Oregon Walla Walla Pack Pup (ODFW)

Oregon’s wolves are under attack AGAIN. The Oregon Cattlemen’s Association is going after the state’s 29 wolves, especially the Imnaha’s, who are the natal pack of OR7, they are his family.  Members of the pack have been under constant threat of death over the last several years for a handful of livestock depredations, even though Oregon ranchers  lost nearly 60,000 cattle to non–predation in 2010. By my calculations that averages 140 cattle a day that drop dead from one thing or another or are stolen by cattle rustlers.  And yet ranchers are screaming bloody murder over 20 cows in two years, supposedly killed by wolves??

No rancher is going to go out of business over 20 cow losses. They seem to be able to absorb thousands and thousands of non-predation losses just fine. This is a smokescreen people, they want to get rid of Oregon’s tiny wolf population. They tried this emergency nonsense in Idaho, which I’m now going to start referring to Eastern Oregon as Western Idaho. They seem to have the same outrageous attitudes toward wolves as Idaho has.

HB 4158 seeks to undermine the Oregon ESA and make it easier for ranchers to kill the state’s tiny wolf population.  They also want to declare a State of  Emergency over 29 wolves.  Talk about dramatics. This is all in response to a kill order placed on the alpha male and sub-adult of  the Imnaha pack, which was stayed by the Oregon Court of Appeals.  Because ranchers didn’t get their way,  it was history repeating itself on a smaller scale. When Judge Molloy relisted wolves in the Northern Rockies, the wolf hating crowd ran to the politicians to remove wolves’  ESA protections. Now the Oregon Cattlemen’s Assoc. wants to weaken the Oregon ESA and allow ODFW to kill the two Imnaha wolves.

What about the 51, 200 cattle Oregon ranchers lost to non-predation in 2010?  They are trying to say losing thousands and thousands of cattle to disease, theft, calving, weather, etc. is acceptable but 20 cow losses to wolves in two years is a state of emergency?  Uh-huh.

2012 session

House Bill 4158

Relating to wolves; declaring an emergency.

Allows killing of wolves to address depredation of livestock.

Bill progress

Measure activity House SenateVotes

Feb 1, 2012: First reading. Referred to the desks of the Co-Speakers.

Feb 1, 2012: Referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Feb 9, 2012: Public Hearing and Possible Work Session scheduled. Public hearing on HB 4158 will be held in Room D. starting at 1 pm.


No votes

 76th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY–2012 Regular Session

House Bill 4158

Sponsored by Representative BENTZ; Representatives ESQUIVEL,
request of Oregon Cattlemen’s Association) (Presession filed.)


The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the
measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to
consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor’s
brief statement of the essential features of the measure as

Allows killing of wolves to address depredation of livestock.
Declares emergency, effective on passage.


Relating to wolves; and declaring an emergency.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:

SECTION 1.  { + (1) As used in this section, ‘livestock’ has
the meaning given that term in ORS 610.150.

(2) Notwithstanding ORS 496.171 to 496.182, the conservation of
wolves in Oregon may include the killing of wolves to address the
depredation of livestock by wolves. + }

SECTION 2.  { + This 2012 Act being necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency
is declared to exist, and this 2012 Act takes effect on its
passage. + }

Imnaha Pack  (ODFW)


What can you do?

Please sign the petition to Governor Kitzhaber

The Governor of OR: SAVE OREGON’S 29 WOLVES, oppose HB 4158

Petition Letter



We, the undersigned, urge you to oppose HB 4158, a bill proposed by the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association, which allows killing of wolves to address livestock depredation and declares a “state of emergency.” With less than 30 wolves in the entire state, we find this declaration absurd. We, and most Oregonians, highly value our wildlife and strongly support endangered species protection and the return of wolves to Oregon, and their strong recovery.

Oregon has less than 30 confirmed wolves in the entire state and approximately 1.3 million cows. We feel that a Bill establishing a “state of emergency” over the presence of a tentatively recovering endangered wolf population is an attempt to bypass the Oregon Endangered Species Act and would set a dangerous precedent which could be used to circumvent protections of other endangered species at the behest of special interests. Furthermore, we believe it is an effort to short-circuit current litigation which aims to clarify the relationship of the state Endangered Species Act with the Oregon Wolf Plan.

