Feds Poised To Allow Open Season On Wyoming Wolves – Let The Lawsuits Commence…

The feds are surrendering the hapless Wyoming wolf population to brutal state management at the end of August 2012.

From NBC Montanadotcom

“The federal government plans to announce an end to protections for wolves in Wyoming later this month.

Spokesmen from some environmental groups say they plan to review the final wolf delisting rule carefully when it’s issued Aug. 31. They say legal challenges are likely over the state’s plan to classify wolves as predators that can be shot on sight in most areas.”

Wolves will be classified as predators so they can be shot on sight at any time of the day or night, in 90% of the state. Sickos  can run them over with snowmobiles, hang them from fence posts, chop them to pieces, tortured in unimaginable ways….whatever a perverted mind can come up with. This is how low “wolf state management” has sunk. The USFWS put their stamp of approval on this proposed wolf massacre. Wrong is right and up is down.

Wolves must be reilisted. There is no other solution to this madness. It’s the 1900’s all over again and the agency that is supposed to be watching out for a newly delisted species seems fine with the horrific wolf policies of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Minnesota.  Shame on the USFWS, Secretary of the Interior and the Obama administration.

The successful wolf reintroduction has turned into a nightmare. Wolves will now be hunted in FIVE states: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Minnesota.  The Montana and Idaho hunts begin in two weeks. Wyoming leads the pack as the wolf persecutors in chief. If they have their way wolves will be treated like vermin, killed for no reason other than hatred, blood lust and stupidity.

 I hope this is tied up in the courts for years. Thankfully  Cynthia Lummis R-WY didn’t get her budget rider passed so environmental groups are free to challenge the frightening Wyoming wolf “management/killing plan”.

Let the lawsuits commence!!


Feds prepare to end wolf protections in Wyoming

Associated Press
POSTED: Aug 14 2012 02:02:16 PM MDT
From Center For Biological Diversity

Don’t Let Wyoming’s Wolves Be Sacrificed

(click above to sign)


Photo: Public Photobucket
Posted in: Wolf Wars, Wyoming Wolves
Tags: Wyoming wolves, predator status, USFWS, speak out, commence lawsuits, shoot on sight


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30 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Americans, the so called FEDS are your employees, they are supossed to run your country UNDER YOUR GUIDELINES AND WISHES. Force them to listen to you, not for the benefit of their pockets and power hunger.
    Act now, this is wrong.


  2. Nabeki, my strength and power I send to you to fight for the wolves. This madness has got to stop.
    When will humanity learn.


  3. This is the letter I’ve sent to the list you thankfully supplied. According to whom I sent it to, whether fax or email or person, this is basically it:

    Attn: Gov. Butch Otter August 18, 2012
    State Capitol
    Boise, ID 83720

    Time has come to stop the bloodshed, that hatred, the butchering, the ultimate wrong doing to God’s dog. The wolf has been here since the beginning of time. He and man traveled together. There have been pictures found in caves depicting this. What is happening now to this family oriented animal is sinful. Farmers are over-running the wolves territory with their livestock and using getting as close to the dens as possible knowing the mother wolf would protect her young just like your wife and other human mothers would do if a predator came to kill your children. These are a very intelligent animal. They are very social. Mate for live. They are at the bottom of the predator list. You have packs of wild dogs roaming about, bears, large cats, coyotes…then at the bottom…wolves. Please…if you don’t have a heart, and can only see the dollar sign, at least remember one thing…..these are lives that God put here because they entered into His Master Plan for our Eco System.
    Wolves will be classified as predators so they can be shot on sight at any time of the day or night, in 90% of the state. Sickos can run them over with snowmobiles, hang them from fence posts, chop them to pieces, tortured in unimaginable ways….whatever a perverted mind can come up with. This is how low “wolf state management” has sunk. The USFWS put their stamp of approval on this proposed wolf massacre. Wrong is right and up is down.
    Wolves must be relisted. There is no other solution to this madness. It’s the 1900′s all over again and the agency that is supposed to be watching out for a newly delisted species seems fine with the horrific wolf policies of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Shame on the USFWS, Secretary of the Interior and the Obama administration.
    The successful wolf reintroduction has turned into a nightmare. Wolves will now be hunted in FIVE states: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The Montana and Idaho hunts begin in two weeks. Wyoming leads the pack as the wolf persecutors in chief. If they have their way wolves will be treated like vermin, killed for no reason other than hatred, blood lust and stupidity.
    Please, end this uncalled for slaughter. America does know what is going on and knows that what you are doing is wrong. It’s time to right a huge wrong. Please re list the wolf on the Endangered Species list, permanently. This has got out of hand.

