Gone But Not Forgotten, WDFW Holds Hearing On Wedge Pack, October 5 – 6

Washington state biologists collar Wedge Pack alpha male. The collar ultimately led the sharpshooters directly to his pack!

UPDATE: October 8, 2012

In case you haven’t seen it, here’s the link to the WDFW hearing on the Wedge Pack. This clip includes the public comments.



The brutal aerial gunning of Washington’s Wedge Pack is much on the minds of wolf advocates. The dead bodies of eight wolves were recovered and have been examined,  including two of the four pups (the two remaining pups are unaccounted for.)

WDFW is holding a public hearing on the issue, October 5-6 in Olympia, Washington.  The hearing will be televised.

From the Seattle Times:

Wedge Wolf Pack: Watch commission meeting here Friday

Posted by John B. Saul

The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will be getting an update Friday afternoon on the state’s Wolf Conservation and Management Plan, including the department’s recent decision to eliminate the Wedge Pack in the northeast corner of the state.

We will carry TVW’s live video of the meeting here starting at 1 p.m. Friday when Nate Pamplin, the department’s assistant director of the wildlife program, and Steve Pozzanghera, director of the region where the pack was killed, will brief the commission.

The commission will take public comments starting at 3:15 p.m. The department says the livestock industry and conservation organizations will be represented at the meeting.

The original meeting site has been changed to accommodate a larger crowd. If you’re attending, head for the Columbia Room inside the Capitol Building. Visit this site for directions.

READ MORE: http://seattletimes.com/html/edcetera/2019325690_wedge_wolf_pack_watch_commissi.html



October 5-6, 2012

Legislative Building – Columbia Room – 416 Sid Snyder Avenue SW Olympia WA 98501 
First Floor

1 PM

2012 Wolf Plan Implementation Activities – Briefing 
Department staff will provide a comprehensive briefing on the implementation of the Wolf Conservation and Management Plan for 2012.

– Summary – PDF format (16 KB)

Staff Report:
Nate Pamplin, Assistant Director, Wildlife Program
Steve Pozzanghera, Region 1 Director3:00 P.M.


3:15 P.M.7. 2012 Wolf Plan Implementation Activities – Briefing – Continued
Department staff will provide a comprehensive briefing on the implementation of the Wolf Conservation and Management Plan for 2012.

PUBLIC INPUT (This item only)

Staff Report:
Nate Pamplin, Assistant Director, Wildlife Program
Steve Pozzanghera, Region 1 Director



Please attend this vital meeting to support the fallen Wedge Pack wolves, who were were sacrificed for public land grazing and the Diamond M Ranch.

The wolves had every right to roam free on that land,  not constrained by entitled cattle rancher’s,  who have the nerve to graze their cattle on the American people’s land and expect a predator free landscape, when they are the intruders there, not the wolves. If they don’t want to tolerate our native predators they can pull their cattle off our land. The killing of wolves for agribusiness must stop!!! Thousands of wolves have died since their reintroduction to the Northern Rockies because of cattle and now the same, tired scenario is playing out in Washington state.

Wolves trump cows on public land!!


Biologists looking for Wedge wolf pack survivors


Bio | Email | Follow: @gchittimK5

Posted on October 3, 2012 at 7:51 PM

Updated yesterday at 8:26 PM

State biologists are still monitoring the Forest Service roads once roamed by an ill-fated wolf pack.

Fish and Wildlife officials say they have no reason to believe any members of “The Wedge Pack” of wolves survived after sharpshooters in helicopters shot six of them last month.

But, to be sure they are installing cameras and other measures to see if there are any survivors or new wolves moving in.

Meanwhile, veterinarians have examined the bodies of eight member of the pack that were either shot or found dead in area.




Wedge wolf, if you are out there, run for your life

Posted by John B. Saul

September 28, 2012 at 5:14 AM



Senator calls killing of Colville wolf pack ‘serious failure’



Photo: Courtesy King5dotcom

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington Wolves

Tags: ban aerial gunning, Wedge Pack slaughtered, WDFW,  Governor Gregoire,  public land grazing, Colville National Forest, retire grazing allotments, Olympia Washington hearing, justice for Wedge Pack

Wedge Pack Slaughter Hangs Like A Pall Over Washington State….

This is a do-over of my previous post in which I got a few facts wrong. The alpha pair is dead, effectively ending the Wedge Pack.  Yes, a few wolves got away, it was estimated there were either 8 or 11 wolves in the pack but killing off the alpha pair will cause those wolves to disband. And what about the pups? Were they killed?

 This is a very dark week for Washington state, 6 wolves killed in three days. I have no doubt other wolves will fill the Wedge Pack’s territory and it will be rinse and repeat of this situation if cows are still grazing in the Wedge unprotected.

End grazing leases and kick these ranchers off our public land. That is the only solution to this, not pandering to them and using taxpayer dollars to kill native wolves. Badly done WDFW, badly done!!


Wildlife agents finish job of eliminating wolf pack


Bio | Email | Follow: @gchittimK5

Posted on September 27, 2012 at 3:02 PM

Updated today at 7:00 PM

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The collar around its neck was supposed to lead biologists to a better understanding of how an alpha male wolf leads its pack.

Instead, that GPS collar is what sharpshooters in a helicopter used to track down and kill the followers of the Wedge Wolf Pack in northeast Washington state. And on Thursday, after leading most, if not all, members of its young pack to their deaths, the alpha male was shot and killed.



Photo: kewlwallpapersdotcom

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington Wolves

Tags: Wolf warriors, Wedge pack pogrom, wolves died for nothing, welfare ranchers, public land grazing, Governor Gregoire, WDFW, aerial gunning, Diamond M Ranch

Wedge Pack Wolves Caught On Camera, January 2012. Continue To Oppose Their Slaughter!!

Wedge Pack wolves caught on video,  January 2012.

Please light a candle for the five fallen Wedge Pack wolves who were sacrificed on the altar of the sacred cow. Continue to advocate for the 3 to 6 wolves that remain.  Demand the killing be called off!!

Below is a form letter posted in the Spokesman – Review, composed by the Center For Biological Diversity meant for Washington Governor Gregoire.


Pro-wolf groups stir up ranks to protest killing of Wedge Pack

 Sept. 26, 2012 12:03 p.m.  

