Innocent Lolo Wolves Sitting Ducks, Soon Death Will Rain Down On Them From The Skies….

  September 5, 2011. A stunning video of  a Wildlife Service’s Super Cub airplane, aerial gunning wolves on the Flat Top Ranch near Carey, Idaho. You can hear the gunfire in the video, it’s absolutely chilling. The is what awaits the Lolo wolves.

UPDATE: February 5, 2012

This is not the first time Idaho has targeted Lolo wolves.

It’s Pupping Season, Idaho Is Preparing To Aerial Gun Lolo Wolves….

May 4, 2011


It’s coming,  just a matter of weather and opportunity before Wildlife Services revs up their aerial gunships and swoops down on the hapless Lolo wolves, chasing them with their planes, riddling their bodies with buckshot from twelve gauge shotguns. The wolves writhe in pain, it’s a brutal death, many experience prolonged suffering before finally succumbing. The gunners may run the wolves until they fall over from  exhaustion and then take the shot or land the plane and shoot them point-blank.

Death from the skies is real life horror. Lolo wolves are sitting ducks, unaware  death is coming for them.

Not too long ago it was reported federal Wildlife Service killers would decal their plane for each wolf they killed, a badge of honor? The practice has since been halted when outrage was expressed.

These are your tax dollars in action. You’re paying the salaries of federal agents whose job it is to kill not just wolves but any animal deemed inconvenient to agribusiness.  Anyone with an ounce of empathy could not do this  for a living.

And behind the curtain stands IDFG, ready to give Wildlife Services the order to destroy these wolves like they are nothing more than cockroaches. Just squash them because that’s what many of their hunting  customers want, NO DEMAND.  The wildlife watching public, who want to view wild wolves, be damned.

This is what happens when the majority of citizens of a state are locked out of wildlife decisions and a few special interests dictate wildlife “management”.  The system is broken and needs a serious overhaul!

Elk numbers in the Lolo  have been declining for years, long before wolves were reintroduced.  According to the RMEF there are approx 103,000 elk in Idaho. More than enough elk. In 23 of the 29 management zones, elk numbers meet target levels or exceed them.

Yet the slaughter will continue unless or until public outrage demands it be stopped. Idaho has taken off the gloves , 266 dead wolves in four months  prove that. Are we going to sit silently by while they trap, shoot, aerial gun and snare Idaho’s beleaguered wolves?   Or will you we make enough noise to be heard in Washington, DC?


Federal use of aerial sharpshooters to kill wolves draws fire

December 14, 2011|By Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times

A 2006 photo shows a U.S. agency plane covered with decals marking the number of wolves killed to protect other animals. With the practice set to resume soon, wildlife advocates cry foul.


It’s up to you. 

Flood Secretary Salazar and the IDFG commissioners  with calls and faxes. Let them know you DO NOT WANT YOUR TAX DOLLARS used to kill wolves. Demand they stop this  brutality. Let them know there are elections coming up in 2012 and you’ll remember the Obama administration rubber stamped the decimation of  wolves in the  Northern Rockies.  Don’t be rude but let them know you are outraged they would slaughter innocent Lolo wolves just to please special interests.  Idaho thinks they are immune and can do what they want but the world is watching. Who wants to visit a state that treats their wolves like vermin?


Department of the Interior: Secretary Ken Salazar

1-202-208-3100 PHONE

1-202-208-6950 FAX

Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20240


Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners

Video: Courtesy Raventracking (YouTube)

Posted in: Wolf Wars

Tags: Lolo wolves, aerial gunning of wolves, Idaho, IDFG, Idaho Wildlife Services, trapping expanded, IDFG commissioners, Ken Salazar, Tim Woody

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29 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Wolves have a right to this land like, like all who live there. It is not right for humans to take their lives. This should stop, and not be allowed, Not for money, sport, ranchers or any reason. The wolves must thrive and survive, if we as humans wish to do the same.


  2. LUDICROUS – meaning foolish, unreasonable, ridiculous.


  3. The killing and trapping of the wolves are horrible, shameful examples of human brutality toward other creatures who have a right to live on this earth. Yet the people who do it seem to delight in the killing and appear to be beyond shame or remorse.


