Wedge Pack Slaughter Hangs Like A Pall Over Washington State….

This is a do-over of my previous post in which I got a few facts wrong. The alpha pair is dead, effectively ending the Wedge Pack.  Yes, a few wolves got away, it was estimated there were either 8 or 11 wolves in the pack but killing off the alpha pair will cause those wolves to disband. And what about the pups? Were they killed?

 This is a very dark week for Washington state, 6 wolves killed in three days. I have no doubt other wolves will fill the Wedge Pack’s territory and it will be rinse and repeat of this situation if cows are still grazing in the Wedge unprotected.

End grazing leases and kick these ranchers off our public land. That is the only solution to this, not pandering to them and using taxpayer dollars to kill native wolves. Badly done WDFW, badly done!!


Wildlife agents finish job of eliminating wolf pack


Bio | Email | Follow: @gchittimK5

Posted on September 27, 2012 at 3:02 PM

Updated today at 7:00 PM

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The collar around its neck was supposed to lead biologists to a better understanding of how an alpha male wolf leads its pack.

Instead, that GPS collar is what sharpshooters in a helicopter used to track down and kill the followers of the Wedge Wolf Pack in northeast Washington state. And on Thursday, after leading most, if not all, members of its young pack to their deaths, the alpha male was shot and killed.


Photo: kewlwallpapersdotcom

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington Wolves

Tags: Wolf warriors, Wedge pack pogrom, wolves died for nothing, welfare ranchers, public land grazing, Governor Gregoire, WDFW, aerial gunning, Diamond M Ranch

Wedge Pack Wolves Caught On Camera, January 2012. Continue To Oppose Their Slaughter!!

Wedge Pack wolves caught on video,  January 2012.

Please light a candle for the five fallen Wedge Pack wolves who were sacrificed on the altar of the sacred cow. Continue to advocate for the 3 to 6 wolves that remain.  Demand the killing be called off!!

Below is a form letter posted in the Spokesman – Review, composed by the Center For Biological Diversity meant for Washington Governor Gregoire.


Pro-wolf groups stir up ranks to protest killing of Wedge Pack

 Sept. 26, 2012 12:03 p.m.  

Spokesman – Review

ENDANGERED SPECIES — Pro-wolf groups aren’t all standing by as Washington Fish and Wildlife staffers try to eliminate the cattle-preying Wedge Pack in northern Stevens County. Here’s a form letter being promoted by the Center for Biological Diversity:

Dear John,

The killing will be carried out on the public’s dime using marksmen on the ground. If that doesn’t work, these wolves will be shot from helicopters.Only seven wolf packs live in Washington state — but the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has ordered the entire Wedge pack killed in response to cattle depredations. That includes at least eight wolves.

Washington’s wolf management plan clearly states that, to avoid cattle losses, non-lethal measures must be taken first to protect livestock. In this case only minimal actions were taken to avoid wolf-livestock conflicts. The state should not reward irresponsible ranchers by killing wolves that are only acting as wolves do.

Please call Gov. Christine Gregoire now at (360) 902-4111 and tell her you do not support killing the Wedge pack when ranchers have not done their part to protect cattle.

Then let us know you got through to the governor’s office by clicking here. A sample call has been provided below:

“Hello, my name is ________________ and I live in ________________, Washington. I’m calling to ask Governor Gregoire to stop the killing of the Wedge pack by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. I’d also like to state my opposition to state-run wolf killing, particularly in cases where ranchers have not done everything they can to avoid losing livestock. Can you please tell me the governor’s position on this issue?

[Wait for explanation]

“Thanks, that’s good to know. I still don’t believe the circumstances justify killing the Wedge pack. These animals are endangered, and killing them should always be viewed as a great loss. The kill order should be permanently revoked.”

[Offer the staffer your address or zip code, and thank them for their time.]


Videos:  YouTube WDFW

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington Wolves

Tags: public land grazing, Wedge Pack, 5 wolves slaughtered,  welfare ranching, Governor Gregoire, WDFW, aerial gunning, cattle, Diamond M Ranch, Washington state

ACTION ALERT: Washington Wedge Wolf Pack Targeted For Death..

“Mike Hudak’s Western Turf Wars—the book you need to understand how governmental mismanagement of ranching is destroying America’s public lands with your tax dollars.”

It didn’t take Washington WDFW long to act like every other state fish and game agency, where wolves call home. They’re targeting the entire Wedge Pack of 8-11 wolves, including the pups, for death, over a few cow losses, cows that are grazing on THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’S PUBLIC LAND!!

Here’s a message to subsidized, welfare ranchers. GET YOUR FRIGGIN COWS OFF OUR PUBLIC LAND! You are the problem, not the wolves. If you don’t like wolves, then round-up your cows and put them in a secure enclosure ON YOUR LAND with an electric fence. fladry, range riders and whatever else you have to do to protect your investment. It’s not the American people’s job to subsidize your poor animal husbandry practices.