    Thank you for your time in this matter,
    Anne DiNucci


    • I agree with all. Unfortunately, “Butcher” Otter will only listen to the ranchers and hunters, not to your well-reasoned letter.


      • You are absolutely correct. Good ole’ boy “Butch” declared that he would be the first to buy a tag to kill wolves when it became legal in Idaho. He embodies the philosophy of ranchers, outfitters, and those in rural areas that suffer from ignorance and what I call “old-think”: killing is good clean fun — our heritage, and exploitation is my god-given right.


      • I agree that Butch Otter listens to those who keep him in office but we have to be the thorns in their sides and continue the fight,not just for the wolves ,but for all wild things. The bears are going to targeted next;after that,who knows? I hope that the Salazars and the Obamas and Walkers of the world,get tired of receiving letters by the same people, on their door step.I would love to have someone hate seeing my name,day after day, going for a good cause.I want my public lands to remain for all of us and not for a priviled few,so their cows can roam the landscape.They are not the only ones with cattle.They are in every state that I have ever lived in.


      • And God forbid anyone should offer to take them off the state’s hands WITHOUT killing them. A friend of mine offered to move several Idaho wolves to a sanctuary in Pennsylvania. Otter threatened to extradite her if she ever set foot in his state. If I were in charge anywhere, Otter would be the one getting extradited. To Antarctica. For LIFE!! He’s one of many haters that should be whacked!

        Up the howls.


  4. The hateful, completely unjust and unacceptable proposal of Wyoming Gov. Mead, his federal welfare rancher pals and some death cult “sportsmen” there, to persecute and slaughter America’s innocent and beautiful wolves will be stopped by the courts. This is a criminal native wildlife killing scheme only heartless creeps like Salazar and cold hearted city slickers like Obama, could support. The mentally disturbed wolf killers are going to start losing and these wolf massacres are going to be shut down. We have to work even harder and keep fighting for all of America’s wolves, everywhere, so we can make that happen sooner rather than later. Stay loyal to the pack and keep fighting!


    • Well spoken Bob. Thank you for continuing to speak out, everybody.


  5. So sad. Greed and the money and power of big hunting and ranching associations are winning while many animals, along with wolves, are losing. Unless more people step up to the democratic process, start caring and getting involved with these issues, the plutocracy will have its way.


  6. Very troubling.

    I will continue to support the wolves, mustangs and all wild beings that now struggle to survive in this off balance world.


  7. Faxed or emailed most the people on the list. Emailed Defenders of Wildlife, emailed the Biological Diversity. Org, Twitter and Facebook of course, Care 2.com, Jane Valdez Mitchel. Somebody out there has to have a heart and some pull…besides us.


  8. Wolves are not the predators here, it’s the humans!


    • Brigid, you are so right. Humans are the most destructive force on the planet. The Earth would return to good health and would function just fine without us. If people refuse to live respectfully and sustainably on the planet, I will root for a new ice age that sweeps people off the Earth and allows the planet to heal without human arrogance, disrespect for other life and brutality. In the meantime, we have to fight the arrogant and ignorant human bastards and finally defeat them.


  9. estoy deacuerdo con todos cuantos lobos tienen que morir por un poder humano? y una pregunta cuanto falta para que nos busquen a los wolf-therian tambien?


  10. It’s game on with these nutjobs. “Complacent working class get up and off your ass. You say you’d die for freedom but the riot never comes. We need a revolution, A social evolution. The socialites who wave the flag are holding smoking guns They say we have to fight, Unite!!, Unite!!, Unite!! The same old men defile the earth and take away our rights. The rules should more than bend, their world is gonna end ‘Cause I’m not going down a pawn in a global class war” – The God Awfuls
    We must rise against, for the time is now to fight. In the words of Che, “Until victory, forever.”


