We Want Justice For Polar Bears Too!!

This petition , created by my friend Linda Camac, sheds light on the brutal slaying of a magnificent polar bear. Chased by dogs until exhaustion, shot full of arrows, he finally succumbs. And as per usual we have the gruesome photo of the trophy hunter grinning over the corpse of their victim.  This outrage was carried out by a Delta Airline’s Hostess named Michelle Leqve. Please read and sign this petition to show your utter disgust over the barbaric killing of this majestic animal.

Click here to read “the story” behind the brutal slaying of this polar bear.  Be warned it is NOT easy to read!!


About the Petition

Why This Is Important

“Scientists say polar bears are on the fast track to extinction due to climate change. The satellite photos are indisputable that every year the Arctic sea freezes less, and polar bears must hunt on solid ice. The bears are forced to swim to ice floes that are too few and very far between; in this quest many drown with their cubs. It is predicted that within 15-20 years the polar bear will be no more.
Yet Ms. Michelle Leqve, airline hostess for Delta airlines, finds pushing a member of an endangered species toward extinction not to be a problem. This bear was chased for days, to the point of exhaustion by her team of dogs. Finally the bear stopped running and tried to hold the dogs at bay as they attacked him. During the attack Ms. Leqve pierced this poor bear to death with arrows. As you can see she is very proud to be the first woman to kill a polar bear with a high-powered bow; one of her goals is to attract the attention of Sarah Palin. The beautiful terrified and tortured bear now stands in a doorway of a business in Canada.
This kind of despicable act is truly a black eye for Delta Airlines who employ a person of this caliber.  For the bear who suffered a horrific death for ego, glory”, money and/or attention – please sign.”



Polar Bears Sow and cub (Ursus maritimus) in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.

This is how Polar bears should look, wild and free, not laying on the ice  dead with a trophy hunter grinning over their corpse.


Top Photo: Petition Change.org

Bottom Photo: Courtesy Wikimedia Commons, Author Alan D. Wilson

Tags: Animal cruelty, chasing bears with dogs, trophy cruelty  hunting, animal suffering, Polar bear, Delta Airlines

Posted in: Animal Cruelty, Trophy Hunting, Activism


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52 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Done and tried to share but having computer issues


  2. I can’t believe the insanity possessing “humans” lately! this is supposed to be SPORT? FUN? How about a complete lack of any human emotion, compassion, empathy, any of it. If you don’t have those, you ARE NOT HUMAN!!!


  3. I don’t believe what I am seeing – a woman? I remember that shot of that stupid Palin just before she killed an elk and how the animal was looking @her and she just killed it – no reason, except she is stupid – this thing is even worse – those bows and arrows (which I first saw a picture of recently) look like some medivial torture machine they torture these animals it is disgusting and sadistic and I would love to put them thru the same thing


  4. Here,s her very ‘moving’ story,


    unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable.


    • Oh I almost threw up reading that. How absolutely heartless. She was crying because she killed a bear and not out of sadness? OMG. What is wrong with our society??



    • kaufmans123…I’ll add this horrific “story” to the post.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • I’ve just posted it on several websites, Delta Airlines, national Geographic, Polar Bears International, World Wildlife Fund….I made no comments, just let the whole sorry episode speak for itself. The lady concerned has a Facebook site too, its worth a read, especially her ‘connection’ with that great supporter of conservation Sarah Palin.
        She is a member of ‘women hunters’ who sound a great bunch of ladies, I use the word advisedly, who seem proud to display the article. Please note, killing animals I’m not against, there is a time and place for culling, for conservation and for ‘correcting’ our interference with nature over the last 150 years, but I don’t somehow think the death of this polar bear comes into these categories. Do you?
        Perhaps wolf supporters would care to contact various relevant organisations in order to ‘inform’ others what happened here.

        “Nature is careless of the individual but careful of the species” – R.D.Lawrence (seems some humans have reversed this wonderful phrase).

        Man, in fear of his fate, searches for the truth, but driven by ill-aimed desires and being ignorant of hubris, becomes blind, and so fails to see that the truth always lay within his own shifting shadow, cast by the light from his conscience, which resides in the soul of the wolf.


