Published in: on March 16, 2013 at 12:26 am  Comments (10)  

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  1. DONE , e mail sent to Kitzhoper.  



    • I called and e-mailed my senator yesterday and asked that he oppose SB 5187, SB 5188, and SB 5193. Since he is a Republican (Senator Baumgartner), I thought my efforts would probably fail, but the staff member I talked to said he was not in favor of those bills. I hope she was right!

      I think we should be protesting all three bills. SB 5888 deals with “imminent threats to livestock by gray wolves,” and SB 5193 also deals with gray wolf conflict management.I believe the orginal bill mentions “large preditors” and now says “concerning ‘gray wolf’ management.” So the wolves are singled out.

      A whole pack in Washington State was killed recently, mostly on the demands of one rancher. So much for the power of the people against the wolf hunts.


      • Sorry. That should be HB 5188 that deals with protecting livestock against gray wolves.


  2. Stop the carnage


  3. I strenuously Oppose SSB 5187. Please recognize that wolves are a vital part of the wilderness environment, can live in harmony with ranchers and are an invaluable symbol of this nation’s wilderness resources that make us special in all the world.


  4. I hope that this bill does not pass! The last time I checked, species that are listed as endangered are supposed to be PROTECTED from killing, not killed under permission of legislature bills! Why can’t Washington and the other states have a no-kill policy like Oregon does?


  5. Reblogged this on Carinas space and commented:
    Take action for wolves!! All info below.


  6. Is there any point in calling the legislators if we live in Texas? thanks ________________________________________


  7. Nabeki, i think im one of the few people in norway that knows about this, thats why im trying to tell everyone in norway about this hunting and they have to take action before its too late, We can contact Obama via Twitter and say to him stop killing wolves!

    For The Wolves! 🙂


  8. i oppose,oppose,oppose SSB5187. please stop killing these beauiful animals. they are a vital part of our egosystem. god put them here for a reason, and not to have humans KILL THEM!!!!!


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