  4. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by the way its animals are treated. Mahatma Gandhi/Lucidora


  5. The Defenders also have a petition on their site regarding this upcoming slaughter: After calling and writing to the above people and agencies, please sign that, too.


    • thank, we most for ever stoooooop it, i love wolf 5 bilioner %– biiig cry for wolf


  6. Please leave your pro- wolf comments on this website. A rancher in British Columbia is complaining that wolves are attacking their “livestock.”
    thank you


  7. Power without love is reckless and abusive. Lucidora


  8. Humanity’s inhumanity needs to cease now!


  9. No one wants to visit a state that treats their wolves like vermin!!!
    I will tell al my friends and persons how i know that they should not be visiting the US and specially the states how kill and slaugther these magnificent animals. PLEASE STOP!!!! this senceless killing.
    First reintroduced by human and than beeing killed by human, its not making any sence at all.




  11. I wanted to inform all the readers of this blog about what the state of Wisconsin is proposing. The below legislation wants to kill over 60 % of the wolves in Wisconsin and allow for use of dogs, bait, trapping, night hunting, and electronic calls to help kill wolves. This plan is on the same level as Idaho and Wyoming, probably worse. Even those states aren’t allowing dogs to kill wolves. If you can please pass this along so this horrifying legislation can be stopped.

    Thank you


  12. Send your comments to and tell her you will boycott Wisconsin cheese in favor of California and Vermont. I know her and have discussed wolf hunts. I will call her tomorrow. This is just medieval and chauvinistic thinking. Also , write letters to the Wisconsin State Journal. Wisconsin can’t stand the governor I can’t believe they would tolerate this.


  13. Salazar’s direct line is 202 208 7351.


  14. I have signed these petitions and sent e-mail to Salazar. This just makes me sick to my stomach to think that my tax dollars are being spent for this senseless and unnecessary slaughter.


    • I have also written to President Clinton and Bruce Babbitt, his Secretary of Interior, and begged them to use their influence and step in to save their legacy, the wolves. I can’t understand why President Clinton has been so oblivious of this tragedy when this is one of the things his administration will be rememberd by.


  15. dansk. min dag er igen ødelagt, når jeg læser om de modbydelige slagtninger på min ven, ulven, — ulven er ingen forbryder- i denne verden, farmene og jægerne har ødelagt alt for ulven, jægerne dræber hjorte, alt hvad de kan komme i nærheden af, så ulven må jo tage sig for af farmenes besætning, sådan har det ikke været før, så her er virkeligt en STOR EGO hos FARMENE–JÆGERNE, da de ikke kan indse deres forbandet fejl, mod ulvene. ulven er ingen dræber på naturen, den spiser de syge-svage, men mennesket er det største ROV_DYR ( ikke alle ), og er virkelig dræber mod sageløse dyr, for at tjene penge på dyrenes skin— håber at der aldrig bliver købt skin fra dyr—– så mord-drabene stoppes :-(((((((((((((((((((


  16. This is crap WTF is wrong with these people why can’t folks just leave well enough alone how do you figure they would feel
    If there own children were hunted from the sky chased down and shot,I’m thinking they would not be at all happy bout this


  17. I called Salazar’s direct line yesterday . Whoever answered the phone won’t forget me.


  18. Just when I think it can’t get worse it does. There will not be a wolf left on the face of the earth, and it’s unbearable


  19. My heart can’t stand this anymore. I bursted into tears yesterday because of what is happening to the wolves.

    Those poor Lolo wolves. What have they ever done to deserve this? And how many wolves are in the Lolo, anyway?


    • Carla…we are all feeling it. It’s an epic tragedy, the worst part is the hunting season has months to go in Idaho. We have the Great Lakes delisting the persecution of wolves in Oregon. It just goes on and on. We need the national media to get involved but so far “crickets”.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  20. I do not agree with this barbarick murder. No matter what unless you are killing to survive. It IS murder. I do not want any of my tax dollars to support this twisted way of murder!


  21. KILLERS!!


  22. Flat out bashing them, because I’m not in a good mood today. But apparently they changed the contact us URL, just go to the bottom and look for the Contact Us link and click on it.

