Wisconsin Wolf Hunt Goes Over Limit By 18 Dead Wolves – But DNR Won’t Stop Hunt When Quota Is Reached!

Wolf Hunt Wisconsin Overlimit jpg

Update: December 3, 2014

Total dead wolves now @ 147. They should be stopping at 150, they’re over in zones 1 and 2 by 18 WOLVES. Please continue to call and voice your protest. It’s bad enough wolves are being killed in the first place, now hounding season is on, the wolves are being chased by up to six dogs per hunter. It’s heart breaking to think of, especially for the pups.

Yet the Wisconsin DNR is continuing to keep zones 3 and 6 open, which means more dead wolves and well over the 150 quota, which THEY SET!!

Wisconsin DNR

Wisconsin wolf hotlineWisconsin DNR December 3 2014 wolves


1-888-WDNRINFo | (1-888-936-7463) | Hours: 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.
101 S. Webster Street . PO Box 7921 . Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7921 . 608-266-2621


Wisconsin, one of the disgusting wolf killing states, allowed hunters to go over limit in zones 1 and 2 by eighteen dead wolves, as you can see by the above graphic chart.

 The number of dead wolves now stands at 146 just 4 away from the quota of 150. But is the Wisconsin DNR going to stop the wolf hunt when the 150 number is reached? Oh no? That wouldn’t be fair to the wolf hounders, who’ve been wanting for the chance to chase poor wolves with up to six dogs per hunter, so they can track and trail them to their deaths. So the Wisconsin DNR is going to let the hunt  go forward in the two open zones, 3 and 6, allowing another eighteen wolves to be killed, which will bring the quota over the 150 limit to 164. In plain language, 14 more wolves will have to die, because the Wisconsin DNR won’t stop the hunt @ the 150 quota!

The fact I’m reporting about dead wolves and numbers of dead wolves is so offensive. We have to exhibit more than outrage, the hunts become worse every year they’re allowed to continue. Pups are just eight months old. They haven’t had a chance to live and yet their hunted down along with the rest of the pack, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, gone. It’s a nightmare that must end.

Wolf Patrol will be out monitoring this horrible situation.


 Media Release: Activists Monitoring Hound Hunting & Snaring of Wolves in Wisconsin for Illegal Activity

Hound hunting trucks on the first morning of the Wisconsin hound hunting season. Wolf Patrol

Hound hunting trucks on the first morning of the Wisconsin hound hunting season.

Great Lakes Wolf Patrol also has been informed that Wisconsin’s wolf hunt will not end when the statewide quota reaches 150, as was earlier reported, but will be allowed to continue until the remaining open areas (Zones 3 & 6) have filled their individual quotas (40 & 35).

A major reason for GLWP’s presence in the hound hunt is because legal wolf kills are exceeding pre-determined quotas, such as in Zone 2 where the quota was 15, but allowable kills were 29.



Wisconsin wolf season remains open, enters “dog” phase


Please boycott Wisconsin. Don’t buy one product they sell, don’t visit their state or spend any of  your hard-earned dollars there.

Contact the Wisconsin DNR to protest allowing the wolf hunt to go forward beyond the 150 limit, just to please the wolf hounders. And remember we have the Obama administration to thank for this horrific situation wolves are suffering through!


Wisconsin DNR

Wisconsin wolf hotline


1-888-WDNRINFo | (1-888-936-7463) | Hours: 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.
101 S. Webster Street . PO Box 7921 . Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7921 . 608-266-2621


Graphic Chart: Wisconsin DNR

Posted in Wisconsin wolves, Wolf Wars

Tags: Wisconsin wolf hunt over limit in two zones, wolf hunt won’t be stopped at set quota, legalized dog/wolf fighting, trophy hunting blood lust

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42 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hound hunters… they think of their dogs as objects, expendable proptery, knowingly lead them to their deaths and leave them to die in horrible agony. I’ve known of a hunter who just turned away from a gutted dog to leave him/her to slowly die, allowed another to have all of their teeth to be ripped out of their mouth by struggling animals (later having to be put down) and let one wander onto farmland to be shot by a farmer – not even bothering to pick up the body or even confront the farmer about it. What does this hunter do after the loss of a dog? Simply gets another one and does the same thing. The dogs this person owned were in horrible condition, covered in fleas and one even had an open bite wound on her head.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Why is the asshole not charged with animal cruelty? Any why are wolves except from animal cruelty? Why can’t these assholes be charged with such?


