I’ll Be On “Wild Clearwater Country” Radio Show Today, Talking Wolves…

UPDATE: APRIL 21, 2011

I really appreciate all the support I’ve gotten from fellow wolf advocates that were able to catch the show. Thank you so much. It made it so much easier knowing you were listening and sending me your support.

I again want to thank Gary Macfarlane. He is a terrific host and made everything so easy for me.

I’ll have a replay up of the show in a few days, early next week at the latest, in case anyone missed it.

We can make a difference for wolves. Remember it’s always darkest before the dawn.


Hey everyone, this is pretty exciting. I’ve been invited as a guest on Friends of the Clearwater’s radio show today, Wednesday, April 2oth.  It’s called Wild Clearwater Country on KRFP,  Radio Free Moscow  (Moscow, Idaho)

Click on this link:


On the upper right hand side of the page it says “Listen Online“.  You can choose Windows Media Player or select another media player to listen on. The show runs from 4pm-5pm Pacific, 5pm-6pm Mtn, 6pm-7pm Central or 7pm-8pm Eastern. Pick your time zone.

I want to thank Gary Macfarlane of Friends of the Clearwater for inviting me. They were one of the four non-settling groups and I want to thank them personally for standing strong for wolves. Please visit their site and give them your support.

We’ll be talking wolves, including the nexus for Howling for Justice, the importance of apex predators, wolves social structure and of course the infamous budget delisting rider that stripped Northern Rockies wolves of their ESA protections.

Hope you enjoy the show!!

For the wolves, For the wild ones,


Published in: on April 19, 2011 at 10:13 pm  Comments (44)  

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44 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Congratulations! I will try to listen in!


    • Thank you Sindy….I want to give wolves a voice today.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  2. I will be all ears, cheering you on. Maybe I’ll drive out to the forest and turn my car radio up so the wolves can hear you supporting them. Meh, just a thought… or maybe sit in the parking lot of a local hunting and fishing supply store with the radio blaring. That will turn some heads for sure.


    • *Wink* Terrence, you are incorrigible. Go for it!!! Smiles!


      • I know and I’ll never stop…


    • ROFL Terrence…the visual of you sitting in a parking lot of a local hunting and fishing supply store, blaring the radio is hilarious. That made my day.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  3. We won’t stop until we win!!!


    • That’s the spririt vanne.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  4. We will all be with you in spirit Nabeki, and I know that the wolves will be too. Blessings to you all ways.


    • Thank you White Wolf….you will all be in my thoughts. I’m speaking out for all of us. I hope I do wolves proud.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Nabeki, dearest sister…you already do.


      • White Wolf you are truly amazing.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  5. We will be with you.We may be seperated by miles phyically but united in spirit.For the Wolves,For the Wild Ones.


    • Thank you so much Rita…that really helped me today.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  6. I’ll definitely be tuning in. You deserve many many many thanks for all the work you do in trying to save wolves nabeki!!!!


    • I really appreciate it Jon…hope you enjoyed it. I think I’m going to be on again.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  7. Nabeki,
    This is great! You will be a good voice for the wolves. I will be listening from Marshfield, MA. Good news, there have been recent wolf sightings in Massachusetts. We have a lot of coyotes and they are still protected from hunting. The wolves will be safe here. Good luck today!


    • Thank you Wiesy….it’s much appreciated. I was nervous before it started but then I got into the flow.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  8. Nabeki…..I can’t think of anyone more deserving. You’ve poured your heart and soul into educating thousands of people about the value of wolves and other wildlife. Your unselfish willingness to provide the latest news and research via both “Howling for Justice” and “Wolf Warriors” has benefitted wolves, all other wildlife, and the people that are willing to open their minds to these important issues.