  11. Come election, even if we get rid of the murdering tribe of loonies, we have Romney and Ryan to deal with. Romney has no respect for the animal kingdom and Ryan is an avid wilflife killer. So, we will have to hit them with all barrels….all at once. Let them know that IF they are for the people, then…HEAR the people…..unless they too are in the pockets of the blood thirsty hunters and farmers who love to inflict pain in any and every manner on the wolf. I’ve never seen any admistration like the present who has so much blood on their hands. Hopefully, Romney and Ryan will limit the blood letting and set down some rules and regulations. (PS: God must be really pissed off at Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesta, Washington. Mega fires.)


    • It is fantasy to think Romney and Ryan will be better for wildlife. They will certainly be much worse for the country as a whole. We have to vastly expand and grow intense and unceasing pressure on Obama to fire Salazar and appoint a pro-native wildlife Secretary of Interior. Obama is absolutely a huge part of the problem right now. We must show him he is terribly wrong on wolves and a democratic majority is demanding he change his awful wildlife policies in his second term. The American people will not accept persecution and massacre of America’s wolves any longer!


      • Romney and Ryan could potentially be worse for wildlife, but you know what? Being Republicans, the media WILL END ITS SILENCE! It will slam them for every single thing they do or attempt to do! This will be the advantage: the highly democratic, pro-Obama media will offer the coverage that refused us for four years! We will finally have our voices heard and the people made aware of the plight of the wolves in particular and of the wild life in general. It is something to take into consideration in November.


      • Good point, Astrid, but Romney & Ryan would likely be worse for wildlife and a certain disaster for the country. We are going to force the media to start reporting on this wolf and wildlife killing campaign by Obama and Salazar, the Democrats and Republicans! Work is being done to make that happen, including everything that each of us does to get the word out!


  12. I,frankly,am tired of having to pick the worse of two evils.It is are right to vote on this coming electon,but I would rather write my choice in than vote for either Republicans or Democrats.There is a fat chance that Obama will fire Salazar before then.I think I will try getting some remarks into my local paper in the free ads.What the heck,if people can wish happy birthday to some,why not our wildlife?Keep it short and sweet and tasteful..


  13. So am I. Some of the outright propaganda concerning this issue is shocking. I go back and forth, I keeping trying to find hope for the issues that are meaningful for me but there is none. For wildife and the environement, it doesn’t seem to matter who is in power. No wonder our country is turning into an embarrassment around the world. I may not vote at all excdept locally. We truly deserve Romney and Ryan, who will take the country to hell in a handbasket.


  14. As I understood it from my father and one uncle whom I knew well, their mother was 1/2 Cherokee Indian, making them 1/4 and me 1/8th. I was also told that my great grandmother was of the Wolf clan. Most, if not all, Native American nations and tribes believe fully in the ultimate power and direction of all things in the spiritual and natural world are in the hands of one Creator and the Great Spirit. I too believe this way spiritually and it is in no way contradictory to my decipleship in Jesus Christ, God incarnate, according to the Hebrew and Greek scriptures comprising the Holy Scriptures.

    Chiefs Seattle and Dan George, along with the famous Black Elk, a Lakota Sioux medicine man, each held that once mankind had destroyed Creator’s animals that man’s fate would follow that of the animals and death would ultimately ensue. Chief Seattle ascribed man’s death to a loneliness of spirit but I attribute it to man’s inherant evil nature which stems from a blatant refusal to follow the path set forth by Creator God.

    Nabeki, you know that my wife and I, along with many friends of our, have successfully raised Hi%age wolf dogs who are/were all highly family oriented as are the wolves in the wild. At present we have a man in a very powerful government position who wants to see all of the wolves in the lower 48 and Alaska eradicated; the buffalo destroyed; the wild mustangs removed from all U.S. land; along with grizzly and polar bears and perhaps soon the Kermodes of our NW states. His name is Ken Salazar and he has been given free reigns to make whatever decisions suit his evil purposes.

    Unfortunately I have seen few results from signing petitions, letter writing campaigns, and telephone calls. This is similar to the efforts of the Lakota Sioux and Amnesty International trying to win Leonard Peltier amnesty or a Presidential pardon for a crooked and invalid conviction for killing two FBI agents on the Rosebud Reservation at Wounded Knee in 1975. Despite the written opinions from the Canadian judge who sign Peltier’s extradition papers, a top FBI invetigator and numerous FBI informants, Peltier has been serving a double life sentence since 1976 in the Federal prison system.