      • In some places like South East Queensland, sanitation workers are not obligated to check collars or microchips (they are not equipped with scanners) or contact the owner of animals before disposing of bodies. Your beloved family member is treated literally like garbage.


  2. The hunters are just cruel – they can’t be Humans!
    What is wrong with the amatican people. Are they analphabeth in Wisconsin?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I was wondering where the law is when these illegal activities are occurring? Then it hit me…they are probably in the lead! These barbaric, blood-thirsty, chickens are nothing more than a huge black spot on the rest of Wisconsin. Shame on you! I would not want to be in your shoes when you stand before God. You can go to church, but that’s not going to wipe the tell-tale blood of the innocence that you’ve slaughter from your souls.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I hope someone is planning to sue the DNR. The overkills should be deducted from the zones that haven’t reached quota, otherwise the DNR’s word means nothing! Not just a shrug and an ‘oh well’ from the biologists! Is that how they want to be viewed? With the inmates running the asylum?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Killing wolves for sport is a mental aberration, a psychotic disorder

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am, Im planning to sue the DNR, this is horrible, the zones are closed, one is open, they allow them to go OVER the LIMIT? of the hunting for wolves… you are not serious, right… wait no you are! the DNR is selfish, self centered, and rude, horrible, about all of the words that define, rude, selfish and careless. they dont care about wildlife habbit’s do they? or the amout of wolves that are gone! already, we care for the fallen, we try to save the ones who have stranded, and its not working.. I’m really gonna try to sue em, cause they just wont stop, they wont agree, they wont leave them alone, they are just missing the target, and we let them try again and again this is just what i didnt want to happen… i didnt want more wolves dead, i wanted more wolves saved… SAVED NOT KILLED AND SHOT DOWN wolves have done no harm to the people that run this thing, and the hunters, and the shooters, and the arrow’s.. when you decide to kill a wolf… guess what. dont… your not actually killing the wolf no, your taking it with you.. its soul and self is still in there.. ”you cant break a wolves heart” ever.. the wolf is the best creature, or animal i have ever know, i would die to save a wolf, maybe in just being dramatic, but I’m being serious ok? I’m being really serious here, the DNR cant do this, but they have.. so tell me, why… why are we letting them WIN! they shouldnt be winning 1st place, or any place! they should win a day in hell. yea or a lifetime in hell, for doing this.. its not right excuse my language but seriously, at this point anything can be said! tell me hunters, and shooters when you kill a wolf, what goes through your mind! i cant believe this is still happening.. its making me very, angry, and sad… bye for now guys ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Call 608-712-5984 to protest this. Please call. This is a Wisconsin wolf hotline. The DNR said they had calls in the beginning of the hunting season but not many lately. Let’s get this stopped!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Maria for that the Wisconsin wolf hotline number. I’ll put it in the post.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Thank you for the phone #. I just made the call to DNR. It feels good to do SOMETHING. What adds to the disgust is that DNR is ignoring the will of the voters who voted against wolf hunts.


      • You’re welcome Tena and I have to thank Maria metzler for providing the number. We need to call and voice our protest! It’s bad enough dog/wolf hunt is happening in the first place but then the Wisconsin DNR is going to allow more wolves killed above the limit THEY set of 150, it’s maddening.

        I can’t imagine the terror those wolves are going to experience, with up to six dogs barking and chasing after them through the woods, only to be killed at the end of the chase. I can barely think of it.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • Thanks for the number Maria. I got to leave a message on the answering machine.


  8. The wolf haters continue to push the envelope now that wolf “management” is in the hands of the states. WTF is wrong with these people? Don’t they have a conscience? A heart? A soul? This culture in its present state is pathological and insane. We need a revolution on behalf of all that is wild and free, before it’s too late.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Call 608-712-5984 to protest this. Please call. This is a Wisconsin wolf hotline. The DNR said they had calls in the beginning of the hunting season but not many lately. Let’s get this stopped!


  9. Your state is a disgrace!


    • Call 608-712-5984 to protest this. Please call. This is a Wisconsin wolf hotline. The DNR said they had calls in the beginning of the hunting season but not many lately. Let’s get this stopped!


  10. You horrible criminals called the DNR disgust me and everyone in Illinois.You are all criminals against any animal in Wisconsin and now your target is the Wolf.
    I hope you are all arrested for your crimes and bribe taking.Your governor should be jailed.
    Cowardly bastards all of you.