  5. I will send this link to any wildlife organisation that collects money for saving the poar bears.
    Don’t fly with this lady (DELTA AIRLINES).


    • BOYCOTT DELTA, & SEND HER LETTERS showing your disapproval of her actions. Polar Bears are down in numbers & she writes “SHE COULD HARDLY WAIT TO PUT AN ARROW IN THIS BEAR, AFTER HUNTING HIM DOWN FOR A LONG TIME.
      Leave these wild beautiful animals alone, let them live.


  6. Again, WTF!!! Polar Bears are considered a “species of special concern” in Canada which means they are not protected from hunting which is just crazy considering the long term survival prospects for this species. According to info from the Environment Canada website they are well aware of the risks but their status based on the SARA still does not recognize them as endangered.

    Quote from the Environment Canada website:

    “At present, the main limiting factor affecting the species is human-caused mortality, almost exclusively from regulated hunting. There is no harvesting program that currently takes into consideration anticipated changes in rates of survival and reproduction due to the effects of climate change on the biology of Polar Bears, particularly the reduction in the availability of prey. In the past, some Canadian subpopulations have been overhunted because population abundance was overestimated and overly high quotas were set as a consequence. The low reproductive rate of females makes the bears vulnerable to overhunting, so suitable management measures are crucial to maintaining viable populations. Harvesting without quotas in subpopulations entirely or partly within Canadian territory is a threat to the conservation of Polar Bears.”

    Forget quotas. There is absolutely no reason from someone like that narcissistic bitch to hunt anything.


  7. This trophy hunter should be arrested for crimes against nature. Polar bears are an endangered species on the fast track to extinction. Aside from this glaring fact, this individual bear was at one moment peaceful in his Arctic home, a polar bear just being a polar bear…then suddenly he had to run for his life. And run he did, for a long time before exhaustion made him stop and wait. His will to live was strong as he tried to hold the attacking dogs at bey, the whole time helplessly feeling the agony of many arrows. He finally fell as the life blood of this majestic animal left his body. For what? For fun, “sport”, ego, vanity, infamy, another notch on Leqve’s bow? Will this savage hunter be punished for this despicable act – among her own, she will be celebrated, and killing polar bears is still legal in Canada! Perhaps we, the people, can encourage her employer to relieve her of her job as an airline hostess, which takes her all over the world and allows for many opportunities to kill. Thank you for caring…. from an anonymous, young, white bear.


  8. These are creatures put on this earth by God for a reason, and I don’t believe He put them here for trophy slaughters. They are dwindling in numbers. Man has managed to go against God’s wishes and His grand plan at every turn of the screw. Leave the wildlife alone. Find something meaningful to do with your life other than slaughtering.


  9. I’m always even more dismayed when I see women taking part in cruel hunting and killing. I always expect women to have a little more compassion, but I guess that’s sexist of me. These women are proving they can be as unfeeling as any man. There’s one I see of a woman in glasses and camo fatiquest “grinning” (you sure captured the description in your post) for the camera with a dead wolf too. These women are proving that guns and cruelty can be the great equalizer I guess. Sarah Palin ought to have whipped the State of Alaska into shape, instead of proving she’s equally as bad as any male politician. 😦


  10. Now this woman and that fool at the California Fish & Game can say they fulfilled their lifelong dream – to kill a polar bear and a mountain lion! Talk about human arrogance. Destroying God’s magnifcent creatures I’m sure won’t be held in such regard by the Higher Power.


  11. This story is disgusting beyond words. Filling that beautiful creature of of arrows!! Somehow it makes me even angrier when women are the killers. I wish we were better than that. I am ashamed and revolted.