Spokesman – Review

ENDANGERED SPECIES — Pro-wolf groups aren’t all standing by as Washington Fish and Wildlife staffers try to eliminate the cattle-preying Wedge Pack in northern Stevens County. Here’s a form letter being promoted by the Center for Biological Diversity:

Dear John,

The killing will be carried out on the public’s dime using marksmen on the ground. If that doesn’t work, these wolves will be shot from helicopters.Only seven wolf packs live in Washington state — but the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has ordered the entire Wedge pack killed in response to cattle depredations. That includes at least eight wolves.

Washington’s wolf management plan clearly states that, to avoid cattle losses, non-lethal measures must be taken first to protect livestock. In this case only minimal actions were taken to avoid wolf-livestock conflicts. The state should not reward irresponsible ranchers by killing wolves that are only acting as wolves do.

Please call Gov. Christine Gregoire now at (360) 902-4111 and tell her you do not support killing the Wedge pack when ranchers have not done their part to protect cattle.

Then let us know you got through to the governor’s office by clicking here. A sample call has been provided below:

“Hello, my name is ________________ and I live in ________________, Washington. I’m calling to ask Governor Gregoire to stop the killing of the Wedge pack by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. I’d also like to state my opposition to state-run wolf killing, particularly in cases where ranchers have not done everything they can to avoid losing livestock. Can you please tell me the governor’s position on this issue?

[Wait for explanation]

“Thanks, that’s good to know. I still don’t believe the circumstances justify killing the Wedge pack. These animals are endangered, and killing them should always be viewed as a great loss. The kill order should be permanently revoked.”

[Offer the staffer your address or zip code, and thank them for their time.]



Videos:  YouTube WDFW

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington Wolves

Tags: public land grazing, Wedge Pack, 5 wolves slaughtered,  welfare ranching, Governor Gregoire, WDFW, aerial gunning, cattle, Diamond M Ranch, Washington state

More Wolf Blood Shed, 3 Wedge Pack Wolves Aerial Gunned Today….

WDFW Killing Five Month Old Puppies Along With Their Family…SHAME!!!

More death, more killing..all for agribusiness.

Nice going WDFW, you’re giving Washington state quite the reputation. It makes me sick to think the packs four babies are either dead or will be soon.  Don’t weep Wolf Warriors, get active!!  How about a protest to let WDFW know how you feel about their cowardly act!!!

The wolves were slaughtered just seven miles from the Canadian border, I’m sure running for their lives. If only they were a little closer to the border. Their territory extends into Canada, I hope what’s remaining of the pack keeps on going and hides from these killers.

Why are cows trumping wolves on public land? Retire grazing leases!! Stop catering to cattle barons, they don’t own this country and they don’t own our public lands. I don’t care how long they’ve been grazing their cows on America’s land, they need to take their stream polluting,  methane producing gas bags (no disrespect to cows, they are not at fault) and high-tail it back to their own property and leave the wolves and our other native carnivores alone.  The only way to make this happen is if the American people wake up from their long sleep and speak out!!

Please read Sacred Cows At The Public Trough by Denzel and Nancy Ferguson , Waste of the West by Lynne Jacobs and Western Turf Wars: The Politics of Public Lands Ranching by Mike Hudak to learn the truth about why our wolves are dying!


State kills 3 more Wedge Pack wolves today

Department Director Phil Anderson said a WDFW marksman shot the wolves from a helicopter at about 8 a.m.  The wolves were shot about seven miles south of the U.S.-Canada border in the same area where two other wolves from the Wedge Pack were killed by aerial gunning yesterday.


Photo: Wiki

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington wolves

Tags: Spokesman Review, Wedge Pack, Wedge pack puppies, aerial gunning, cowards, death from the sky,  WDFW

Death Rains Down From The Sky, 2 Washington Wedge Pack Wolves Aerial Gunned…

Sad, sad news Wolf Warriors. 2 Wedge Pack wolves met death from the sky today as WDFW sharpshooters slaughtered two wolves and are in pursuit of the rest of the pack, including puppies. This is a dark day for Washington state. Do not travel to Washington or buy Washington potatoes. Call the Department of Tourism and Governor Gregoire and let them know you will NOT be traveling to a state that kills innocent wolves for public land grazing ranchers.

This is just the beginning of pack removal in the state of Washington. Does anyone think another wolf pack won’t claim this territory? It will be rinse and repeat, resulting in more dead wolves. Until we retire grazing leases and get cows off our public lands,  wolves will continue to pay the price with their lives.

State shoots two wolves in Wedge Pack today; six or more to go

Posted by Rich
Sept. 25, 2012 4:51 p.m

Washington State Tourism

Washington State Travel Counselor at 1-866-964-8913.
Monday through Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PST)



Governor Gregoire

Phone: (360) 902-4111
Fax: (360) 753-4110

Website: www.governor.wa.gov
E-mail: Contact Via ‘Web Form

PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002

Photo:  Courtesy James Balog
Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington Wolves
Tags: WDFW, 2 Wedge Pack Wolves dead, hunt for pack, stop public land grazing, welfare ranchers, Washington Dept. Tourism, Governor Gregoire, boycott Washington potatoes, wolf persecution

Keep Calling and Emailing To Save The Wedge Pack….

May we all never be judged by anything so harshly or hold to as strict a life or unremitting of borders as the ones we try to place on and around wolves”…Rick Bass 1992

UPDATE: August 24, 2012

No wolves have been killed as of today but there is still a kill order out on four members of the pack. There are nine pack members, including four puppies. I was told they are not targeting the alpha male and female but that’s all conjecture because there is a virtual blackout on what Wildlife Service sharpshooters are up to. Are they laying traps for four of the wolves in this pack? The answer is probably yes. Are they going to kill them when they trap them? Again the answer is yes but public pressure can make a difference. It’s the wolves only hope!

The fact the Director of WDFW is no longer taking phone calls is telling you they’ve been deluged with calls. As I said before, they may not admit your calls are making a difference but they are.  Washington state has a reputation for being progressive and this will give them a big black eye if these wolves are killed. The problem is the Wedge Pack choose eastern Washington as their home, which is more like Western Idaho, with some of the same anti-wolf sentiment.

WDFW Spokane


Please don’t give up on these wolves, the more pressure that’s applied the more they’ll think twice about killing them!!


Pro-wolf groups ask Gregoire to stop plan to kill wolves

Posted by Rich

Aug. 24, 2012 12:52 p.m.