    • Call 608-712-5984 to protest this. Please call. This is a Wisconsin wolf hotline. The DNR said they had calls in the beginning of the hunting season but not many lately. Let’s get this stopped!


      • The DNR’s and “Game Agencies” were created to support and encourage hunting and trapping. That is their intrinsic mission. Anytime these agencies talk about “conservation” we must remember that it is all about “management” and “control” of native wild species, to keep certain populations artificially high, for the “users” and to “manage”(exterminate) other populations, especially so-called “predators.” The goal is always to help hunters hunt/trappers to continue their “sport.” Any other claims of these agencies, whether Federal or State, who may sometimes talk about “protecting” species, or some other nonsense–is just that. These agencies were designed to specifically work with, and for, the hunting, trapping, livestock industries. Until all of us understand their mission, their lies, we will continue to lose the battle for saving wild lands and wildlife.


  11. Yes, Joanne, I agree. This wolf killing is not going to stop, because the agenda up in Wisconsin and all over the West, really anywhere in this world, is to get rid of them. Any group which purports to care about wildlife Should Not Be “working with” hunters/trappers, ranchers—in ANY Way. Perhaps an armed Militia of citizens is what will be needed. In Africa, there are armed patrols who will shoot and kill now, to protect remaining wild animals. This is really what the the 2nd amendment is about–a well organized Militia, not hunting.
    My heart aches everyday for what is happening to Nature and her other life. What happens to Homo sapiens is not important. We must now try to save whatever wild life and wild lands we can.


    • Call 608-712-5984 to protest this. Please call. This is a Wisconsin wolf hotline. The DNR said they had calls in the beginning of the hunting season but not many lately. Let’s get this stopped!


      • sirtan…I put the number up on the post! Thanks for reminding everyone.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  12. how can ‘dog fighting’ be illegal but dog on other canines is fine?????


    • Ellen….That’s a question you’ll have to ask the Wisconsin DNR, since they’re allowing this “illegal dog fighting”. After all wolves are wild dogs. So we have domestic dogs chasing after wild dogs. So horrific.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  13. Why do These people for lack of a better word , have to kill and abuse?


  14. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game.


  15. I called the number–


  16. This is part of an e-mail I just got from Center for Biological Diversity:

    “Dear Rosemary,

    When DNA confirmed that the lone female wolf at the Grand Canyon had traveled more than 450 miles from Wyoming, we were amazed. She’s apparently on an epic journey to find a mate. To do so she must cross some of the most dangerous terrain possible — not the rugged high desert and mountain ranges of the West, but the political boundaries of key members of the wolf-haters’ caucus.”

    This wolf very likely will be shot–she is in ranching territory in the southwest, who are also hunters and trappers. I truly fear for her safety now: if we know about her being in this area, you can bet the killers do, too.
    Please check CBD’s website.



  17. Rosemary is correct. State and federal “game” agencies eagerly serve the killers who shoot, trap, snare, and torture via hounds. They do not serve — or even listen to — the rest of us. The whole system is corrupt and filthy. I support voicing concerns and opinions to fed and state “game” agency personnel, but I have no illusions about getting results. These agencies are populated with killers who enjoy those same deranged activities, so they are certainly not going to listen to reason. Similarly, conversations about mercy and humane treatment are like words spoken in a foreign language. They don’t care about that and — I’m sure — readily ridicule those of us who do care. Yet I think those are critical discussions to have, and they matter to me enormously.

    I’m not sure of the most effective approach, but I will continue to complain that “my” share of wildlife is not treated the way I want. I see no reason why the small percentage of Americans who kill for fun should dictate policy, put me/my pets/”my” wildlife at risk, or in any way affect my experience on public lands. And in the meantime, I’m happy to criticize and provoke and make these fxxkers as miserable as I am when I think about all the suffering, injustice, and disgusting violence.