  12. Here’s more, I guess nothing is more important than making money. Canada is sponsoring polar bear hunting for a sum of $50,000! Does anyone care that these beautiful animals are endangered by the pressure of increasing climate change as well? Poor bears – they are so gorgeous and one of my favorite animals, I just love their Latin name “Ursus maritimus”. So beautiful. My apologies if this link to the story is already posted, I find all of this killing so distressing I can’t stomach reading all of them. 😦



    • I think the Daily Mail article has put an end to that particular little jaunt, but no doubt someone will try again, surely what is required is for the local residents to turn poacher into gamekeeper and help run tourist expeditions which enhance the polar bears status and the only sound of shooting is the sound from cameras. Check out a tiger called B2 who died recently in India, he brought in tourists by the thousands, and raised millions for the area, he was quite an unusual animal, and we shouldn’t expect polar bears to behave similarly!


  13. In Stanwood Washington there is a BIG PUSH to start slaughtering horses again, & I saw pictures of some beautiful horses with tags on them getting them more than ready to KILL.
    What is wrong with these people, all they can think of is killing defenseless animals. I am praying to win the lottery so I can stop this atrocity to animals.


    • I know, that’s another thing that really needs to be headed off at the pass, horse slaughter. I really don’t know what on earth is causing North America to turn against her creatures, greed, or hard times, I don’t know.


      • Sickness.
        Notice that more people are killing each other too. Their rules for this perverted game seem to specify that the murderer must prey upon something or someone helpless: School children, wolves in their dens, polar bears or horses that have been run to ground by planes, dogs trained to fight each other to the death while drunken men cheer at ringside.
        Disgusting. There is no fate cruel enough for these people.




      • We have the hard times because of their greed….all of the atrocities that these bully/serial killers perpetrate on all who are potentially vulnerable is the worst part of it….Serial killers always start with violence towards animals and then they escalate to their own species….bullies are really insecure cowards who maladaptively “cope” first by denial and then by aggression (usually in numbers that greatly outnumber their target….most frequently they choose a 5 to 1 ratio)..I truly believe that for most of these folks they are living in an “ization” – that’s civilization without the civil.. the very fabric of society is so frayed…we are living in extraordinarily decadent times; reminiscent of Ancient Rome, for example. History, when it comes to our species, seems to repeat itself – patterns/cycles……the names change, but the events parallel.
        In regards to the BLM, they reflect just another branch/function of government that the Oil, Gas , Coal & Logging/deforestation industries have bought and paid for their representation, at our peril, and to the peril of every animal and plant ….and to the peril of the environment.
        Their greed and bloodlust seem insatiable.
        Notwithstanding all that, I sent an email to Ken Salazar at feedback@ios.doi.gov

        Dear Ken Salazar,

        Please rescind the appointment of Callie Hendrickson. She can only do
        harm in that position on the BLM. She represents ranchers/special
        interests and is bias against the wishes of the majority of people
        (this is supposed to be a democracy/majority rule). WE THE PEOPLE
        want horses to remain on their rangeland. She would have them removed
        from their rangeland and sold without limitation; including for

        Thank you, in advance, for your thoughtful consideration and your
        anticipated cooperation.


        Nikki Nafziger

        I also firmly believe that there is power in numbers. And I was raised to believe (and I strongly do) that if I witness something that I know is wrong (which has expanded to knowing/learning about something somewhere else that I know is wrong) I DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT TO STOP IT/PREVENT IT. IGNORING SOMETHING/DOING NOTHING IS TANTAMOUNT TO BEING AN ACCESSORY/COMPLICIT!


  14. My words lack the power of a quote by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, when he said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”. The killing of this magnificent Polar Bear, matters more than you can imagine to me.


  15. Reblogged this on Wisconsin Wildlife Ethic and commented:
    From “Howling for Justice.” Absolutely disgusting.


  16. Wheter you filling them with bullets or arrows you still killed it for no reason but some selfish thrill. Hunters sadistic, narcissistic, nazi-copying methods make me want to fight this system more and more. Join the fight people.


  17. How awful. Her idol is Sara? Sara is the reason I became a wolf advocate along with my French Canadian Grandmother. Poor Sara, it’s not her fault her dad wanted a boy.


  18. Hunting is part of Inuit culture, but it’s hard to understand the trophy hunter mindset–and a woman to boot? It would be illegal now to import such a “trophy” to the U.S.