Investigators find dead wolf in northern Stevens County

Posted by Rich

Aug. 24, 2012 5:57 p.m.



UPDATE: August 23,  2012

No word yet, silence on what is happening? They are determined to kill four Wedge pack wolves but keep up the pressure!! Washington is acting like Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon,  Wisconsin, Minnesota and now Michigan.


It looks like WDFW is digging in their heels and determined to kill the Wedge Pack and orphan their pups. They may be talking tough but you can believe your phone calls and emails are making a big difference! If this pack is killed it will leave a black eye on Washington’s supposed progressive reputation. I will personally add Washington to the list of wolf states I won’t visit if they kill this pack. If you call from out-of-state please reinforce this sentiment. Here’s the contact info  for Washington’s tourism bureau.

You can reach a Washington State Travel Counselor at  1-866-964-8913. 


The entire situation is surrounded by controversy, no agreement between experts has been reached  concerning whether any cow injuries were even caused by wolves but it doesn’t seem to matter to WDFW, it’s blame wolves first and ask questions later.

I stated in my previous post that Washington ranchers  lost over 30,000 cows to non-predation in 2010. I have no doubt the number of losses to non-predation have remained constant or even increased. Compare 30,0000  to a handful attributed to wolves and you can see this is a non-issue blown up by ranchers to garner bad publicity for wolves. It’s the same story repeated over and over again. It’s been going on for hundreds of years. Why are Americans allowing a handful of ranchers and hunters to drive policy that impact our native wildlife and rob us of our heritage? They have no right to demand these wolves  be killed but are acting in confidence that fish and game will support them fully.  A paradigm shift is needed to stop these wildlife killing policies. We can either be part of the solution or part of the problem.

From Conservation Northwest:

WDFW takes aim at Wedge Pack wolves

Posted by Jasmine Minbashian at Aug 22, 2012 05:10 PM | Permalink

Wedge pack pups: will Washington pass its first major test for recovering wolves?

Washington State is facing its first major test when it comes to wolf management. And so far, it’s looking like a failing grade. One of Washington’s newly confirmed wolf packs, the Wedge Pack, may not survive the end of the week.

Claiming that the pack has repeatedly preyed on livestock, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has already killed one wolf and plans to kill up to four more wolves to break apart the pack permanently.

However, independent experts with decades of experience in identifying wolf attacks on livestock say much of the evidence is inconclusive. They have questioned WDFW’s conclusions that wolves are the culprit, stating that the calves’ injuries are not typical of a wolf attack.

Despite this uncertainty, WDFW officials are refusing to take a more measured approach as laid out in Washington’s recently adopted Wolf Conservation and Management plan.




Governor Christine Gregoire

Phone:  360-902-4111 | FAX: 360-753-4110

Email the Governor


Phil Anderson

Director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Phone:  360-902-2200



Photo: mythwallpaperdotcom

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington wolves

Tags: Wedge Pack, orphaned pups???, stop the killing, keep up the pressure, Governor Christine Gregoire, Phil Anderson, WDFW, Washington State

URGENT ACTION ALERT: There’s A Hit Out On Washington’s Wedge Pack….

UPDATE: August 22, 2012

Great response everyone, keep calling and emailing.  Let’s try and save this pack! This is an outrage!


So much for Washington State being progressive on wolves. As soon as a wolf looks sideways at a cow the ranchers start squawking and fish and game comes running. No matter ranchers lose thousands and thousands of cows each year to non-predation.

In 2010 for example, 37, 300 cows keeled over or were stolen in Washington.  But of course ranchers don’t get reimbursed for any of the following conditions that regularly claim the lives of cattle and calves every year.

Digestive problems …………………………………………………..
Respiratory problems ………………………………………………..
Metabolic problems …………………………………………………..
Mastitis …………………………………………………………………..
Lameness/injury ……………………………………………………….
Other diseases ………………………………………………………..
Weather related ……………………………………………………….
Calving problems ……………………………………………………..
Poisoning ………………………………………………………………..
Theft ………………………………………………………………………

 “The “Wedge” pack was named for the wedge-shaped part of Stevens County between the Kettle River to the west and the Columbia River to the east.  The pack is Washington’s eighth.”  (Spokesman-Review)

The state has already killed a Wedge Pack  sub-adult female, now WDFW is  ready to take out all the adult wolves as soon as tomorrow over a few questionable depredations involving one rancher.  Where’s the proof? Oh that’s right we have to believe whatever the rancher and fish and game says.  There are pups involved who will be orphaned or worse, since both of their parents will be DEAD!

It won’t be hard to track and kill these wolves, the alpha male and one other wolf  in the pack is already radio collared. It will be like picking off fish in barrel. There pups will have to watch as their family is chased and killed.

Please speak out for them, they are voiceless and at the mercy of state management that was supposed to be so different. It’s looking like Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is bending to the same pressure from the livestock industry that has a strangle hold on all the wolf states.

Please call Governor Christine Gregoire today and tell her to put a stop to the massacre of the Wedge Pack!!

Phone:  360-902-4111

You can also contact the Phil Anderson, Director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildife

Phone:  360-902-2200


This is very urgent, please make those calls!! If you live out of state let them know you won’t be visiting Washington any time soon if they kill this wolf pack and orphan their pups.  Tell them you’ll be spending your tourist dollars elsewhere.

How much more wolf killing does there have to be until the American people rise up and say enough?????

Gray wolf captured on remote camera in Washington State

First sighting of  a member of the  Wedge Pack,  January 29, 2012


Video: WDFW

Photo: Photobucket

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington wolves

Tags: Wedge Pack, kill over, orphaned pups or worse, stop killing wolves, WDFW, Columbia River, Kettle River, Christine Gregoire, Phil Anderson

ACTION ALERT: Washington Wedge Wolf Pack Targeted For Death..

“Mike Hudak’s Western Turf Wars—the book you need to understand how governmental mismanagement of ranching is destroying America’s public lands with your tax dollars.”

It didn’t take Washington WDFW long to act like every other state fish and game agency, where wolves call home. They’re targeting the entire Wedge Pack of 8-11 wolves, including the pups, for death, over a few cow losses, cows that are grazing on THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’S PUBLIC LAND!!