    • Wow Jerry thank you, I’m doing it for the wolves. We’ve been through a tough few years and walked through the fire but we’re still here. We”ll be here until we get it done!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  9. Nabeki, this is great news for our wolves and a real honor to your dedication and knowledge of the incredible ignorance, fueled by hatred, that our wolves have had to endure!! Awesome indeed. Can’t wait to tune in. And Terrance, loved your idea of sitting in a parking lot with the radio blaring. Just be careful 🙂


    • Rhonda, I know how fanatical these people can be when someone challenges their beliefs. I would love it if someone were to start threatening violence for 2 reasons… 1) to show others how unreasonable people can be, and 2) let them threaten violence on a disabled person and then we will see their true colors


    • Thanks Rhonda for always being here. I really value your friendship and support.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  10. I’m with you 110 %- Fingers crossed! :)))


    • I’m so lucky to have such great wolf friends, thank you Elizabeth.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Inbox Me if you wish to discuss further what Jerry and I had talked about with the buffalo field c. and pulling forces together. 🙂 xoxo


  11. Thank you for all your work and good luck with the interview!!

    Is the programme going to be available in the radio station’s website afterwards?? I really would love to listen to it live, but I live in the UK and the time difference is a bit of a problem I’m afraid… 😦


    • Oh I’m sorry vallondon that you couldn’t listen live but I’m going to replay it on the blog for any that didn’t have a chance to catch it. Probably in by the weekend or early next week.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  12. Just a thought…is there any way we can involve school children…they are after all…our future generation who deserve a right to have the benefit of wolves and other wildlife. this would be especially pungent, if they were from specific regions involved. Maybe have them write letters and draw pictures of wolves….and send them to the President,the senators… etc. There was a project like this with regards to Alaska’s practice of aerial hunting and it received good press.

    Any thought…?


    • All they need to say is ” I love wolves, please let them be safe”


    • I think it’s a great idea White Wolf, we need the children’s input. That’s something we should definitely work on. I remember the story of the children that were going to have a visit from ambassador wolves and were asked to put their feelings on paper about wolves. Most said wolves were scary and big, you know all the things they learn in the fairy tales. After the visit with the wolves the children were asked again what they thought about wolves and they all said…wow they have such big feet!! That shows what education can do.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • Jon….Totally agree with George, although I don’t like hunting of any kind except if one is deep in the bush and hsd no other choice. George is right, the meat at the grocery store is full of pain and anguish. I don’t eat meat for that reason, it removes that dilemma for me.





    • Dearest Agnes,
      Thank you for your sweet words. I want to do my best for all of you and the wolves. Your support means so much to me.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  14. Right On Nabeki!


  15. Nabeki,
    I just heard you in the East! You were a great spokeswoman for the wolves! A very articulate, well organized, understandable presentation of the facts about and history of the gray wolf in the Northern Rockies. I think the wolves will be howling tonight like all of us. Thank you!


    • Glad you could hear it Wiesy and thanks for your support!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  16. Nabeki, there simply are no words to express how proud I am to know you and be a part of what you do. Congratulations on you interview, and a job exceptionally well done. When next you hear the wolves howling…you will know they are singing their gratitude to you. I Love you my sister.


    • White Wolf…you truly touched my heart with your words. I thank you for your friendship and support. I’m glad you had a chance to listen. I really enjoyed speaking the truth about wolves. I could have gone on for two more hours….lol

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Fantastic job nabeki and thanks for speaking about wildlife services. Look forward to your next interview.


      • You’re so welcome Jon. It felt so good to finally tell the wolves’ story. People only hear one side and if you notice we always have to listen to the plight of the poor hunters and ranchers when in fact I don’t think 97 cow losses out of almost three million cows in Montana is going to cause ranchers to go out of business. It’s almost laughable if it wasn’t so serious for wolves. And almost 400,000 elk in the tri state area is plenty of elk. Do the hunters think the rest of the country is worried about elk numbers? They’re living in their own little world.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Nabeki, and we would have all listened for 2 more hours!!!


      • White wolf , thank you, I think I could have talked for two more hours….lol.

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


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