Howling for Justice strongly denounces the action taken by the Idaho Fish and Game commissioners to extend the wolf hunt through March 31, 2010.

Wolves being chased through deep winter snow with no cover, already stressed, is cruel. 

The extension will take the hunt through breeding and denning season, when wolves will return to their den sites, which are well known to hunters.  Wolves mate between late January and the end of March.  Gestation is approx. 62 days. So do the math….females will be pregnant during the hunt, that is if they have time to stand still long enough to be bred, when they’re running for their lives. Pregnant alphas might be killed, destroying a pack leader and her unborn pups, with possible dissolution of the pack.  Females that breed in late January could be whelping near the end of the hunts although most wolves in the Northern Rockies breed in mid February. 

Wolves could be returning to their den sites by the middle of March.  Their is evidence that wolves may tolerate human activity near their dens, which makes them doubly vulnerable. What science backs hunting pregnant or denning wolves? Are they trying to wipe out 2010’s wolf pups? 

Two zones, Lolo and Sawtooth, already extended through March 31st, 2010.  Extending the entire state wolf hunt to the end of March, absent the three previously closed zones, leaves wolves with no respite from hunters guns, A SEVEN MONTH LONG SEASON.  IDFG should have kept the deadline of December 31, 2009 in place. 


Write or call Idaho Governor Butch Otter:



Write the Idaho tourism office:


Write the Potato Commission:


Write or call Idaho Fish and Game:

Headquarters Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 25
Boise, ID 83707

Headquarters Street / Walk-in Address:

600 S. Walnut
Boise, ID 83712

Telephone: (208) 334-3700
Fax: (208) 334-2148 / (208) 334-2114


Write or call the Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners: 


Write to Idaho Newspapers:

Post-Register, Idaho Falls   

Letters over the 300 word limit will be subject to editing. 
Send letters by e-mail to
(Note: This is the abbreviated name of the person who handles letters)

Idaho State Journal – Pocatello and SE Idaho        

305 S. Arthur, Pocatello ID  83204

Press Release E-mail:
Letters to the Editor E-mail: 

The Times-News

Box 548, Twin Falls ID  83303

Phone: 733-0931
Limit letters to 400 words. Longer letters will be shortened. The Times-News reserves the right to edit all letters. 


READER’s CORNER – 600 words – has to be approved by editorial dept. * Each letter should include the writer’s signature, mailing address and telephone number. Typewritten letters are preferred, because they allow faster handling with less chance of error.
Idaho Statesman

1200 N. Curtis Road Boise, Idaho 83706
MAILING: Rocky Barker, Environment; Pete Zimowski (?) outdoor editor P.O. Box 40 Boise, ID 83707

News (main office)  (208) 377-6449 FAX 208/377-6449


Please express your strong oppositon to the wolf season extension but I urge you to be civil. 

Thank you.  Howl for making a difference for wolves!!

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Posted in: Idaho wolf hunt, Wolf Wars
Tags: wolves in the crossfire
Published in: on November 20, 2009 at 10:59 pm  Comments (6)  

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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. hi nibeki. You have your work cut out for you with these ignorant people out in the west. In my home state the dept of wildlife went through a 60 day comment period and several meetings just to increase a coyote hunting season by a month. We treat all animals with the respect they deserve. My scottish terrier howls like a wolf- it’s hilarious!


    • Hi Michael….I swear it’s so tiring arguing with them over and over. They think the way things are done now is the way they’re always going to be. But the dynamic is changing and they don’t like it. Personally I think that’s behind a lot of the rage against wolves. It’s an attitude that says: We’re in charge here”. You’ve already said it: Dominion

      Look at how civilized Minnesota’s attitude is toward wolves and then compare it to the west. It’s night and day.

      When you mentioned that your scottish terrier howls like a wolf it reminded me of an aboslutely wonderful story about a Rottweiler and wolf pup. You are going to love this. Enjoy!!


  2. […] Also don’t forget to write to Idaho’s commissioners about extending the wolf hunt until … Published in: […]


  3. Thank you for this site and for this information.
    I’ve made up some STOP THE SLAUGHTER, BOYCOTT IDAHO cards and am going to hang them in the local grocery stores here in Colorado today.
    These people care for nothing but money, so we have to hit them where it hurts – in their pocket books!


    • Hi Jonanthan…
      Thanks for reading. It seems there are many of us that are appalled by what’s happenning. If we all do our part we can change this for the better for wolves and wildlife that are under the gun from WS or the hunting of wolves in general. The NYT times did a good article on the wolf hunts.

      At least the news is getting out!

      For the wild ones,


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