Here’s a message to subsidized, welfare ranchers. GET YOUR FRIGGIN COWS OFF OUR PUBLIC LAND! You are the problem, not the wolves. If you don’t like wolves, then round-up your cows and put them in a secure enclosure ON YOUR LAND with an electric fence. fladry, range riders and whatever else you have to do to protect your investment. It’s not the American people’s job to subsidize your poor animal husbandry practices.

How many businesses in America have their own private goon squads ready to do their bidding, like ranchers do, with sharpshooters at their disposal to kill innocent wolves?  As far as I’m concerned the cattle grazing on public land are fair game for predators if the rancher/lease holder practices the Columbus Method of cattle grazing, “Let em loose in the Spring and discover em in the Fall”

This particular rancher is grazing his cows on Colville National Forest grazing allotments. The cows will be rounded up in the fall. Nuff said.

 On WDFW’s website they list apparent pro-active measures taken to prevent depredations. I think they’re lame at best.  The bottom line is cattle are a non-native species that pollute streams, trample native grasses and release methane into the atmosphere. Then, when their short, sad lives are over, they’re brutally slaughtered.

Wolves are native to these lands, cattle are not. Maybe it’s time to start eating less beef.  The cows and wolves will thank you.

If ranchers place cows unprotected on vast public land allotments, where predators room and use no pro-active measures or half-hearted ones,  why do they expect wolves to ignore a potential food source that have virtually no defenses (most ranchers  de-horn cattle.) I have to ask what fantasy land they’re living in?

And yet these tiny cow losses are nothing compared to the tens of thousands of cows that die from disease, birthing, accidents, theft, etc. in Washington state every year. In 2010 alone 19, 800 cattle were lost to non-predation and 17,500 calves, totaling 37,300 cattle losses. (NASS) Why don’t we hear about that? Those losses COULD effect a rancher’s bottom line and aren’t reimbursed. Instead, a handful of cow depredations, that may or may not be caused by wolves, stirs a media frenzy. It’s only when wolves are involved that the rancher barons start ramping up the rhetoric. Do they care less for the cattle lost to non-predation? When cows die from disease does Wildlife Services show up with sharpshooters and traps?

We are subsidizing the killing of our predators. Taxpayer dollars are financing the all out assault on the Wedge Pack, because Washington WDFW is calling in Wildlife Services to do the dirty work of killing 5 month old puppies and their family.  To add insult to injury we allow these ranchers to graze their cattle on our public lands  for peanuts.

This needs to stop and the only way it’s going to stop is to revoke rancher’s grazing leases and force them to raise their cattle on their own property.  If  I have a tenant renting my house, who doesn’t follow the rules,  I’ll make sure I won’t renew their lease.

The American people have the right to decide who uses our land, we just haven’t exercised that right. Organizations like Western Watersheds Project have been very successful litigating grazing rights issues.  There is no reason public land grazing can’t be shut down or severely cut back if the public gets involved. Grazing cattle on public land is one of the biggest threats to our predators, specifically wolves.

Washington state has proven they are no better than Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona or New Mexico concerning gray wolves.

I encourage everyone to call Washington’s Department of Tourism and let them know how you feel about cows trumping wolves on public land. Let them know you won’t be traveling or visiting the state if they destroy this wolf pack and you’ll spread the word to your friends and family that Washington is bowing to the livestock industry.



WDFW Now Aims To Take Out Entire Wedge Wolf Pack

By Andy Walgamott, on September 21st, 2012

State hunters are ramping up their efforts to kill wolves in northern Stevens County, and now don’t plan to stop until they’ve killed off the Wedge Pack.

“The attempt now is to remove the entire pack,” said WDFW wolf policy coordinator Steve Pozzanghera this morning.

The agency is loading up its toolbox for the effort to take out the eight to 11 members of the livestock-depredating group, including tasking more marksmen, trappers and biologists to the area; hunting over not only calf carcasses but roadkilled deer; hunting at all hours with a fuller array of weaponery; bringing in USDA Wildlife Services for “technical assistance” on snaring; and possibly bringing local law enforcement into the hunt.

“If we’re unsuccessful, we will consider aerial gunning,” Pozzanghera adds.



Death sentence issued for entire wolf pack in Wedge area

Posted by Rich

Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction Of The American West


Washington State Tourism

Washington State Travel Counselor at 1-866-964-8913.
Monday through Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (PST)



Governor Gregoire

Phone: (360) 902-4111
Fax: (360) 753-4110

Website: www.governor.wa.gov
E-mail: Contact Via ‘Web Form

PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002


Top Photo: Courtesy Mike Hudak

Middle Photo: Courtesy Molly Quinn/Spokesmandotcom

Posted in: Wolf Wars, Washington Wolves

Tags: War on Wedge Pack, Diamond M Ranch, Columbus method of ranching, public grazing allotments. Colville National Forest, non-native cattle, native wolves, wolves trump cows, wolf persecution, huge non-predation cattle losses, NASS, Turf Wars, Mike Hudak, Welfare ranching

UPDATE: Huckleberry Pack Alpha Female Shot Aerially by WDFW Contract Sharpshooter

huckleberry pack pups 2012 WDFW

Huckleberry Pack Pups – 2012/WDFW

September 10, 2014

This post was sent to me by “Anonymous For Wolves”

Huckleberry pack alpha female shot aerially by WDFW contract sharpshooter

On September 4th, WDFW posted a News Release under the Latest News link on their website wdfw.wa.gov) with this heading, Sheep moved from scene of wolf attacks. The release reads that rancher Dave Dashiell worked over the Labor Day weekend collecting his flock of 1800 sheep to eventually truck them, somewhat prematurely, to their winter pasture area.

This is good news for Stevens County Huckleberry wolf pack as it acts as a stay of execution after a WDFW contract sharpshooter from USDA Wildlife Services, shot dead the breeding female from a helicopter on August 23. The pack had been preying on Dashiell’s sheep with WDFW determining the need for lethal action. “If non-lethal tools fail, lethal actions can be taken. It is a process,” WDFW’s Wildlife Conflict Manager Stephanie Simek said.

Wolves are on Washington’s landscape and ranchers now need to put in place the new best practices for ranging livestock. These practices include quickly removing injured, sick or dead livestock, all of which help attract wolves and other large carnivores. Consistent human presence in non-fenced range situations to “babysit” herds is imperative. Such models are being taken from Western Idaho and Montana ranchers: range-riders go out on foot, 4-wheeler or horseback, attending to the herds.
“This may not be accomplished 24/7,” said Donny Martorello, WDFW’s Carnivore Manager, “but they go out as much as they can.” Wolves can also be hazed by shooting overhead and with rubber bullets, as well as by being chased off. Spotlights, flashing lights and fladry may also be employed.

