Reinstating Minnesota’s Five Year Moratorium On Wolf Hunts Passes First Test…..

Minnesota Wolves

Minnesota Wolves…Photo Derek Montgomery

Finally a victory! Today a big first step was taken to protect Minnesota’s wolves from hunts,  that were thrust upon them when the USFWS delisted wolves in the Great Lakes.

“A Minnesota Senate committee approved a bill Thursday that would put a five-year moratorium on wolf hunting in Minnesota.

The Senate Environment and Energy Committee approved the measure on a seven to six vote. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Chris Eaton, DFL-Brooklyn Center, said she thinks it’s irresponsible to hunt wolves so quickly after the animal was removed from the endangered species list”….mpr news

Minnesota’s wolf plan previously included a five-year moratorium on wolf hunts if canis lupus was ever federally delisted.  BUT the Minnesota legislature removed that safeguard in 2011,  several months before the USFWS stripped Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota wolves from the Endangered Species List.

  Soon after,  just as their fellow wolf states had done before them,  Minnesota rushed to hold a wolf  hunt in 2012, pushed by powerful hunting and ranching interests.   But wolf advocates are fighters and the battle is far from over.

This is the beginning of a push back in Minnesota, led by Howling For Wolves founder Dr. Maureen Hackett, who has been tireless in her fight to protect Minnesota’s wolves.

There is no reason to hold organized wolf hunts, hundreds of wolves are already killed each year by Wildlife Services for agribusiness.  Wolf hunts are purely a money-maker for the states and serve no purpose other than to give trophy hunters another target to shoot at.

A big thank you to Howling for Wolves and  bill sponsor Senator Chris Eaton for getting the ball rolling to end the unnecessary and brutal wolf hunts in Minnesota.

Now let’s get busy extending protections for the rest of the beleaguered wolf populations!


Minn. Senate panel approves 5-year wolf hunt moratorium

by Tom Scheck, Minnesota Public Radio

March 14, 2013


Photo: Courtesy Derek Montgomery

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Minnesota Wolves,

Tags: Senator Chris Eaton, Howling for Wolves, Maureen Hackett, restore five-year moratorium, stop the wolf hunts, wolves of Minnesota

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41 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thank goodness for Howling for Wolves in Minnesota. They are the very best state based wolf defender group in the US. Now let’s help Howling for Wolves get this bill through the other obstacles it faces, so that the five year moratorium to protect wolves in Minnesota can be re-instated!


  2. it’s about time we had some common sense, thank you Minnesota!


    • Thank God, this stuff keeps me up at night knowing how much these beautiful creatures have suffered.


  3. I agree with you BraveWolf, a well organized grass roots group. Why can’t Defenders pull this off?


    • Bobette, you answered your own question. Defenders is the farthest thing from a well organized grassroots group. We should all stop giving to them and give to the courageous, determined and bold grassroots groups. The big groups have failed the wolves and us.


  4. Thank you Jesus !!! Finally some justic for wolves 🙂


    • Jesus had nothing to do with it. The hard work was done by Howling for Wolves in Minnesota and their supporters. If Jesus had anything to do with it, he would have stopped the persecution and slaughter of all wildlife on earth by now. Here on earth, God’s work must truly be our own.


      • I totally agree with you, BraveWolf. Invoking Jesus did nothing for thousands of innocent wolves who died gruesome deaths!


  5. WONDERFUL to have some good news! Yay, Senator Eaton and Dr. Hackett — thank you for your enormous efforts.


  6. Thank you Dr. Maureen Hackett, Senator Chris Eaton, and the Howling For Justice team… thank you very much.


    • God bless you! All of you. We can’t let our guard down, because Obama, in the middle of the night can still slither into his office and play God.
      I’ve noticed more and more pro wolf ads on TV. My favorite is the one for dog food. “Wilderness” It shows a dog running, then he turns into a wolf and back into a dog..and the ad does say…’the dogs ancestor, the wolf’. Very visual message for those who can’t read. Thank you a big AGAIN!!!


  7. Reblogged this on Exposing the Big Game.


  8. Finally some good news! GREAT!!!


  9. YEEEAAAHHHH.  I’ve been sending so many messages to Obama & secy of interior, which normally fall on deaf ears.



  10. I echo all the comments applauding this victory!!!This news is what I have been waiting for and beginning to feel as though we might never hear..But a VICTORY! a BEGINNING Thank you to all of you who have worked so courageously in the face of opposition and ignorance to bring this to fruition.Let’s keep going.THE VOICES GROW…and are finally beginning to be heard..let us not lose any momentum now..thank you..


  11. Good news. keep it up.


  12. About time they see the Wolf is a benefit! Not a misfit. Honestly i think man is the misfit without true understanding of the Wolf and how they benefit the planet. They were here first. Lets live with them for Christ sakes. Why do we feel we have to kill for the sport or just to elimate for population? This is crazy nonsenses that the Government created with lack of true and accuriate knowledge of this Wolf and their behavior. Please stop this senseless killing!


