Exposing the Big Game

Action Alert from the HSUS

It’s devastating to watch. In just one year, wolves have taken one brutal hit after another.

First, wolves were stripped of their federal protections under the Endangered Species Act. Then, state by state, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, and Wyoming all opened fire on these majestic animals. Now, Michigan may be just months away from joining in the bloodletting.

Keep Michigan Wolves Protected is a coalition racing to collect 225,000 signatures by March 27 to put a referendum on the 2014 ballot. If the signatures are collected, we will automatically stop the Michigan wolf hunts through November 2014, an effort that would save as many as 500 wolf lives from pointless trophy hunting.

But we’re running out of time.

There is just more than one week left, and we haven’t reached our goal of 225,000 signatures. Can you help us put more people on the ground…

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Published in: on March 18, 2013 at 11:43 pm  Comments (18)