Was Stevens County rancher Dashiell timely and diligent in his non-lethal tactics? Reports have been mixed. WDFW had claimed that Dashiell was out every day and night, along with four guard dogs, a range rider, and eventually with the department adding a second rider and a greater human presence during the night. West Coast Wolf Organizer for the Center for Biological Diversity, Amaroq Weiss, believes otherwise.

Weiss spoke with David Ware, WDFW’s game division manager who also oversees wolf management for the department. While WDFW had released statements that on August 15 Dashiell’s range rider was on task and the sheep were being moved, “Ware confirmed that these actions were not happening and that (Dashiell’s) range rider had quit a month ago. The following week the sheep still had not been moved and a range rider did not show up until August 20,” said Weiss.

WDFW observed prey switching within the Huckleberry pack: the switch from preying on wild to domestic animals. This switch can be determined by energetics, ease in taking, and by abundance, what is most often being seen.

“Sheep are such easy prey and so abundant, it’s hard to get wolves to stop preying on them,” said Martorello. Dashiell’s range allotment is also rugged, brushy and sprawling; it can be difficult to protect livestock on this type of landscape.

The GPS collar on the Huckleberry pack’s alpha male collects data every 6 hours. It was observed that by the 3rd or 4th depredation, with the wolf traveling back and forth from the rendezvous site to the sheep, the animal had begun solely preying on the domestic sheep. This behavioral pattern can also be passed on to pups.

WDFW’s original goal was to remove four animals from the Huckleberry pack as a means to reduce their numbers on the landscape. This reduction would lower the food requirements and nutritional needs of the pack. In this case, the removal of the breeding female may have broken the Huckleberry pack’s pattern of sheep depredation. Said Martorello, “Removal of a single animal may have been enough to break the pack’s cycle. The animal was removed on August 23rd and the collared male has not been back to the vicinity of the sheep since the 27th. The sheep were not moved until September 1st or 2nd.”

WDFW claims that killing the breeding female was not the department’s intention. Their goal was to not take the breeding pair, but to remove yearlings and two-year olds from the pack. The litter had a mix of colors with the pack’s collared adult male being black. The sharpshooter was to look for color (the breeding or alpha female’s color has yet to be released at the time of this writing), look for smaller–younger– wolves to shoot, and to only shoot when multiple wolves were under the helicopter to use for size comparison.

When the breeding female was shot by Wildlife Services, she was the sole animal under the under helicopter and weighed only 66lbs; small but not uncommon for an adult female wolf. “We were certainly disappointed in this outcome but, there was no way to sort from the air in this circumstance,” said Martorello .

When asked why take the risk of shooting the wrong wolf if there is no means of comparison,  Martorello explained that the department was trying to achieve an objective and the only instructions were that if the opportunity to sort existed, to try and not remove the collared male. “You know going into it you get what you get. We did not have the opportunity to sort in this case,” said Martorello .

The helicopter had been up on multiple occasions and had been unable to spot animals due to weather conditions and visibility limits. And as we learned from the aerial shooting of the Wedge pack in 2012, time in the air translates to tens of thousands of dollars ($76,500 in 2012 to kill the Wedge). Per Martorello, at some point a wolf, or wolves, must simply be killed.

The Huckleberry pack is a relatively young pack, having only been formed in the last 3 years and with a young breeding female. It would not be uncommon then, for another female next in the hierarchy to step in and care for the pups, pups approaching full-grown and traveling with the pack. She may also become the new breeding female. With the Huckleberry pack WDFW finds science, in these early stages, that pack cohesiveness remains and that there may not be a loss in pack structure.

Hope for the Huckleberry pack.


My comments:

Everything kills sheep, wolves are certainly not the main predator of sheep. Bears, bobcats, coyotes, dogs, ravens, eagles, foxes, mountain lions and others all eat sheep, since sheep have literally no natural defenses. But whenever a wolf does anything it’s treated as if it’s headline news. Mostly sheep  die from other causes, like lambing complications, disease and bad weather.  Sheep are also found on their back, they’re stolen and yes, overeat and die. Sheep and lambs are farm animals slaughtered for food.  So the hoopla about  predators attacking sheep, living in rugged country, is not really news. It’s only news when wolves are involved.

Meanwhile we have a dead alpha female, motherless wolf pups, all because of a few sheep! And please don’t think I’m denigrating sheep because I value their lives as well. I hate that the little lambs are slaughtered. Ranching is a cruel, cruel business. It would be a much better world without it!


Photo: Courtesy WDFW

Posted in: Wolf Wars, gray wolf

Tags: Huckleberry Pack, alpha female shot dead, WDFW, sharpshooter, sheep

Published in: on September 10, 2014 at 9:10 pm  Comments (12)  
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Wolf Pack Memorial Page

May 28, 2012

I haven’t updated the page since 2010/2011 because the wolf hunts resumed in 2011 and I was busy covering that carnage but it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten these wolves.  I plan to bring this page up to date in the next few months.  It’s a grueling process, which entails scouring the monthly wolf reports for dead wolf packs or individual wolves who’ve been killed in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.

This slaughter is separate from the wolf hunts.  Wolves are wiped out as a subsidy to ranchers and the taxpayer picks up the tab.  Pretty slick, ranchers get to graze their cattle dirt cheap, their cattle destroys our public lands, Wildlife Services kills our predators for them and the American people pay for it. The non-consumptive user doesn’t have any say in this at all, they could care less what we think. Are you OK with that?


“For The Strength Of The Pack Is The Wolf, And The Strength Of The Wolf Is The Pack.” -Rudyard Kipling

This is an incomplete list of wolf packs that have been eliminated by Montana, Idaho and Wyoming since 2000.  I am not even close to the number of packs killed but I wanted to start listing them.  Please let me know if you have packs to add. I am working my way backwards from 2008 to 2000.  I don’t have the 2009 wolf pack data for the entire tri-state area of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho.  103 Idaho wolves were killed by WS  in 2009.

Remember these wolves, they died for the livestock industry.