  13. W0W – I am just speechless. I didn’t expect this @ all.
    A huge Thank You to Senator Eaton & Dr. Hackett. Truly a victory for all of us, another Thank You goes to Nabeki, for ALL of your hard work.
    Also, to all of the folks fighting for the wolf & all other wildlife.


  14. shared this as ‘far’ as possible also; finally a bit of comforting news…Thank you Nabeki!


  15. As a born and raised Minnesotan I can only pray that my state will choose humane care of its wonderful wildlife. Wolves and loons are special symbols of a beautiful state.


  16. Thank you Dr. Hackett for your tireless campaigning for the Wolves, and also organizing,”Howling for Wolves,”, and also a huge Thank You to Senator Eaton in recognizing the need to protect our Wolves in Minnesota with the five year moratorium.


  17. Wow great news I was just goin g to give to defenders, but ni more this is the best news I have heard in a long long time


    • Richie and all, please no more donations to Defenders of Wildlife. It should be clear to all wolf defenders who are paying attention that it is the smaller, grassroots and courageous groups that are doing the best work for wolves. Instead, please donate to: Howling for Wolves, Predator Defense, Wild Earth Guardians and Oregon Wild. There are other small and determined groups worthy of support, too. If you want to give to some bigger groups, the Humane Society of the US and the Center for Biological Diversity are good choices.


  18. This is fantastic news!!! Now lets hope it passes the next step !


  19. Yeah!!!!!!


  20. This is a good step but here is the bad news: the chair of the House Environment Committee, David Dill, is from northern Minnesota and is a supporter of the wolf hunt. He will likely not allow the bill to be heard by his committee. This behavior strikes me as undemocractic and an abuse of his power. He is denying other representatives the chance to vote on this bill, which is supported by the majority of Minnesotans. We need to let him know that this is not acceptable. The bill deserves a hearing!


    • Mike, is there anything we can do about this? Maybe Dill doesn’t know we’re watching? If so, how can he – or anyone – defend his actions? Please keep us posted.


  21. ((doin’ my wolfie happy dance))
    This is great news indeed….
    Now, if we could work hard in getting the other
    volatile states (including WY, MT, and ID) to follow
    this important example and end the status quo
    of these barbaric “traditions” of the 19th Century,
    we would have more victories like this one.
    And we could certainly muster up all the victories
    (both large and small) to help boost our morale
    and give us extra strength to fight the noble fight.
    Let’s keep twisting some arms of politicians
    until they see things OUR way and outlaw
    the hunting, trapping, and torturing of our precious pooches
    once and for all!
    All these so-called “sportsmen” could take up hockey,
    skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, basketball,
    football, baseball, tennis, bowling, soccer,
    track & field, and other REAL sports,
    and get rid of those trapping monstrosities!


  22. Senator Chris Eaton, if you’re out there reading this, I’d just like to forward my big thank you to you, all the way from Australia !


  23. Finally! The politicians who care about wolves are finally taking action for them! Did you hear that there is also a bill in the Wisconsin legislature that would ban the hunting of wolves with hounds? I really hope that these bills pass! And on top of these two wonderful bills, some members of Congress are fighting against wolf delisting! Perhaps this will finally be the year we’ve been waiting for: the year that our wolves are protected!

    Normally I’m against politicians getting involved with wildlife management issues, but since these guys are trying to correct a wrong created by the government I’m in full support of them! I wish them the best of luck, and NEVER give up!


  24. Reblogged this on Carinas space and commented:
    Finally!! A small victory for the wolves. They are scarce these days which is why when we get good news it is SO satisfying to share them. ❤


  25. This was good news. I always take the time to thank the individual who did something decent…for a change !


  26. ____________________________________


  27. I pray this will happen in Montana soon finally some good news. Last year I lost more cattle to illness from sick wild life than I did to wolves I need more wolves on my land to get rid of sick wild life not having the wolves around is costing me a lot of money I will keep writing my legislater to keep wolves from being hunted


    • Jon, why are so many cattlemen so stupid and such aholes? After 150 years of killing everything that moves, why haven’t a majority learned what you already know? I think the cattle industry is doomed if they do not change their evil ways quickly. I believe a big wave of very bad publicity is going to start rolling through the national media soon, in a matter of months or perhaps a year or two. This renewed persecution and slaughter of America’s wolves, and so many good people from everywhere opposing it, this is going to be reported nationally and world-wide. And then the massive destruction of America’s ecology, land, waters and native wildlife, due to hundreds of years of sick and ignorant mismanagement by the brutal and stupid cattlemen will no longer be a secret and will finally no longer be tolerated.


  28. I hope my fellow ranchers will start to learn that we need wolves


    • Thank you, Jon!


  29. This is fantastic Victory for the Voices of the wolves. Ty so mucj




  31. Yes!!!! Now may this be enacted into law and be the beginning of ending NOW the persecution and slaughter of every single wolf in every state of this country.


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