    “I find just the reason to be ridiculous. They see elk populations drop, and automatically blame it on the wolves. Have they even looked at other possibilities? Such as 5 years ago, and 5 years before that, herds near the Lolo Zone were infected with EHD. Gee, you don’t think another 5 years later, another herd would be infected? Really, what idiots! I can’t believe I am even paying these people! And without even one question asked, without more research, they’re going out with their planes to go kill some wolves, and I can damn well guarantee you that its not for conservation reasons either, or they would have made more of an effort to, you know, CONSERVE. Other regions are meeting and above their expectations, and wolves don’t only eat elk, they also eat white-tailed deer which are over objective throughout the state. On top of this, according to their most recent report, elk and deer have been causing problems for crop growers. Oh, but they don’t go shooting them do they? Of course not. They feed them and try to lure them away. God forbid they do that to a predator!

    I live in Wilder, ID, (my address, removed to prevent harassment from you know who). I am absolutely outraged and disgusted at the complete lack of brain cells these people have. They certainly don’t have a lack of guns, planes, and taxes though.”

    I’ll be contacting Idaho Fish and Game too, and biting their butts off.


    • Fish and Game, its in the Panhandle Region for those who don’t know:

      “Yeah. I’m already in a bad mood today, and you guys just made it even better. I’m pissed.

      Did it ever occur to you, even slightly, that the elk could be infected with EHD? I mean, gee, five years ago deer were infected with it in Unit 8, and even five years before that, more deer were infected with it in Unit 8. You don’t think another five years later, elk, instead of deer, could possibly contract EHD? Cause, you know, they are in Montana and North Dakota. Oh, but wait, why would a member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation even consider such a possibility? Of course you’ll jump at any chance to kill an elk’s top predator. It doesn’t matter if the reason hasn’t even been researched or not even one question has been raised. Am I right? Oh and who cares about the fact that elk in other areas of the state are meeting or above objective, or even consider the fact that white tailed deer throughout Idaho are over objective. Because wolves only eat elk after all, and Lolo Zone is so magical that they are only able to completely destroy the population in that area.

      I live in Wilder, ID, so don’t even go thinking that I’m one of those people out of state who “doesn’t know what’s going on in Idaho”. It wouldn’t surprise me if my comment doesn’t sway you in the least bit, if you continue on with your plan to leave wolf pups without mothers and add more badges of honor to your planes, with just mere assumptions and observations instead of cold hard research and science, if such a thing even exists in Idaho. I really wish I could keep my tax money and give it to the agencies who earn it and actually need it.

      Enjoy the wolf slaughter. At least its not happening where I’m at, if it was, it would just piss me off more.


    • Aw, crap. Its actually in Clearwater. I swear it used to be Panhandle. Oh well.

      Revised (kind of feel bad that I went off personally attacking the other guy):

      “Yeah. I’m already in a bad mood today, and you guys just made it even better. I’m pissed.

      Did it ever occur to you, even slightly, that the elk could be infected with EHD? I mean, gee, five years ago deer were infected with it in Unit 8, and even five years before that, more deer were infected with it in Unit 8. You don’t think another five years later, elk, instead of deer, could possibly contract EHD? Cause, you know, they are in Montana and North Dakota. I find it surprising that the reason hasn’t even been researched and not even one question has been raised. Oh and who cares about the fact that elk in other areas of the state are meeting or above objective, or that white tailed deer throughout Idaho are over objective. Because wolves only eat elk after all, and Lolo Zone is so magical that they are only able to completely destroy the population in that area.

      I live in Wilder, ID, so don’t even go thinking that I’m one of those people out of state who “doesn’t know what’s going on in Idaho”. It wouldn’t surprise me if my comment doesn’t sway you in the least bit, if you continue on with your plan to leave wolf pups without mothers and add more badges of honor to your planes, with just mere assumptions and observations instead of cold hard research and science, if such a thing even exists in Idaho. We might as well be using religion to control our wildlife. I really wish I could keep my tax money and give it to the agencies who earn it and actually need it.

      Enjoy the wolf slaughter. At least its not happening where I’m at, if it was, it would just piss me off more.
      -Sarah “


  23. Wheres an M72 when you need one.


  24. I remember this. Those poor wolves…can’t even receive a humane death. What did they ever do to deserve this cruelty?


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