    Barbara Nielsen
    Director of Communications

    polar bears international


    • so, if the ‘trophy’ is outside a company building….whose….where…..and do they know the law? hmmmm..


  19. THANK YOU for posting htis. I am soooo sickened.. and speechless at the continues EVIL committed by humans. I signed and will also try and call Delta…

    I pray for JUSTICE and PROTECTION for ALL animals.


  20. The link keeps flashing the fields to fill in so I was unable to sign this petition…I will keep on trying tho…can we also start a petition to get that cold blooded bitch fired? You know, a petition to Delta telling them we will all boycott them…no one will fly Delta as long as she’s employed there. SHE SHOULD BE FIRED WITH NO BENEFITS AND NO ONE SHOULD HIRE HER! AND SINCE POLAR BEARS ARE ENDANGERED, WHY ISN’T SHE ARRESTED AND IMPRISONED FOR LIFE WITHOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE? I DON’T BELIEVE IN THE DEATH PENALTY, BUT , IN HER CASE….I WOULD BE HAPPY TO GO AGAINST MY OWN BELIEF SYSTEM AND KILL HER WITH MY BARE HANDS…BETTER YET…LET ME CHASE HER FOR DAYS WITH DOGS AND SHOOT HER WITH ARROWS…AND TAKE A PICTURE OF HER TO SHOW ALL THOSE HATERS THAT THEY WILL REAP WHAT THEY SOW!




  21. The story states it happened in 2005, which doesn’t mean it isn’t any less horrific to see the bear killed but I don’t think polar bears were considered in a endangered position then as they are now. I feel betrayed as a woman that our sex would think trophy hunting an amusement. And the site it came from about women hunters, I couldn’t help reading trying to wrap my head around why they would do this? One story brought me some satisfaction ..Teach your children, she had hopes of her daughter following in her footsteps but instead totally alienated her and made her become a vegetarian!


    • Karma never fails. 🙂




  22. I don’t get it. The Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN, and the IUCN considers the Polar Bear population to be declining, and yet Polar Bears are still allowed to be hunted for sport?! The sport hunting of Polar Bears (and all other species) should be banned, and Polar Bears should be put on the Endangered Species List of every country they occur in! And to think that hunters call themselves conservationists, even though some of them sport hunt endangered species! Granted, hunters helped start the conservation movement, and they have helped preserve land, and even species, and as such they should be given credit for that. However, they have no right to destroy the life of any creature for any reason other than food/survival! And they certainly should not be killing species that are threatened with extinction!


    • I completely agree, Les. Current estimates are that we could lose two-thirds of the world’s polar bears by mid-century and all of them by the end of the century unless we take action on climate change. It just seems wrong on so many levels to collect a trophy of such a magnificent and threatened animal.

      Barbara Nielsen
      Director of Communications
      Polar Bears International

      It seems a twisted logic that its ok to hunt a polar bear for a trophy because they will die out anyway….hmmm…remember the dodo, don’t see too many about now do we. People will say, well we get along fine without the dodo, don’t we? And its true that we have had 5 extinctions in the Earth’s history and we have risen as apes purely by chance and no more, (no offence if you believe otherwise), but if we keep removing species, it seems to me its like removing the cogs from a huge complex watch or clock and one day a final piece will disappear and the whole of time will stand still.

      Albert Einstein once said: “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination … no more men!” He wasn’t an entomologist, but entomologists around today agree that the sudden and mysterious disappearance of bees from their hives poses serious problems!

      Animals are ‘other nations’, here, trapped with us, not against us.


    • Sure hunters want to “conserve” species, so there will be more left for them to shoot from their planes. Among other atrocities there are ranches in Texas and trout farm ponds in Washington where, for a fee, you can go hook a fish or kill any species of animal. The fish or elk, emu or whatever are just standing there (or treading water depending). You’ve heard the saying, “Easy as shooting fish in a barrel.” It is puzzling enough to imagine what perverted urges motivate people to kill. But for any man or woman to kill (i.e., bully to death) another creature in such a manner, in order to prove themselves praiseworthy?