Statements by Oregon Cattlemen’s Association members and officers constantly stress the aim of lethal removal over the use of non-lethal measures and tools, which they routinely disparage. As quoted in the Lewiston Tribune Online, 7/2/11, OCA Wolf committee Chair Rod Childers said, “To be able to move to lethal control we as producers have to show we tried nonlethal actions. I can’t say if it works or not, it is just things we have been told we have to do, and the whole key to me is getting them to move to lethal control,…” With this in mind, we believe HB 4158 to be an attempt to weaken the commitment to non-lethal measures.

With so many critical issues before this short session of the legislature, devoting precious time to this controversial and unnecessary Bill is a mistake.

Please oppose HB 4158.

Thank you.

[Your name]

Click Here To Sign Petition


Contact Gov. John Kitzhaber 

Governor’s Citizens’ Representative Message Line

Fax: 503-378-6827

Governor Kitzhaber
160 State Capitol
900 Court Street
Salem, Oregon 97301-4047


Oregon House of Representatives

House of Representatives Leadership
Co-Speaker of the House Bruce Hanna
Co-Speaker of the House Arnie Roblan – (D-Coos Bay)

Co-Speaker Pro Tempore Representative Peter Buckley (D-Ashland)
Co-Speaker Pro Tempore Representative Andy Olson – (R-Albany)

House Republican Leader Representative Kevin Cameron – (R-Salem)
House Democratic Leader Representative Tina Kotek(D-N/NE Portland)


Oregon State Senate

Senate Leadership:
Senate President Peter Courtney
Senate President Pro Tempore Senator Ginny Burdick(D-Portland)
Senate Majority Leader Senator Diane Rosenbaum (D-Portland)
Senate Republican Leader Senator Ted Ferrioli (R-John Day)


This is how confident they are.

Clem expects wolf bills to clear House


Capital Press

SALEM — Rep. Brian Clem, D-Salem, says that he believes cattlemen have the votes to get two wolf bills through the Oregon House.

House Bill 4005 would provide livestock owners a tax credit for livestock losses to wolves. A second bill, House Bill 4158, stipulates the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has the authority to kill problem wolves.

The bills are in the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, which Clem co-chairs.

HB4005 is up for a committee vote Feb. 7. The committee meets in Hearing Room D beginning at 1 p.m. HB4158 is scheduled for a public hearing Feb. 9, also in Hearing Room D, beginning at 1 p.m.

Speaking to county Farm Bureau presidents during Oregon Farm Bureau’s Day at the Capitol on Feb. 6, Clem said he believes the House Agriculture Committee will support both bills unanimously. And, he said, the bills should enjoy continued strong support through the House floor.

Getting the bills to the desk of Gov. John Kitzhaber, however, may be difficult, he said.

Several bills last session cleared the House Agriculture Committee and the House floor, but failed to clear the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee, which is chaired by Sen. Jackie Dingfelder, D-Portland.

HB4158 is backed by the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association in response to an injunction issued Oct. 6 by the Oregon Court of Appeals. The injunction prevents the state from killing two wolves that prey on livestock.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in September issued a kill order for the wolves. The wolves are part of the Imnaha Pack in northeast Oregon, one of the state’s four known wolf packs.

The pack is responsible for killing more than 20 head of livestock, according to state wildlife officials.


Please raise your voices for Oregon’s fragile wolf population. Sophie, B-300, the alpha female of the Imnaha Pack, is OR7’s mother. She swam the Snake River in 2008 and established the first wolf pack in Oregon in over 60 years. Do not allow the Cattleman’s Association’s dramatics to overshadow common sense. There is no way on earth 29 wolves could constitute a state of emergency. That is patently ridiculous. This is a witch hunt pure and simple? It will not stop until the American people speak out loud and clear to tell the ranchers, hunters and politicians,  STOP KILLING WOLVES!!