Wolves are collared and tracked relentlessly like no other animal.  As soon as game managers deem them chronic depredating packs the kill orders go out to Wildlife Services and more wolves lose their lives.

It’s always the same headlines, repeated over and over, wolves killed for livestock depredation.  The states have a tit for tat type management. one or two cows, one or two wolves. Ninety percent of livestock deaths are caused by weather, reproduction and disease. Predators kill very few livestock and when they do it’s coyotes not wolves who do most of the killing and still it’s a small percentage of losses sustained by the 100 million cattle that graze on public and private lands. Domestic dogs and vultures killed more cattle than wolves in 2005. (NASS) But the states don’t want you to know these facts because it’s doesn’t fit into their narrative of wolf demonization.

Who are these wolves dying for?

Current wolf “management” is outdated, arcane and  based on political and cultural ideology.  Wolves are punished for being “wolves”.  Are we returning to the scorched earth policies of the last hundred years?  You decide, as the number of dead wolves increases with each passing day.


Jureano Pack 2000

Twin Peaks Pack, 2000

White Cloud Pack, 2000


Stanley Basin Pack 2001


Whitehawk Pack 2002

This was a much beloved pack of nine, killed for agribusiness. (ten wolves were killed in all).

The  alpha female, Alabaster, was at the end of her pregnancy when she was gunned down along with her six sub-adult pups, all the wolves were collared, it was like picking off fish in a barrel.

Alabaster was renowned for her beauty.  The killing of this pack was an enormous tragedy.

From Western Watersheds Project

April 5, 2002
Entire Nine-Member White Hawk Wolf Pack
Killed in Central Idaho by Government Gunners

By sometime this weekend (and it may have happened already) the entire White Hawk wolf pack of central Idaho’s Boulder-White Cloud Mountains will be dead. Ten wolves including the pregnant alpha female who is the famous white wolf of the Sawtooth Valley will be gunned down from a government helicopter.

Two were killed last week, three yesterday, and the remaining five by the end of tomorrow. Because they all have radio collars and are easily located from the air their death is certain. The aerial gunning of the wolves is a consequence of one sheep and two calves being killed in the East Fork of the Salmon River upstream of WWP’s Greenfire Preserve.

To put this into an understandable and very American context, the cost to kill the wolves will be around $13,500; the value of the dead livestock is less than $300. (for which the ranchers will be reimbursed).

The only reason wolves are being killed in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming is because of the presence of domestic livestock often where they do not belong either environmentally or economically. WWP is researching legal means to bring pressure to change the current management of wolves in the Northern Rockies which has deteriorated into a well paid cottage industry with one objective: killing wolves.



7 Wolves killed WS….2003


Cook Pack 2004

17 wolves killed WS in 2004


Wildhorse Pack 2005

24 wolves killed WS 2005


Hyndman Pack, 2006

35 wolves killed WS 2006


Pass Creek Pack, 2008

Buffalo Ridge Pack, 2008

Packer John Pack, 2008

High Prairie Pack 2008

Copper Basin Pack 2008

Moores Flat Pack 2008

94 wolves killed WS 2008


Partial Pack Removals 2008

Mullan Pack….1 wolf killed 2008

Bishop Mountain Pack…1 wolf killed 2008

Bitch Creek Pack 2008…1 wolf killed WS 2008

Red River Pack…1 sub adult wolf killed 2008

White Bird Creek Pack…2 wolves killed WS 2008

Bear Pete Pack…4 wolves killed 2008

Hard Butte Pack…3 wolves killed 2008

Hornet Creek Pack…alpha male killed 2008

Stolle Meadows Pack….alpha fe and 3 other members killed 2008

Applejack Pack…3 wolves killed WS 2008

Basin Butte Pack…7 wolves killed WS 2008

Galena Pack…2 wolves killed WS 2008

Steel Moutain Pack…6 wolves including 1 pup killed WS 2008

Falls Creek Pack…6 wolves including two pups killed WS 2008

Doublespring Pack…5 wolves killed WS 2008

Black Canyon Pack…5 wolves including lactating female killed WS 2008

Buffalo Ridge Pack…6 wolves killed WS 2008

Jureano Mountain Pack…1 wolf killed WS 2008

Moyer Basin Pack…4 wolves killed, plus 2 radio collared wolves WS 2008


Lone Wolves Killed 2008

Wolf  11A Killed 2008

Male Wolf B327 killed 2008

Wolf SW64 killed 2008

Female Wolf B283 killed 2008

Wolf B383 killed 2008

Wolf 36B killed 2008


Basin Butte Pack, 2009

9 Wolves Killed WS….February 2009 (pack names not listed)

2 wolves killed WS….February 18 to March 25, 2009 (pack names not listed)

5 wolves killed WS….March 16th thru April 3rd, 2009 (pack names not listed)

11 wolves killed WS….April to May 2009 (pack names not  listed)

10 wolves killed WS….June 2009

16 wolves killed WS…. July 2009

25 wolves killed WS….August 2009

19 wolves killed WS….September 2009 (pack names not listed)

1 wolf killed WS……October 2009 (pack name not listed)

7  members of wolf pack  killed WS November 2009 (pack name not listed)

2 wolves killed WS December 2009


273 Wolves Died in Idaho in 2009.

87 were killed by WS,

135 killed by hunters,

13 were killed illegally (and those are the ones we know of)

6 killed (10j)

8 other

24 unknown



6 wolves killed WS….January 2010



Sentinel Pack 2004

Ennis Lake Pack 2004

Fox Creek Pack 2004


Lone Bear Pack 2005


Sleeping Child Pack 2006


Bearmouth Pack 2007

Wedge pack 2007

Fleecer Mountain pack 2007



Hewolf Pack 2008

Hog Heaven Pack (27 members) 2008

19 wolves killed in 3 days

Updated: 2:23 pm, Mon Jul 13, 2009.

