people would do it. I’m totally disgusted with these A**h****! :((((((


  22. Boycott Montana, Wyoming and Idaho!!!


    • So right Mark. We need to hit them in their pocketbooks and let the whole world know they’re slaughtering wolves, sending them once more down the path to extinction.


      • If we all boycott, and get others involved to do so, then maybe, just maybe, they will BEGIN to realize what schnooks (ha) they all are. Maybe they will start to think, if their pocketbooks are affected? But, the problem is that the ranchers and trophy hunters run the show; and their pockets are full!!!


  23. Yes,the three tator tots.Their brains have been in the oven to long or have been in the fryer to long. I would like just to go for the scenery and just say,no thanks,to anything else. I”ll just say that I brought my own food/drink and no need to buy anything else here,except gas.I’m just passing through.


  24. I think everyone should go and visit,The Wildlife News site.There is a very good article by George Wuerthner[http://www.thewildlifenews.com/2012/07/13/the-politics-behind-montanas-wolf-hunt-decision/ ]


  25. thank you sharp, an enlghitening article, i think it is very important


  26. We can’t sit here and watch the wolves die horrible deaths. We need to come up with a plan, someone from those states try to trap and save the wolves, while the rest of us pool money together to build wolves shelter or something until the wolves are safe again. Or someone can go out there with metal dectectors to destroy traps. Outsmart the hunters. Don’t wait for media or politicans to save the wolves we must save them ourselves or its too late.


  27. How very sad that we as humans are so blood thristy..this is barbaric….totally unacceptable.


  28. Why do ppl hate wolves so bad??? Its Sooo stupid!


  29. Barbarism at its finest hour and they APPROVED this. I don’t understand the mentality, I really don’t. What can we do?


  30. I don’t know if anyone saw this… Or cares to know – But apparently the would-be trappers came out in droves for licenses and classes to instruct them on being “thoughtful” in their killing:


    • Like flies on *****!!!!! I care and thank you for posting.


  31. Dreadful… horrible… frightful; I will never understand the mentality that hates the wolf. But I do agree that we need to do something, some how, some way, to get the wolf re-listed on the ESA. But how is a very large question.


  32. I have always wondered why some people,hunters and trappers,have so much emotion of hate towards wolves and other predators,but they freely point fingers towards people on the other side for being to/so emotional.They have such a fear that the world wants to take away their priviliges of hunting and trapping and what’s worse,their guns.They run to their state government to make things into law so that they can continue their way of life.I am sure everyone wanted to keep their way of life,here in the US, but life changed severl years ago.Some love to throw in your face that,wolf warriors or any other advocate, love animals more than people;that is so far from the truth.I am sure there are others here that care for other people’s well being.I am not immune to other people’s plight.My heart goes out for the people in Colorado and for all those who are dealing with hardships.For me, it is a time to help out others the best I can ,but at the same time,the wild life and wild places,need a voice,too.We are all on this planet.


  33. Please stop killing these animals. Why must these men destroy all of nature? STOP THE KILLING.


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