OR10 Walla Walla Pack (ODFW)


In happier times. November 19, 2009

“This video taken by ODFW on Nov. 12, 2009 in the Imnaha Wildlife Management Unit (east of Joseph, Ore. in Wallowa County) shows at least 10 wolves make up a pack that ODFW has been monitoring since June 2008. The video was taken from an adjacent ridge across a canyon and shows a mixture of gray and black individual wolves moving up-slope.”


Photos: Courtesy ODFW

Video:  Courtesy ODFW

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Oregon Wolves

Tags: HB 4158, Oregon Cattleman’s Assoc.,  embattled Oregon wolves, Imnaha Pack , OR7, Governor Kitzhaber, Oregon House of Representatives, Oregon Senate

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24 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Please save this beautyful animal. They have been here longer than humans and are very important for the envirement.
    They are the original race and the reason for the best friend of mankind – the dog !


    • I am so grateful to have people such as yourselves which care about the Wolf species. I know there are so many of us which share the spirit of the Wolf and will do what we can to protect them.
      I will be leaving my home in Chicago to do what I can in the forests and wilderness areas of Washington and Oregon to study and do what I can to protect the wolves which are there. I will be doing what research and documentation that I can and will be away from civilization for months at a time but I look forward to informing everyone of what I learn and can show you with film and photography as well as writings which I will pass along to anyone interested. It is so important that we all act to save this amazing species from the impending doom which hunters and cattlesmen would impose on them.
      We already lost the Gray Wolf in the Pacific Northwest once; we cannot allow it to happen again.


  2. it is so typical – people kill billions of animals each year in terrible ways, bringing life to the world only to kill it – all for their pleasure but when an animal dares to kill a tiny presentage for it’s existence – it is considered a crime against humanity


  3. It’s time we call for an indefinite boycott of Oregon’s cattle industry
    until they leave our wolves alone.
    Write, call, e-mail, do whatever it takes to send a strong message
    to Oregon’s beef industry that we will no longer be buying
    any of their meat products until they stop persecuting
    our wolves and we will continue with these economic sanctions
    and boycotts for as long as it takes until our message is
    heard loud and clear.
    And if the cattle industry continues
    to push for extinction of these beautiful animals,
    then we will call for a travel and tourism boycott of Oregon.
    Without our wolves, their economy and
    social respect will suffer in a big way and in the end
    they will wake up say “oh my God, what have I done?,
    when they find businesses closing up shop,
    stemmed from the lack of tourists because of a handful
    of ignorant, narrow-minded redneck cowboys
    who want our furry friends wiped off the face of the Earth!


  4. So sorry. You need U.S. address to sign.


  5. Thanks for all the great info Nabeki, as always your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated!


  6. ok, we have tried all the nice things , letting people know how to sign , to tell politicians we don’t like this. How about lets name the Ranchers that are pushing this bill and the killing of wolves. Lets hit them in the pocketbook and refuse to buy any product from them and then maybe we should go after the people that supply them their products (feed, hay, growth hormones for the cows) If I knew who they where I would refuse to buy from them. Who do they sell the meat to ? If its at my local meat store, I would let them know that I would not buy from them at all as long as they bought form that RANCH/COMPANY.


    • Buy ONLY meat from your local organic farmers/ranchers. I live on the east coast; here we have several farmers markets as well as Whole Foods, which guarantee meat that has been grass fed in small local pastures. Farmers are named and located on a map.

      This is cutting into ranchers’ profits in the big cattle states that practice drugging, garbage feeding and inhumane slaughter, as well as wolf massacre. Sure we pay a little more. Worth every cent!


  7. 640th signature at my time of signing. Please, people, help spread this around! Don’t just sit around waiting for someone else to help!


  8. Thank you!!!!


  9. Hi Nabeki – thanks for putting this up. You are, as always, the staunchest of friends to the wolf. The committee tomorrow will be stacked against the wolves and we need the maximum number of signers to begin to counter the momentum that this nasty bill is developing. Hope your followers will email the petition link far and wide as well as share on the social sites.


    • Hi Taz…Thanks so much for your kind words, they mean a lot.

      I posted this everywhere I could think of on FB. Feel free to do the same. We need to deluge the committee with comments and petition signatures to let them know we are watching how the cattle industry is manipulating them into killing Oregon’s tiny wolf population. I will double my efforts.