The remainder of the Hog Heaven wolf pack – 19 animals – were killed this week….southwest of Kalispell

Willow Creek Pack 2008

Sapphire Pack 2008

Moccasin Lake Pack 2008

North Gravelly Pack 2008

Freezeout Pack 2008

Skalkaho Pack 2008

Black Canyon Pack 2008

Mussigbrod Pack 2008

Moccasin Lake Pack 2008


Partial Pack Removals 2008

Elevation Mountain Pack..4 wolves killed WS 2008

Monitor Mountain Pack….3 wolves killed WS 2008

Murphy Lake Pack..alpha fe, 2 other members killed WS 2008

Salish Pack…3 wolves killed WS 2008

Superior Pack…1 wolf killed WS 2008

Tallulah Pack….2 wolves killed WS 2008
Mitchell Mountain Pack…alpha fe killed WS 2008

Baker Mountain Pack….2 wolves killed 2008

Cougar Creek II Pack….1 wolf killed 2008

Horn Mountain Pack….3 wolves killed WS 2008

Battlefield Pack…2 wolves killed WS 2008

Brooks Creek Pack….4 wolves killed WS 2008

Flint Creek Pack….2 wolves killed by WS 2008

Pintler Pack….2 wolves killed by WS 2008



Sage Creek/Centennial Valley Pack 2009

Big Hole Pack 2009

Centennial pack 2009

Livermore Pack….23 wolves killed…WS 2009

Mitchell Mountain Pack….4 wolves killed WS 2009 (not many wolves remaining, pack may have dissolved)

Battlefield Pack…2 wolves killed….WS 2009 kill order out on last four members of pack…2009

Miner Lakes Pack….5 wolves killed WS 2009

Elevation Pack….2 wolves killed WS 2009

Black Mountain pack…1 wolf killed WS 2009

Bender Pack…1 wolf killed by WS for harassing cow….not killing it 2009

Threemile area….2 adults and four pups killed WS 2009 (not sure how anyone can kill pups)

Selow Pack…1 wolf killed WS 2009

Dutch Pack male pup NW581……cause unknown..2009

Horse Prairie Pack…..1 wolf killed WS 2009


Wolf NW034M was killed by a trapper in  British Columbia

12/31 & 1/5 Horse Prairie Pack…2 wolves killed by WS

1/8 Miner Lakes Pack…2 wolves killed by WS

1/20 Bender Pack…1 wolf killed by WS  Kill order out on remander of pack

Dry Forks Pack…2 wolves killed by Mt. WS

Feb..Fish Trap Pack….3 wolves killed by WS

2/17 Camas Prairie Pack….1 gray male wolf killed by WS

3/5 Silcox Pack…..1 female wolf pup killed by WS

3/8… 1 wolf killed by WS

3/13 Camas Pack…2 gray female wolves killed by MT WS

3/18 Ninemile Pack….1 wolf killed by WS

3/23 Superior Pack…3 wolves killed by WS

3/23 Ninemile Pack…1 uncollared black wolf (more than likely a yearling) killed by WS via aerial gunning (helicopter)

4/5 Horse Prairie Pack …1 wolf killed by WS

4/7 Dry Forks Pack…1 -2 wolves shot by WS but not recovered.

4/20 Superior Pack…1 uncollared black wolf killed, 1 uncollared gray wolf killed by WS

4/21 Superior Pack …alpha male (father) of the pack killed by WS (entire pack removed)

4/21 Horse Prairie Pack…1 collared female wolf killed by WS

4/21 Camas Prairie Pack…1 wolf killed by WS

4/22 Camas Prairie Pack…1 collared male wolf killed by WS

4/22 Fishtrap Pack…1 collared wolf, NW221F, was killed by WS

5/6…1 wolf trapped and killed WS

5/7 Ninemile Pack…2-year-old collared male wolf killed by WS

5/11 Trapper Peak Pack…1 black male wolf trapped and killed by WS

5/17 Trail Creek Pack…1 wolf trapped and killed by WS

5/18 Bender Pack…2 wolves killed by WS

5/18 Elevation Mtn. Pack….the collared alpha female (mother) and uncollared gray male were shot by aerial gunning (helicopter)WS

5/19 Bender Pack…1 collared wolf killed by WS

5/19 Trail Creek Pack…1 wolf killed via aerial gunning (helicopter) by WS

5/20 Selow Pack?….1 black adult male wolf killed by WS

5/21…4 wolves killed in two separate actions by WS

5/26 Selow Pack?…2 gray male wolves killed by WS

6/1 Cedar Creek Pack…1 collared gray male wolf killed by WS

6/2 Trapper Peak Pack…1 gray yearling female wolf was trapped and killed by WS

6/2 Selow Pack…1 collared male wolf killed by WS

6/7 Trapper Peak Pack….1 yearling wolf killed by WS

6/18 Selow Pack…1 black adult female wolf killed by WS (believed to be last member of pack)

6/25 Silcox Pack…1 female wolf killed by WS

6/27 Silcox Pack…1 male wolf killed by WS

6/28 & 6/29 Table Mountain Pack…3 wolves killed by WS

6/30 Miner Lakes Pack…1 wolf killed by WS

7/9 Horn Mountain Pack…1 wolf killed by WS

7/10…2 wolves killed by WS

7/15 Canyon Creek?…1 wolf killed by WS

7/29 Horse Creek Pack…1 wolf killed by WS

8/6 Horse Creek Pack…1 wolf killed by WS

8/17 Horse Creek Pack….2 wolves killed by WS (not sure if they were from this pack, report confusing)

9/2 Montitor Mountain Pack?…MT FWP authorizes the removal of 3 wolves

9/4 Monitor Mountain Pack…2 wolves killed by WS

9/5 Monitor Mountain Pack…2 wolves killed by WS

9/10 Horse Creek Pack…2 wolves killed by WS (believed one adult and 2 pups remain in the pack. Wildlife Services is looking to wipe out the rest of the pack or “full pack removal”

9/10 Murphy Lake Pack….1 wolf killed north of Whitefish, Mt by WS

9/10 Horse Creek Pack…1 black adult male wolf killed by WS

9/12 Ovando Mountain Pack…3 wolves killed by WS

9/16 Horn Mountain Pack…WS given permission to kill the entire pack of 9 wolves or more

9/16 Horn Mountain Pack…1 wolf killed from the pack by WS

9/21 Horse Creek Pack…1 gray female radio collared wolf & 1 gray wolf killed by WS

9/23 & 9/24 Horn Mountain Pack…4 wolves killed from the pack by WS.