    Question: have you ever wondered why ‘Lady Justice’ is depicted holding a set of scales in her one hand, yet wears a blindfold all the while??? It’s simply because there is no such thing as pure, unadulterated justice among mankind!! The only One who can mete out pure and true justice is Creator God. I’m not writing this in an attempt to offend anyone, but I know in my spirit from praying regularly to the Great Spirit=Holy Spirit of Creator God that the prayers of those with a humble and clean heart He always hears and responds to. It will be a massive prayer effort to our Creator that will eventually set things straight in Washington, D.C., Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Michigan, Wisconssin, Arizona, New Mexico, and all of the other places where these precious and innocent animals are being slaughtered out of fear, hate and greed.

    I fully support our Constitution that all should be and are entitled to pray and worship as they see fit and as such I pray, not to a religious group of any kind as all religion is man-made. Instead I pray and make all requestst to the only Creator God who is alive, always has been and forever shall be, He alone can save the animals and us along with them. They were given us for our fulfillment and enjoyment. If we’ll but humble ourselves, putting all worldly pride, arrogance, greed, and disobedience aside WE WILL SEE CHANGES.

    We are told by Jesus in Mark 11: 23-24 “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” The One true Creator and Only God can do that which we cannot of ourselves. But for every sincere prayer sent or prayed to Him, He does and will answer!!!


  15. I can’t believe any of you would wish Romney and Ryan on our country. Romney says on day 1 of his presidency he will approve the Keystone XL pipeline, which will hasten the deaths of 6,000 Alberta wolves by shooting from the air and poisoning. The Canadian government thinks these wolves are in the way of turning the Boreal Forest into a tar sands oil wasteland. Romney says he doesn’t understand the intrinsic value of public lands and plans to drill, frack, and mine every acre he can get hold of, including national parks. He wants to get rid of all federal regulations, which includes all environmental protections in the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act. He would either eliminate the EPA or make it toothless. Romney will be forced into this by the Koch brothers and other right wing billionaires because they are financing his campaign. I am not even going into how Romney would destroy the middle class, shred the social safety net, and take women’s rights back to the ’50s. What has happened to wolves is a terrible tragedy and I am fighting every day to right it and Ken Salazar is a terrible Interior Secretary, but Romney must not be allowed to become president. The result would be catastrophic.


    • Judy, I’m with you. Most of us, ALL OF US, feel so betrayed, angry, disgusted and heartbroken with Obama and Salazar’s anti-ecology, anti-science, hideous wolf massacre policies, that we are desperate for change. But Romney and Ryan are both sick bastards when it comes to ecology and there would be no change with them… they are even sicker than sickening Obama and Salazar the bastard. The choice sucks! We must find a way to force Obama, in his second term, to fire Salazar, appoint a native wildlife respecting Secretary of Interior and reverse his completely unacceptable, criminal policies towards America’s wolves and all native wildlife.


  16. Hi Nabeki,
    Thank you for all your inspiring work to save wolves. There will be a wolf rally in Toronto…

    Rally at US Consulate:
    Uphold the Endangered Species Act – Stop the War on Wolves!

    Monday, August 27, 2012
    11 am – noon
    Consulate General of the USA
    360 University Ave (between Queen & Dundas)

    Join wolf advocates across North America demanding the Endangered Species Act be upheld and to stop the wolf hunts in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

    Sign the Relist Wolves petition at:

    For more info: Wolf Action http://wolfaction.wordpress.com/


  17. this is the most horibble thing i ever hurd ! MURDERS. after all the land was thaires befor the mass kill of for the land and 1 doller per pelt 50 years ago and now ranchers are sad and pissed becouse we put the wolves back a few years ago well the ranchers need to move out of the national forest and give the land back to the wolves !


  18. I’m dreading the moment that Wyoming officially gains management of their wolf population on September 30th. What disturbs me the most about Wyoming’s Wolf “Management” Plan is that wolves will be classified as “predators” (vermin) to be shot-on-sight in about 88% of the state. I know that most of the population is in the “Trophy Zone,” but just to think that wolves could be killed in any way at any time in most of the state is appalling! Plus, it’ll prevent wolves from recolonizing former habitat, such as the Southern Rockies and the Northern/Central Great Plains, since any wolf spotted in the state outside of the “Trophy Zone” could be killed instantly.


  19. Impresionante review, me encanta este juego. Si te pasas por mi blog, podemos empezar una colaboración. Saludosss!


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