“White Falcon White Wolf”……

It gives me comfort to view wolves in their natural habitat, unmolested by their greatest enemy, humans.

The Gyrfalcons, snowies, foxes, hares and all the wildlife on Ellesmere, are beautiful as well.

Interestingly the wolves got by on small prey, including lemmings,  for a while,  since they didn’t have a litter of  new pups to feed that year!

I seem to remember Arctic wolves eating lemmings in Farley Mowat’s iconic book, Never Cry Wolf!

Alert to the anti-wolf crowd…notice the raptors and foxes are hunting and eating prey, just like the wolves, as all predators do. Amazing how nature works!

arctic-wolf-wallpaper brothersoftdotcom


Video: Courtesy Black7Cloud YouTube

Photo: wolf wallpaper brothersoftdotcom

Posted in: gray wolf, biodiversity

Tags: arctic wolves, Gyrfalcon , Ellesmere Island, Canada, arctic foxes, snowy owls

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15 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Nature’s exquisite design..(almost )undisturbed …..thank you for this film,Nabeki.I look forward it watching it in its entirety this eve..


  2. Hi Nabeki,

    A great announcement on Earth Day:

    http://www.municipalinfonet.com/detail_news.php?ID=429668&cat=;18   Hope you are keeping as well as can be during this war on wolves.  Thank you for all you do.   Cheers, Susan




  3. In “Never Cry Wolf”, the wolves and the man all ate mice. The wolves didn’t have to drink beer by the case to mark their boundaries. 🙂 I still have the movie on vhs if you want to borrow it? I still have to mail your wolf shirt, which I plan to do on Saturday, when I have the use of the van to get to the post office. I know right where the movie is, I can throw it in.
    In the movie, it wasn’t the kind of prey but how over-run the area was with mice that allowed the wolves to breed and raise a litter. I love that movie, too!


  4. Oh, Nabeki, thank you so much for the videos. Sometimes you make my day wonderful. Other times I just cry. But BBC really does a wonderful job giving us the flavor and outlook of nature. I loved the videos. Thank you!


  5. Beautiful and wonderful! Thank you for sharing Nabeki.


  6. Loved watching this 😉


  7. What beauties. Thanks for posting!


  8. What a better world this would be if people shot wolves with cameras capturing their beauty, instead of with guns!
    The wolf in the photo is gorgeous and I cannot understand why anyone would look at him with hatred and want to kill him.


  9. Reblogged this on Carinas space and commented:
    “White Falcon White Wolf”……


  10. Thank you Nabeki. This video of Nature in the Arctic is very informative for myself, but children should also view this. I’m sure they would love it.. Thanks for sharing and giving people this insight to nature at it’s finest. Stay healthy, stay safe.


  11. I’m planning to start a walk 4 wolves at my school. All the profits are going to wolf sanctuaries and reservoirs. You inspired me.


  12. Love this, way nature should be Wild and Free


  13. I’m ALL for the Wild Ones, Nabeki .. Always will be!


  14. URGENT: USFWS releases draft plan to delist ALL gray wolves nationwide!


  15. I’m from Illinois, and I still join your cause.


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