Wisconsin Assembly Delays Wolf Hunt Vote Until Next Week….

A break? The Wisconsin State Assembly has delayed a vote on the brutal wolf hunt bill until next week. That gives us much-needed time to lobby Representatives into rethinking their vote. I know it’s a long shot, the Assembly is more conservative on this issue than the state Senate but I see this as a positive. Please take the time to call Wisconsin Representatives until they take up the bill next week. If  they hear from us in great numbers there is a chance they may reconsider their vote.

If you live out-of-state let them know you will boycott all products from Wisconsin and will not set foot in the state if they vote for this wolf hunting bill, that allows up to six dogs per wolf hunter to chase wolves down. Wolves do not need to be hunted, they regulate their numbers according to their prey base, that is simple biology. They certainly don’t need dogs chasing them through the woods, terrorizing them and other wildlife.

If you’re  a Wisconsin resident,  make sure they understand you will make it a priority to vote anyone out of office who supports this inhumane and cruel legislation.

The war on wolves has spread from the Northern Rockies to the Great Lakes. The usual suspects are behind the onslaught, the ranching and hunting lobbies, who are scapegoating and demonizing wolves, once again.

Enough is enough. It’s time to fight back!!

Assembly delays action on bills legalizing wolf hunt, lifting Family Care cap

Last Updated: March 07, 2012 – 2:41 am

The Assembly planned to vote on the measures Tuesday. But at about 1:30 a.m. early Wednesday morning Republican leaders decided instead to adjourn and take up the unfinished bills next week, its final week in session.

Read more : http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/39a90a18e4ab4e35af7608eccd81f0a4/WI-XGR–Assembly/


Contact Wisconsin State Assembly Representatives



Sample letter to use if you live out-of-state. If you live in Wisconsin you can change the wording to suit you. Hope this helps.

Dear Wisconsin Legislator,

I’m writing to let you know how disturbed I am that Wisconsin would consider a wolf hunt so soon after wolves were removed from the ESA but specifically one that allows wolves to be hunted with dogs, night hunting, shooting across roads, steel jaw traps, baiting, predators calls, muzzle-loading firearms, handguns, shotguns, bow and arrows and crossbows. Why not just bring out the artillery?

This bill is so egregious to so many Americans who care about wolves and want to see them protected. It is unconscionable that Wisconsin would treat a newly delisted species in this way. This hunt is obviously motivated by special interests who have no love for the wolf. From the outside it looks like a “revenge hunt”.

Wolves have an important ecological role to play. They cull ungulate herds, keeping them healthy and free of disease. There is no reason for such heavy-handed tactics against them. They are not eating all the deer or killing all the cattle. To quote Ed Bangs ( retired Federal Wolf Recovery Coordinator),  “To the livestock industry, wolf losses are so small, you can’t even measure them.” March 2012

Please vote no on this very bad bill. It gives Wisconsin a black eye and will have a negative effect on the state’s vital tourism industry. There may be a small, vocal minority that dislikes wolves but the majority of Americans love wolves and will not want to visit a state that uses such barbaric practices against them.

Thank you for your time.



Assembly Bill 502



Sign Care2 Petition

Say No To Wisconsin Wolf Hunt

Click Here To Sign

Photos: Courtesy Wikipedia Commons

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Wisconsin Wolves

Tags: Defeat AB 502, Wisconsin Assembly delays vote, hunting wolves with dogs, animal cruelty

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37 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Whoooo-oooo! Thank goodness,


  2. phew. if there is anything aside from already posted, what we can do, let us know!!!


  3. I have already sent a letter to all the (almost 100) reps…It is posted in notes on my fb. Please feel free to lift statements if that is helpful for anyone. but, PLEASE DO SEND AS MANY LETTERS AND MAKE AS MANY PHONE CALLS AS POSSIBLE. One important thing, they really do NEED TO HEAR FROM CITIZENS I WISCONSIN who care not just about wolves but about the existence of traps on public lands, and about the use of dogs to hunt wolves.


    • Donna, are u a resident of WI.? If so – do u think we could organize something @ the Capital??

      I went up there last year & protested a few times against WALKER & HIS CRONIES.


  4. Thank God, Allah, Buddha , & everyone else who I’ve forgotten.


  5. Anyone have a good simple letter that we could send –
    simple & to the point –


    • Ramses…I corrected a few mistakes I had in the letter but it should be good to go now. I’ll put it on the front of the blog.

      Dear Wisconsin Legislator,

      I’m writing to let you know how disturbed I am that Wisconsin would consider a wolf hunt so soon after wolves were removed from the ESA but specifically one that allows wolves to be hunted with dogs, night hunting, shooting across roads, steel jaw traps, baiting, predators calls, muzzle-loading firearms, handguns, shotguns, bow and arrows and crossbows. Why not just bring out the artillery?

      This bill is so egregious to so many Americans who care about wolves and want to see them protected. It is unconscionable that Wisconsin would treat a newly delisted species in this way. This hunt is obviously motivated by special interests who have no love for the wolf. From the outside it looks like a “revenge hunt”.