      For Oregon’s wolves, For the wild ones,


  10. Boycott anything from Oregon. Harry and David, a large company there, I used to buy all my Christmas, birthday, holiday gifts from them, and so did my friends. Not any more. I’ve spoken with them. I said that if they hop on the slaughter wagon with Kitzhaber, word will spread to boycott them along with the rest of Oregon.
    The wolf is an American icon. Sophie should be applauded for her determination, not crucified. If any livestock was killed, the farmers and hunters only have themselves to blame. A healthy wolf pack will take down sick elk, deer, making the herds stronger, but if you only have one or two wolves, they need to find something that they have a chance with. You’re punishing that little boy who stole a loaf of bread for himself. He was starving and nobody to feed him. They cut off his hands as punishment.
    Save our American icon. They stand for all that is good, all that is strong and all that stands for family loyalty.


  11. Thank you so much for all your research and attention to the issue. I’ve signed the petition, shared on facebook and re-blogged!


  12. 2 ulve har det svært i naturen, for at finde- løbe op for at få mad, MIT BUD: FARMENE UD FRA ULVENES LAND—— OG indsætte 10000 ulve, igen, så klarer naturen sig, uden BLOD-KRIG med farmene, og naturen kan leve sin gang uden menneske-indblanding. og jægernes blod-geværer begraves, HVOR ULVEN LEVER, DER TRIVES SKOVEN. RETFÆRDIGHED FOR min ven ULVEN.— ❤ jeg elsker ulve 1 bilion %


  13. Reblogged this on marsk and commented:
    Wow read this carefully and take this chance to do something good, mankind is already distroying so much, if u do this, at least u protested and i know many of these actions really succeed, thank u Howling for Justice:)


    • Thank you fellow blogger marsk4angel. We need to stand together untied for wolves. It’s time! Their persecution is growing by the day. We can no longer be silent or nice. We need to be loud and get our point across. I hope our efforts will keep this bad bill from leaving the Oregon House and Senate. Make no mistake the cattle industry will do just about anything to get rid of these wolves. They still haven’t answered why 20 cow losses to wolves in two years is such an emergency when they lose about 140 a day to non predation, almost 60,000 a year, more if you add other predators. This is all about retribution and getting back at wolves. Wolves are no threat to them or the cattle industry, they treat wolves like terrorists. Mass murderers wouldn’t get this kind of attention. I’m tired of this, its time to fight back. Our community has a tendency to be ultra nice. We need to take off the gloves too. Non violent protest works!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  14. petition signed with much prayer for the wolves thanks


    • Thank you Brigid!!

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  15. First let’s be clear. We’re talking about wolf predation of cattle and the resultant losses incurred by ranchers. Data from NASS (2011) Unintended cattle losses to agribusiness, 3.9 Million cattle dead. Cattle inventory equalled 94 million head. Attributed to wolves? 0.2% Ranchers loose 0.2% of their otherwise terrible I add shameful losses to disease, and as any insurance agent will plainly say, losses caused exclusively by rancher neglect of living product. How ranchers (and politicians) must resent Nature’s proud agreement between predator and prey so unlike the literally millions of downers ranchers produce each year. Think of the total number in their lifetimes, bulldozed broken, crushed under wheels, sick, splay legged, frozen to transport cars, broke back, no wolf in sight yet but the cows are in filthy moaning scarcely breathing suffering heaps.


  16. Leave our wildlife alone you cowardly morons !


  17. A State of Emergency over 29 wolves?! You’ve got to be joking?! This is ridiculous! Oregon is doing exactly what Idaho did last year! How in the world could wolves (particularily a very small population) be so big of a threat that a State of Emergency is declared?! It’s not like the wolves are rabid or something!


    • CarlaVelosoWolf…they are so full of it.

      For the wolves, For the wild ones,


  18. Was Oregon trying to copy Idaho? There are so many problems in this world now, yet of all things they decide to declare a State of Emergency over a small population of wolves?! Ridiculous!

    I’m just glad that this crazy proposal never went through.


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