How many businesses in America have their own private goon squads ready to do their bidding, like ranchers do, with sharpshooters at their disposal to kill innocent wolves?  As far as I’m concerned the cattle grazing on public land are fair game for predators if the rancher/lease holder practices the Columbus Method of cattle grazing, “Let em loose in the Spring and discover em in the Fall”

This particular rancher is grazing his cows on Colville National Forest grazing allotments. The cows will be rounded up in the fall. Nuff said.

 On WDFW’s website they list apparent pro-active measures taken to prevent depredations. I think they’re lame at best.  The bottom line is cattle are a non-native species that pollute streams, trample native grasses and release methane into the atmosphere. Then, when their short, sad lives are over, they’re brutally slaughtered.

Wolves are native to these lands, cattle are not. Maybe it’s time to start eating less beef.  The cows and wolves will thank you.

If ranchers place cows unprotected on vast public land allotments, where predators room and use no pro-active measures or half-hearted ones,  why do they expect wolves to ignore a potential food source that have virtually no defenses (most ranchers  de-horn cattle.) I have to ask what fantasy land they’re living in?

And yet these tiny cow losses are nothing compared to the tens of thousands of cows that die from disease, birthing, accidents, theft, etc. in Washington state every year. In 2010 alone 19, 800 cattle were lost to non-predation and 17,500 calves, totaling 37,300 cattle losses. (NASS) Why don’t we hear about that? Those losses COULD effect a rancher’s bottom line and aren’t reimbursed. Instead, a handful of cow depredations, that may or may not be caused by wolves, stirs a media frenzy. It’s only when wolves are involved that the rancher barons start ramping up the rhetoric. Do they care less for the cattle lost to non-predation? When cows die from disease does Wildlife Services show up with sharpshooters and traps?

We are subsidizing the killing of our predators. Taxpayer dollars are financing the all out assault on the Wedge Pack, because Washington WDFW is calling in Wildlife Services to do the dirty work of killing 5 month old puppies and their family.  To add insult to injury we allow these ranchers to graze their cattle on our public lands  for peanuts.

This needs to stop and the only way it’s going to stop is to revoke rancher’s grazing leases and force them to raise their cattle on their own property.  If  I have a tenant renting my house, who doesn’t follow the rules,  I’ll make sure I won’t renew their lease.

The American people have the right to decide who uses our land, we just haven’t exercised that right. Organizations like Western Watersheds Project have been very successful litigating grazing rights issues.  There is no reason public land grazing can’t be shut down or severely cut back if the public gets involved. Grazing cattle on public land is one of the biggest threats to our predators, specifically wolves.

Washington state has proven they are no better than Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona or New Mexico concerning gray wolves.

I encourage everyone to call Washington’s Department of Tourism and let them know how you feel about cows trumping wolves on public land. Let them know you won’t be traveling or visiting the state if they destroy this wolf pack and you’ll spread the word to your friends and family that Washington is bowing to the livestock industry.



WDFW Now Aims To Take Out Entire Wedge Wolf Pack

By Andy Walgamott, on September 21st, 2012

State hunters are ramping up their efforts to kill wolves in northern Stevens County, and now don’t plan to stop until they’ve killed off the Wedge Pack.

“The attempt now is to remove the entire pack,” said WDFW wolf policy coordinator Steve Pozzanghera this morning.

The agency is loading up its toolbox for the effort to take out the eight to 11 members of the livestock-depredating group, including tasking more marksmen, trappers and biologists to the area; hunting over not only calf carcasses but roadkilled deer; hunting at all hours with a fuller array of weaponery; bringing in USDA Wildlife Services for “technical assistance” on snaring; and possibly bringing local law enforcement into the hunt.

“If we’re unsuccessful, we will consider aerial gunning,” Pozzanghera adds.


Death sentence issued for entire wolf pack in Wedge area

Posted by Rich

Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction Of The American West


Washington State Tourism

Washington State Travel Counselor at 1-866-964-8913.
Monday through Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PST)


Governor Gregoire

Phone: (360) 902-4111
Fax: (360) 753-4110

E-mail: Contact Via ‘Web Form

PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002


Top Photo: Courtesy Mike Hudak

Middle Photo: Courtesy Molly Quinn/Spokesmandotcom

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington Wolves

Tags: War on Wedge Pack, Diamond M Ranch, Columbus method of ranching, public grazing allotments. Colville National Forest, non-native cattle, native wolves, wolves trump cows, wolf persecution, huge non-predation cattle losses, NASS, Turf Wars, Mike Hudak, Welfare ranching