  23. TO THE SOURCE- please contact these 2 organizations:

    1 Please send your comments to the outfitter that made this atrocity possible for a lot of cash: be polite, but strong is understandable:

    Bowhunting Safari Consultants,
    LLC, PO BOX 23906
    Eugene, Oregon 97402

    Owner: Mark Buehner, (also a Safari Club Member and Christian Bowhunters of America)

    For the Chinese elite sport hunting/trophy hunting AK bears for @75,ooo.oo per guided hunt is a new fad. Contact Safari Club International ( trophy hunting club of the 1%) and specific Outfitters who are ‘making a killing’ off the last polar bears.


    • My letter to Mark –
      I am so revolted by the story of the Delta airlines hostess that chased a Polar Bear for days til exhaustion with a team of dogs and then shot him with arrows and had her picture taken – standing smiling over the corpse of her victim!

      Polar Bears are Endangered because their habitat – the ice caps have been melting because of mankinds’ pollution from fossil fuels. We don’t need to be harming any of them for any reason. We’ve already done enough damage.

      To think that folks are paying large sums of money to be able to do this just compounds the evil with more evil.

      I understand that you are part of the Christian Bowhunters Association. Seems like an oxymoron to me, because:

      The Lord had Adam name all of the animals (all of His Creations) The Lord did that so that Adam (mankind) would bond with the animals (just as when you name your child/children). Because we have been mandated by the Lord Almighty to be guardians/care takers of all of His Children!
      He further Commanded us (2nd Commandment) THOU SHALT NOT KILL! (There was no qualification about species!) Furthermore, we have been Commanded to Honor and Respect/Praise the Lord (HOW WE TREAT ALL OF HIS CHILDREN/THE ANIMALS HE CREATED IS AN EXAMPLE OF RESPECT/HONOR/PRAISE)….KILLING IS NOT PRAISING….IT IS BREAKING TWO COMMANDMENTS…..THE LORD HAS DOMINION OVER THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH….NOT MAN!!!

      Please pray for forgiveness and do everything you can to do the Lords’ work from this moment forward. That means that you will stop hunting and make sure that no one else around you hurts another polar bear. Satan is offering the $75,000.00 per bear. Don’t sell your soul anymore! REMEMBER THE LORD IS OMNIPOTENT AND OMNISCIENT! HE IS EVERYWHERE AND HE IS ALL KNOWING! HE KNOWS WHAT IS IN YOUR HEART!


      Nikki Nafziger
      Child of G-d
      Vallejo, CA


    • My letter to safari club international email –

      I am so revolted by the story of the Delta airlines hostess that chased a Polar Bear for days til exhaustion with a team of dogs and then shot him with arrows and had her picture taken – standing smiling over the corpse of her victim!

      Polar Bears are Endangered because their habitat – the ice caps have been melting because of mankinds’ pollution from fossil fuels. We don’t need to be harming any of them for any reason. We’ve already done enough damage.

      To think that folks are paying large sums of money to be able to do this just compounds the evil with more evil.

      A study was done that shows that a greater number of folks that hunt are also child abusers. The psychological phenomenon is called domionism. They get an epinephrine rush/thrill from killing.INOTHERWORDS, THEY ARE VIOLENT CRIMINALS!

      The Lord had Adam name all of the animals (all of His Creations) The Lord did that so that Adam (mankind) would bond with the animals (just as when you name your child/children). Because we have been mandated by the Lord Almighty to be guardians/care takers of all of His Children!
      He further Commanded us (2nd Commandment) THOU SHALT NOT KILL! (There was no qualification about species!) Furthermore, we have been Commanded to Honor and Respect/Praise the Lord (HOW WE TREAT ALL OF HIS CHILDREN/THE ANIMALS HE CREATED IS AN EXAMPLE OF RESPECT/HONOR/PRAISE)….KILLING IS NOT PRAISING….IT IS BREAKING TWO COMMANDMENTS…..THE LORD HAS DOMINION OVER THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH….NOT MAN!!!