Wildlife Services looking to remove the remaining 5 members of the pack

9/27 Welcome Creek Pack…1 adult male wolf killed by WS

9/29 Welcome Creek Pack…1 adult male wolf killed by WS

9/3o Horn Mtn. Pack…5 wolves killed by WS (entire pack is now dead)

10/5 Irvine Pack…1 wolf killed by WS

10/7 & 10/8 Murphy Lake Pack..3 wolves killed by WS

10/8 Irvine Pack…1 wolf killed by WS

10/15…3 black wolves killed by WS

New Pack (unnamed?)…WS has been authorized by FWP to kill breeding pair (mother and father) and their 3 pups

10/15…1 adult wolf killed by WS

10/15…1 wolf killed near Hall by WS

10/21…1 wolf killed by WS

10/25 Welcome Creek Pack…2 adult male wolves were killed by WS

11/11…1 wolf shot under 10(j) Big Hole Valley (under investigation by USFWS)

11/24 Mill Creek Pack…1 black wolf pup killed by WS

12/21…1 wolf killed in Ulm area by WS

12/21 Baker Mountain Pack…2 wolves killed by WS

Except for one mention of a range rider and a few instances of using fladry, pro-active animal husbandry is sorely lacking from this picture. When are the ranchers going to step up and protect their investment instead of running to the federally funded Wildlife Services for “predator control?”. Who say’s they have the taxpayer-funded right to have predators removed? What business doesn’t have risk? Why should the taxpayers fund their “tiny” risks from wolves? Please ask these questions of your Senators and Representatives. Tell them you don’t want your tax dollars funding WS, so they can kill wolves and other wildlife.  Don’t let the anti-wolf crowd direct the conversation. Ask these common sense questions about this wasteful, expensive, deadly program of killing wolves for agribusiness.


Law Enforcement/(Wolves dying from other causes in 2010)

(IE: motor vehicle accidents, “state defense of property”, (10j), suspicious deaths being investigated, et. al)


1/9 DeBorgia Pack? …1 gray female wolf pup hit by a car and killed on 1-90 near St. Regis

1/10…1 dead wolf found, North Fork of the Flathead, investigation by MT FWP

1/15 Saphire Pack…1 collared gray female disperser wolf shot by livestock owner.

1/21…Satire or Wolf Creek Pack?…1 wolf hit and killed by vehicle on Wolf Creek Road.

1/30…1 yearling wolf killed in a snare that had been placed for coyotes, in Wolf Creek Area.

2/9…1 wolf pup hit and killed by a vehicle on Hwy 287

3/27…1 wolf found dead south of Butte. Death under investigation

4/18…1 wolf shot by private citizen on private land in Madison Valley, warning issued, no follow-up by FWP

4/18…1 wolf  shot by private citizen near Lennep, FWP investigating

4/27…1 wolf killed by ranch manager, south of Butte

4/27  Trapper Creek Pack..1 yearling wolf found dead by FWP. It’s collar was found on 4/28. It was determined by FWP the wolf had  been illegally killed.

4/29…1 two year old gray male wolf was shot by landowner, north of Missoula

5/11 Elevation Mountain Pack…1 female black yearling wolf shot by rancher

5/11…report of possible wolf who was killed on private land in Carter County. After investigation it was determined it was not a wolf but of domestic dog origin. The animal was also wearing an orange fluorescent pet collar.

5/11 Elevation Mountain Pack…1 black yearling female wolf was shot by rancher, near Helmsville.

5/18 Mitchell Mountain Pack…wolf hit and killed by vehicle north of Wolf Creek.

May 2010…Person plead guilty in federal court in Missoula for shooting and killing a wolf illegally, violating the Endangered Species Act. (This incident was also mentioned in the Feb 27 to March 5th wolf report. I’m assuming it’s the same case?)

5/18 Mitchell Mountain Pack…1 collared gray female wolf (last remaining member of this pack) shot by landowner

5/25 Cilly Pack…1 breeding female (mother) wolf was hit and killed by a vehicle on the Swan Highway. She was lactating, which means it left her pups motherless.

6/22 …1 adult gray wolf was hit and killed by a vehicle  on 1-90 between  St. Regis and Superior.

7/27…1 adult wolf was hit and killed by a vehicle on 1-90 near Lookout Pass.

8/19 Cougar 2 Pack?…1 yearling wolf hit and killed by a vehicle on Hwy 191 near Daly Creek

9/9 Silver Lake Pack…. 3 wolf pups were found dead at the pack’s rendezvous site. Investigation ongoing.

September 2010…Cache Creek Pack…2 wolf pups found dead were autopsied, they had not been shot and no cause of death determined. Investigation ongoing.

9/12…1 black wolf pup found dead by FWP west of Clyde Park, Mt. Cause of death under investigation.

9/12…1 black wolf pup was found dead by FWP, Brackett Creek Area, Bangtail Mtns. The death is under investigation

9/17 Ksanka Pack…1 gray wolf pup was euthanized by FWP near Eureka. The pup was emaciated and in poor condition. The death is under investigation.

10/8…1 wolf killed by ranch manager in the Big Hole

10/11…1 wolf  shot and killed by landowner in Miller Creek.

10/24…1 wolf killed by livestock producer

10/30…1 wolf killed by hunter. Under investigation by USFWS.

11/3…1 wolf found dead, west of Missoula. Turned over to USFWS for investigation.

11/11…1 wolf shot in the Big Hole Valley under (10j). Under investigation by USFWS.

11/17…1 wolf found dead near Olney. Death under investigation.

11/17…1 wolf found dead in the Coal Creek area, North Fork of the Flathead. Under investigation.

So many little pups found dead under suspicious circumstances? Were their parents and pack mates killed in the hunt or by WS? Was their nobody to protect them, feed them, give them love and care? Did they stave to death?  Were any poisoned? What happened to those pups?

*Information obtained from Montana FWP 2010 weekly wolf reports.




151 WOLVES WERE KILLED ON ORDERS FROM USFWS…including over twenty puppies that look just like this:

32 WOLVES WERE KILLED BY POACHERS plus the latest deaths:





Hawks Nest alpha male(shot to death)

Hawks Nest yearling male (shot to death)

San Mateo alpha male (law enforcement investigating)




6/20/10, Mother wolf and her 6 pups were gunned down by Wildlife Services for the death of one lamb.

6/2010  Second wolf pack and pups wiped out



Wolf Persecution Is Global

Swedish wolf hunt…30 wolves died in the first wolf hunt in Sweden in 45 years…January 2010

Skane Wildlife Park….captive wolf pack slaughtered, including pups of the year, because a few wolves espcaped their enclosure…. January 2010



Published in: on June 1, 2012 at 4:21 am  Comments (8)