      Wolves have an important ecological role to play. They cull ungulate herds, keeping them healthy and free of disease. There is no reason for such heavy-handed tactics against them. They are not eating all the deer or killing all the cattle. To quote Ed Bangs ( retired Federal Wolf Recovery Coordinator), “To the livestock industry, wolf losses are so small, you can’t even measure them.” March 2012.

      Please vote no on this very bad bill. It gives Wisconsin a black eye and will have a negative effect on the state’s vital tourism industry. There may be a small, vocal minority that dislikes wolves but the majority of Americans love wolves and will not want to visit a state who uses such barbarous practices against them.

      Thank you for your time.




      • Great letter simply but effectively conveying the point of Wisconsin using the fore mentioned tactics to kill wolves.


      • Thank You Nabeki – this is so close to home for me. I will be going up to Madison as much as I possibly can. Also, this weekend I will be standing out on a very busy street corner by where I live & letting the folks who go in & out of IL. from WI. what is going on. I happen to live right on the border of IL. & WI. so it’s a perfect protesting area for me. I also want to get a big ass banner to hang from another busy road – I’ve had this in my head for awhile & have been kinda wishy washy about it. But I’m gonna do it. Fuck it. Excuse my language.


      • Your welcome ramses…

        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Dear Nabeki! I would like send your letter! Please CAN to put the link? Tank YOU SO much what do YOU do for wolves !


      • Agnes…I included a link for all the Representatives in the blog post. Here’s the link. Then copy and paste the letter to each one (:

        Contact Wisconsin State Assembly Representatives


        For the wolves, For the wild ones,


    • Ramses, YOU are SO right!


  6. I just spoke to a woman at the Timber Wolf Alliance in Wisconsin. Even though they are a non-advocacy group, she said the wolf hunting bill is so egregious they will be fighting it and at least trying to amend it to not allow hunting with dogs. She said she is surprised and disappointed that the International Wolf Center will not be doing the same and will not even take a stand against 400 wolves being slated to be killed in a sport hunt in Minnesota, where they are based.


  7. Still hope. Action?


    • Gitte…I composed a letter people can use from out of state. Wisconsin residents can change it around or add more to it but I think it gets the message across.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  8. […] https://howlingforjustice.wordpress.com/2012/03/07/wisconsin-assembly-delays-wolf-hunt-vote-until-nex… Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← Wisconsin Sells Out Wolves […]


  9. I argumented with International Wolf Center about this meach…


  10. Minnesota is next up, gah, this is so ridiculous. I thought initially I had read that they were going to be more conservative, but now they are proposing a year-round hunt and want to take 400 wolves. I’d always heard about the Wolf Center and how the Great Lakes area was such a wolf success. I hope it isn’t just PR. The only state that seems to be rational is Michigan.


    • Ida, These are comments made by David Mech about the Minnesota wolf hunt, from December 2011. Dr. L. David Mech, U.S. Department of the Interior, Vice Chair, Board of Directors, International Wolf Center:

      Dave Mech, a senior research scientist U.S. Geological Survey and wolf expert, expressed no concern over the proposed gray wolf hunting season. “No. None,”he said. A hunting season would impact the social structure of wolves, Mech explained. But wolves, like all wild animals, die all the time and the specie lives on. Much of the wolf’s ability to hunt is innate — they’re born knowing, he explained. So even wolf puppies who lose parents are capable of fending for themselves, Mech indicated.”

      So say the puppies parents are killed at the beginning of a hunt starting in September. The pups will be about 5 months old. Is he saying five month old wolf pups can fend for themselves without their parents?????


      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


      • Dave Mech most likely is $ driven and within a clique/group to ensure fat ranchers/farmers continue on with more business and disregard for harmony of all living earthlings-

        The changes needed to ensure a healthy and balanced planet may not be feasible in today’s capitalistic U. S. societal norm; but I for one shall continue to assist WOLF survival and vital role for planet earth!
        Keep howling…….


      • OMG, what kind of a wolf advocate is that? He sees no problem with killing pups, disrupting the breeding season and social structure of the packs, and he’s got “credentials” that possibly might convince others. He’s also wrong that the species lives on – there was a campaign to eradicate them that was nearly succesful until biologists reintroduced them in the lower 48, and ongoing battles ever since, so they have arguable only just recovered and are just hanging on.


      • David Mech!! Somehow he was an advocate and the notoriety must have went to his head, and now he is a wolves WORST enemy. Please know this. I remember mech when I got my first wolf dog, half the books on how to care for them were by mech! Has he been taken over by big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to speak AGAINST wolves? Don’t trust him!


  11. I live out of state but have still written letters and signed petitions. The only thing I could think to do was cry out for help from the occupy movement.in Wisconsin. I left posts on Occupy Madison and Occupy Greenbay facebook pages and the national Occupy Together facebook page. I have left Posts with links to the legislators lists and let them know that time is running out. Are there any other organizations on the college campuses that would help rally?