      Please pray for forgiveness and do everything you can to do the Lords’ work from this moment forward. That means that you will stop hunting and make sure that no one else around you hurts another polar bear. Satan is offering the $75,000.00 per bear. Don’t sell your soul anymore! REMEMBER THE LORD IS OMNIPOTENT AND OMNISCIENT! HE IS EVERYWHERE AND HE IS ALL KNOWING! HE KNOWS WHAT IS IN YOUR HEART!


      Nikki Nafziger
      Child of G-d
      Vallejo, CA


      • TRUE!!!!


    • Huh? The Christian Bowhunters of America? We have all heard of atrocities committed in the name of various religions, but that one takes the cake at least until the next abuse victim comes forward. Do tell, what is their mission statement?


  24. Great letter – I think those who use the scriptures to support their bad behavior better read up! 🙂


  25. Prairie Dogs (a misnomer, as they are rodents) need justice too!


  26. Monday March 12, 2012, 1:08 am

    This article was posted 5 days ago on Care2 , with a different name to the article . Below is my response that I wrote for the C2 post – and I will post the same one here , as my thoughts and opinions have not changed.

    Friday March 9, 2012, 4:45 pm

    This story of this so called “hunter” , who happens to be a woman – has evoked very strong feelings of anger, hate, disgust, shame, and others .And I have to admit that these feelings for this woman I do not know, nor would wish to know, have also risen up in me and like the rest of you – these feelings have erupted like an intense molten hot volcano !

    Why do you think we all have reacted so strongly to her ? Is it because she killed an endangered polar Bear, because she kills many animals for the “Trophy” , and maybe because she is a woman ? Because women are supposed to love and nurture , not track and kill ?!

    I , like many of you would like to knock that smile off her face ! I am not a violent person , but there is certain things said and done with the tracking and killing of this Polar Bear , that bring out feelings of such rage – that i want to make her feel what that poor polar Bear felt !

    Being tracked relentlessly , by people, snowmobiles, a dog sled with many tracking, hunting dogs . Can you imagine the intense fear this bear went through , trying with all his great might to get away from these people and dogs that he KNEW meant to harm him! And why ? To be another Trophy to be stuffed and put on display ! That is so disgusting and not normal , it makes me so sick- and angry !

    Yeah , lady , one day – Instant Karma Gonna Get You – and it ain’t gonna be nice !!



    • yes, we will keep howling for the voiceless. And I think this is particularly disturbing becauase rarely a day goes by without that we hear about polar bears possible extinction. To do this in the first place is horrific, to do it under such circumstances is unfathomable. And yes, as a woman, you’d think she’d be in touch with her nurturting side, but no. And it makes the picture of how things should be and what it here is, all the more diametrically opposed.


  27. HUMANE ALERT – Humane Society International

    ACTION ALERT: Tell Canada to Protect Polar Bears! PLEASE SIGN !


    This ACTION ALERT was posted on Care2 , so I am posting on here for all to sign and share !

    Blessings, Krista ~ Voice For the Voicelss


  28. As I was reading over the Comments on Care2 to the above Humane Society ACTION ALERT ON POLAR BEARS , I came across this comment from one of my friends who is from Canada . I felt that the importance of her comment was such that I needed to post it on here as well . Her comment is as follows :

    “Done—-but be very clear—–CANADIANS ARE NOT FOR THIS DEPLORABLE ACTION–the problem is our Government—we don’t have any more say about what they do than any one else does in any Country……..This is a Canadian embarrassment–but changing the Government is never easy—–as we are all aware–the seal hunt is still legal—- ”

    A very valid and important point , that shows what we are up against on getting Protection for ANY animal in Canada ! We have been fighting as hard as we are for the wolves , for the seals . So I just wanted to inform you of the opposition from the Canadian Government is as difficult as fighting the U.S. Government for Our Beloved Wolves !
    Blessings, Krista ~ Voice For the Voiceless


  29. This women disgusts me. She does not have right to kill such an innocent creature… FOR FUN. JUST CRUCIAL AND ASHAMED of humans who even try or think about being cruel to innocent animals.. vicious I tell you VICIOUS!!!


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