Priscilla Feral Speaks Out For Wolves On CNN!!

Priscilla Feral, President, Friends of Animals appeared on Issues With Jane-Velez Mitchell, Friday, August 12th. For once we heard the truth spoken on national television about the absolutely atrocious situation wolves are facing in the Northern Rockies.

Unless the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals grants an Emergency Stay to stop the hunts, wolves will face the tortures of the damned, starting August 30, 2011 when the Idaho hunts begin.

Priscilla slams the Obama administration for appointing a rancher to head the Interior. She speaks about the upcoming hunts in Idaho and Montana AND the awful  unregulated killing of wolves proposed by Wyoming. If Wyoming has their way haters could kill wolves in the most horrendous ways.

Friends of Animals is calling for a boycott of all the wolf states.  Economic boycotts are one of the ways we can push back against this brutality. All three states are  dependent on tourism and losing tourist dollars could make a difference.

The nightmare started with Obama’s appointment of Ken Salazar to head the  Interior. Obama has the distinction of being the only President to delist wolves twice and he hasn’t even served a full term. With the Presidents blessing  Western politicians were able to insert a wolf delisting rider into a must-pass budget bill, which stripped  gray wolves of their ESA protections. This never would have passed as a stand alone bill, the only way the anti-wolf lobby could accomplish the dirty deed was by sneaking into an appropriations bill, without the knowledge of most Americans. Every Democrat Senator voted yes, except three, even though many of them professed to support the ESA and wolves.  Senators like Boxer, Feinstein, Kerry, the Udall’s all voted to delist the gray wolf.   We can’t blame the Republicans this time. Our Democrat President signed the budget bill into law with the wolf delisting rider intact. Now wolves are facing extirpation AGAIN,  if the wolf states have their way.  And why is the USFWS going along with Wyoming’s “shoot-on-sight” policy, when they fought it in court before? It is vile and will damage Wyoming’s reputation. Who will want to visit a state where the iconic wolf is treated with such brutality?

If we don’t speak out now, if we don’t protest these terrible policies, wolves could disappear once again from the Western US.




Governor Butch Otter

Office of the Governor
State Capitol
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720

Phone: (208) 334-2100
Fax: (208) 334-3454




Governor Matt Mead

By Mail:
State Capitol, 200 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0010

By Phone or Fax:
307.777.7434 (phone)
307.632.3909 (fax)




Governor Brian D. Schweitzer

Office of the Governor
Montana State Capitol Bldg.
P.O. Box 200801
Helena MT 59620-0801
(406) 444-3111, FAX (406) 444-5529




Video: Courtesy YouTube Sub4SubNewsToday’s Channel

Photo: Courtesy First People

Posted in: Wolf Wars

Tags:  wolf wars,  Friends of Animals, Priscilla Feral, HLN/CNN, Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell, wolves under fire, Ken Salazar