    • Pamela, you are so right. All of these “rules and regulations” to “manage” wild animals is for one reason only: not to protect them, but to “use” them.
      “Quotas” and “limits” on wolves and other wild animals should never even be accepted by us. We must not accept their agency mindset or jargon, which further legitimizes these jerks. When we go to any meetings, we need to let them know that we see through their lies. We must never accept them as “experts.” They simply are agency hacks, criminals, animal killers–all of them.
      Once in awhile, we may come across one in an agency who is trying to do something, but that is a rarity, and they seldom last. I met a “mountain lion biologist” with NM Game and Fish. He was one of the “good ol’ boys” & admitted he still hunted, but he liked lions. He wrote a paper on mountain lions,clearly refuting what the livestock community claimed about these “vermin.” He gave me a copy of it, and said, “Rosemary, here take this, because this agency will never publicly use it–ever.” Then, he “retired” and sailed around the world, I heard.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Wake up, you have to get a coalition together and make a
    ” CONTRIBUTION” to the most powerful state Senator..
    When your ” CONTRIBUTION” IS GREATER THAN the amount
    donated by the wolf hunting lobby, you will succeed.
    Until then we are all helpless and hopeless that the state will
    DO THE RIGHT THING for our animals.
    Have you ever sat and spoke with hunters? NO?
    They are rabid, enthusiastic in their blood lust.
    Does your passion for wolves to live equal theirs to kill?
    It’s a moot point, it’s all about money, that’s where America is
    right now. Who wants to buy my vote! Period.
    I’m sure there are honest Senators and congressmen and women,
    but their are far outnumbered buy the money hungry ones who
    line their own pockets at our expense and fill their coffers for their
    next election campaign.


  19. ignorance is so dangerous,,,, more so than a wolf,,,, reminds me of the little guys who have to drive a monster truck to compensate,,,, just pathetic,,,, get a manly,, healthy hobby

    Liked by 1 person

  20. **READ THIS IMPORTANT STUDY** It proves that wolves maintain healthy populations on their own without the needless “need” of culling them and livestock loss increases with the continued murdering of wolves. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/12/141203142542.htm


  21. I just logged my comments on both lines. My family has been in WI for generations and it pains me to see the state fall down under the weight of very poor leadership.

    Walker and his ilk have got to go.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Linda, your call made a difference for the wolves. The hunt closes tomorrow, I just hope they don’t kill anymore wolves between now and tomorrow but they are already one over limit @ 151. It could have been worse without the pressure from advocates calling the DNR..so thank you very much!!!

      What really scares me is there is talk of Walker running for President. OMG, I can’t think about that!

      for the wolves, For the wild ones,


  22. I most solemly wish for every single person participating in this carnage the most excruciatingly painful and protracted death mankind has ever suffered… and leave the carcasses out for the wolves to urinate on…


  23. I really hope that the DNR will close the wolf hunting season after the 150 quota is reached and not let the two open zones reach their quotas! 18 more innocent wolves should not lose their lives just because this agency did not do its job properly!


    • WildlifeWarrioress,

      Please see my new post. The hunt will end tomorrow in Wisconsin, they are closing zones 3 and 6. By rights it should be closed right now but it is closing tomorrow…so we can be grateful for that because the poor wolves were being chased by up to six dogs per hunter, since the “hounding/wolf/dog fighting” season just started. I grieve for the poor wolves who’ve died, for the wolves who will continue to suffer and die in Montana, Idaho and Minnesota!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Howling For Justice: “Blame Obama”? No, blame the legislatures and Governors of those states. You have joined the killers in the Trash Obama sweepstakes running wild in your red states


    • Get your facts straight cedonn before you accuse me of joining “the killers in the Trash Obama sweepstakes”. Obama delisted wolves in the Northern Rockies in 2009, almost as soon as he took office. There were wolf hunts in Idaho and Montana mere months after that. The decision was challenged by 14 environmental groups and in 2010 Judge Donald Molloy relisted wolves in the Northern Rockies. In 2011 the Democrat controlled US Senate, headed by Harry Reid, passed a wolf delisting rider attached to the budget bill. All Democrats voted for it except three, Leahy, Wyden and Levin. Wolf hunts resumed in the Northern Rockies soon after. The Obama USFWS delisted wolves in the Great Lakes as well, soon after that decision. Wolves are now hunted in four states: Idaho, Montana, Wisconsin and Minnesota with Michigan looming. Before wolves were recently relisted in Wyoming the state held a wolf hunt outside the borders of Yellowstone National Park. There was a “predator zone” established in Wyoming where wolves could be killed on sight 365 days of the year by any method. The Obama administration USFWS is now proposing to delist all wolves nationwide, That means no wolf would be safe, they would have no federal protection if the states they resided in didn’t move to protect them. Or wolves dispersing from one state to another could be killed. It would stop wolf recovery in its tracks. All this information would have been very easy for you to research if you had just bothered to take the time.


  25. who lays hands on such a perfect animal is no longer a man, he is the scum of the devil


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