    • I found several more facebook pages in Wisconsin to post on. Hopefully about 50,000 people in Wisconsin who would do something will read
      the post before time runs out.


  12. Ramses I live in southern Wisconsin, A good idea would be to protest in front of The Wisconsin Bear Association.? They are headquartered in Madison. You can find that in yesterday’s blog. They wrote the bill. I’m going to call them. I had a bear hunter yell at me 3 yrs. ago at the Wi. Conservation Congress on how his dogs were being chased by wolves and some almost killed. Well, there wasn’t much between his ears and these guys are inhumane to even use dogs. I’m putting a barb in the Monroe paper tomorrow. Those that know me won’t be surprized.


    • That “Association” is a disgusting group of slob bear hounders who seem to have total control over the state lawmakers. They are in bed with George Meyer who heads the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation. It should be called the Wisconsin Wildlife Killers Federation. Meyer was the head of the DNR from 1993 to 2001, and for some reason the state lawmakers revere this old fart as if he were some kind of god. The Wisconsin Wildlife Federation is the umbrella organization for many of the most deplorable hunting and trapping groups in the state including the WI Bear Hunters Association. In fact a law was just passed today in Wisconsin that mandates hunting and trapping classes be offered in public schools for credit. That same bill also mandates that hunting and trapping be allowed in ALL state and county parks in Wisconsin. If you want the wrinkled scowling face that is behind all of this Google George Meyer.


  13. I was at the capital Tuesday and found a few allies and told them the story of my long journey I took personally from Anchorage just to get there. Anti-wolfs are trying my patience and if I didn’t have to fly back on Wensday I would of been glad to give them a piece of my mind. Nabeki I want to put you in touch with a friend of mine. She has a big heart for all creatures.



  14. Nabeki, as I said in a previous comment I have lost all respect for Dr. Mech and I don’t see how any wolf activist can now support the International Wolf Center. What kind of heat did you get over their wolf hunting articles in 2010? All I heard from them was the articles in the magazine don’t reflect their opinion. That’s because they supposedly don’t have one.


  15. ‘That same bill also mandates that hunting and trapping be allowed in ALL state and county parks in Wisconsin.’

    This sounds like a danger to the public. You can’t interfere with the public’s freedom to use the parks and they shouldn’t have to take a back seat to hunters. I’m always walking in my state and county parks and there could easily be a shooting accident if hunting is allowed. Talk about a danger to children!

    Also, I’m concerned that the NRA and the Safari Club are behind a lot of these state hunts. The legislature shouldn’t just accomodate these groups only, what about some fairness for the researchers and biologists? Shouldn’t it be illegal to kill collared wolves and a shooter or killer be fined if they do so?


    • Ida,

      This state panders to the whim of hunters more than any other special interest group. No other state in the country allows wolves to be hunted by packs of dogs, but Wisconsin will be the first. The hunter/trapper groups in this state want access to ALL public land and are even looking at finding ways to penalize landowners who do not allow hunting and trapping by making them pay hundreds more in taxes each year. Here is a summary of that bill:

      “Assembly Bill 402, now in process: The Managed Forest Program gives forested land owners a tax break with a mandated logging management plan. But if the owner closes his own land to hunting, he will be penalized by paying five times the tax of land opened to hunters. For a 50-acre parcel, that means paying $417 versus $83.”

      When they start penalizing private landowners for doing what they have every right to do something is very wrong. This is what we are up against in Wisconsin. Hunters and trappers are trying to bully their way onto OUR PRIVATE lands. Soon hikers will need to have body armor and landline detectors just to take a stroll in the woods. This is crazy!


      • Unbelievable! No private landowner will stand for it.


      • Ida,

        I hope that is the case, but remember this is Scott Walker’s Wisconsin. I made the mistake of underestimating the reach that the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation and the groups under them have. I was astounded when I realized how this group basically owns members of both parties. As horrible as these bills are it is good that people can now see what has been happening for years in Wisconsin in terms of wildlife. Even though it affects my neighbors and me please boycott Wisconsin tourism and products, and spread the word. That is the only thing that may get to these people. Animals have never been safe in our woods, now they want to make it dangerous for the rest of us so a small minority can have their “recreation.” There are 800 wolves in Wisconsin, 8000 trappers, and 5.6 million residents. This is just crazy how they are pandering to 8000 wildlife killers.


  16. Oh I hope we can stop this


  17. Tomorrow there is a march on the capitol in Madison..they expect over 10,000 to be there for the rally. I have asked them to please carry signs and rally for the wolves also. Is there any chance anyone in Madison can make some signs and bring them there?

    Reclaim Wisconsin March
    Public Event · By Wisconsin State AFL-CIO

    On Saturday March 10, Wisconsinites will return to the Capitol to mark the one year anniversary of the passage of Gov. Walker’s union-busting bill.

    1:00pm until 4:00pm


    • Damn it – I missed it the march. I am so pissed


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